Chapter 208 (208) How about letting me graduate well?

"Chen Yun, come in quickly." When Xu Zhang saw the person next to him leaving, he immediately looked at Shen Yun with goodwill.

The people next to him were so excited that they wanted to come over and shake hands with Shen Yun. It was the first time that he felt the enthusiasm of so many people at the same time, and Shen Yun felt uncomfortable all over.

“Teacher, are you looking for me?” Shen Yun walked into the center of the crowd.

“Classmate Shen Yun, sit down quickly and have a rest. It’s been a hard journey.” The people next to him saw Shen Yun walking in and immediately made room for Shen Yun.

Shen Yun saw that everyone was unsteady on their feet and was surrounded by herself. If she sat down, she would feel hot.

"You guys sit down, you guys sit down." Shen Yun quickly refused.

"Classmate Shen Yun, thank you for saving us in that hellish place. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been able to get out. You are our savior." Without giving Xu Zhang a chance to speak, several teachers and classmates next to him spoke directly. Shen Yun was surrounded.

"Student Shen, I heard that you applied to graduate early. Do you want to come to our Western University to study for graduate school? I will take you directly when the time comes. Don't worry, these are your senior brothers and sisters. When the time comes, everyone will help you and come out to work. I'll take you with me." An old professor with white hair next to him looked at Shen Chen Yun with admiration, as if Shen Yun had made some outstanding contribution in archeology.

“Old Jiang, what’s the matter with you? You’re poaching the corners of our school in front of me. You really think there’s no one in our school.” Xu Zhang was unhappy when he heard this.

“Hey, the geographical location of your capital city is good, but when it comes to ancient tombs, our Western Province is the best. With Shen Yun’s qualifications, he is suitable to come to our school.” Jiang Min said confidently.

"Teacher, I haven't made any achievements in the field of archeology. Why don't you just let me graduate properly?" Shen Yun really didn't expect that he would become the one being fought over by two schools in this life. This was something he had never experienced before. past things.

"Oh, girl, you are so self-effacing. Talents like you cannot be found with a lantern. You can do archeology and catch ghosts. We need talents like you here." A teacher next to him heard this. Shen Yun said this while also speaking enthusiastically.

"I think you are coveting Chen Yun's ability. We are here to support you. I don't agree with what you are doing now. Shen Yun wants to study and is also a graduate student in our school. I will take care of you. I can't do it. Our school There are a lot of old professors out there. I will introduce one to you when the time comes." Xu Zhang said angrily while sitting on the hospital bed. He never expected that his old colleagues, who were usually arrogant and reserved, would poach people one by one who could be so eloquent. I hate that I am so weak now.

“Teachers, I said that I have no plans to take the postgraduate entrance examination for the time being.” Shen Yun looked around and said firmly.

The people who were fighting with each other just now all looked at Shen Yun.

“Student Shen, are you not willing to participate in archaeological work and cultivate immortality anymore?” The person next to you asked in a low voice,

Everyone thought of Shen Yun beating up the brats in the ghost world. Thinking about it, it was also a pity that such a powerful person would not cultivate immortality. It was not a pity to come to do archeology. It just felt that he was a bit overqualified. Think about those people in the archeology department who were found to be able to cultivate immortality. , each one of them stopped taking professional courses and went straight to the path of cultivation.

"I'm not saying that I'm giving up on this, I'm just saying that I don't want to study any more. Maybe I'll change my mind in a few years or continue studying." Shen Yun looked at the eyes of everyone looking at him, and said tactfully said. "Then if we have any big tombs to dig in the future, can we invite you to come and work with us?" When everyone heard what Shen Yun said, they didn't stop asking, and then they thought about it and thought of a good idea.

"Of course you can." Shen Yun agreed without thinking. Although this time was very dangerous, it would not only train his fighting skills a little bit.

 Hearing that Shen Yun agreed, everyone was happy. From now on, there would be an expert to work with, so they no longer have to worry about encountering fatal things like last time.

"Classmate Shen Yun, why are you so powerful? You dare to fight with things like that in this and that way. You are so powerful." The young student next to him was more lively. When he saw that the teacher was no longer robbing people, he immediately said to Shen Yun happily. .

They are all young people, and they are all very curious about things like cultivating immortals. My classmates at school are cultivating immortals. They are all busy with their cultivation and have no time to go out for archeology. But they are scared to see living people fighting with magic, but there is An indescribable excitement.

“If you don’t fight, you will die. How can I not fight? It’s all forced.” Shen Yun said with a smile.

The students next to him were even more happy when they saw how approachable Shen Yun was. This person was different from the others. Others were aloof when they were cultivating immortals. Unexpectedly, Shen Yun was still so down-to-earth.

 The people in the room chatted lively for a long time, and then the nurse came to chase them away, and everyone returned to their rooms.

Only Shen Yun and Xu Zhang were left in the room.

"Are you okay? Many of us were injured in there. Although we can't see anything from the outside, our spirits are indeed a little lower than before. I think the other party is quite powerful. Teacher can't help you with this practice. But if you need something, then I can still think of a way. After all, I have known a few people for so many years. "Everyone was here just now, so it was difficult to say something. Now there are only two people in the room, and Xu Zhang is there. What did you say?

"It's okay, Teacher Xu, don't worry about me. You can take good care of yourself. When your body is well, there is still a lot of work for you to do." The medical conditions outside the wound of the consciousness cannot be cured. I can only rely on myself to cultivate well, or refine some spiritual nourishing pills to take, but I lack a kind of spiritual plant in my own space, and I don’t know if there is one in the outside world.

Although there is spiritual energy outside now, it is still difficult to find the spiritual plant. Shen Yun feels that it is faster to use the nourishing tree.

"I guess I have to put my work aside for a while. The next excavation will be all delicate work. Everyone is mentally weak, so the work can't be carried out for the time being." Xu Zhang shook his head. He had always been strong-willed and had to give in when he encountered such a thing. .

"By the way, teacher, I have something to tell you. Don't be angry." Shen Yun thought about the empty coffin, so he might as well say hello in advance.

"What are you talking about? We've already gone to hell, so what's there to be angry about? I've looked away. Are the students who came with us naughty?" Xu Zhang waved his hands, not thinking that there was anything worth getting angry about. He was angry.

 (End of this chapter)

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