The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 209: (209) If something happens to someone, compensation must still be paid.

Chapter 209 (209) If something happens to someone, compensation must still be paid

“Teacher, that’s it. Do you remember the hole we came out of?”

“Remember, if it hadn’t been for that one, we would have all been trapped inside. It was you who caused it. The teacher saw you right.”

“It’s not teacher, that hole appeared because there was a fire outside.” Shen Yun continued.

"There was a fire. That was a great time. If it hadn't been for the fire, we would have ended up there."

"Teacher, what I want to say is that the corpse inside the coffin outside was burned, including the burial objects inside." Shen Yun felt that he had laid the groundwork enough. If he continued to lay the groundwork, he would have to eat in the evening, so he simply said what he wanted to say. Say it directly.

“Burn it, burn it.” Xu Zhang waved his hand.

Thinking about it, I felt something was wrong. “Are you saying that everything in the main tomb was burned?”

 Shen Yun nodded.

Xu Zhang was stunned for a moment, "Forget it, just burn it. The living life is the most important, and you are here to save us. I will tell others about this. Don't worry, no one will blame you. Thank you." It’s not too late yet.”

Hearing what Xu Zhang said, Shen Yun was relieved. Shen Yun was not afraid of other people. He was just afraid that these dedicated teachers would not be able to bear it. Since he accepted it now, there was nothing to worry about.

Shen Yun stayed in this place for a while, and then Xu Zhang rushed him to see a doctor.

 After leaving the house, Shen Yun had no intention of seeking medical treatment. She knew better than anyone else that her own body was caused by an injury to her soul, and she could only slowly recover on her own.

 Out of the hospital, the temperature here is completely different from that in the camp over there. People here are still wearing long-sleeved clothes to keep warm.

I don't know what caused the situation over there, but judging from the influence, it didn't have a large scope. Shen Yun didn't worry too much. After thinking about it, he called Xu Ling, who was still there, and explained the situation. Ask them to pay more attention.

Shen Yun doesn't plan to go back tonight. She wants to practice outside in space.

 After one night of concentrated cultivation, the injuries to Chen Yun's soul were reduced a lot.

As soon as he left the space, Shen Yun received a call.

 “Hello, I’m Qu Youtian.”

Once the call was connected, Shen Yun was surprised and said, "Director Qu, is there a message from Hong Kong City?"

"It's your friend who came to find you. He said that he has returned to Fu's house. They will continue to observe each other's movements. In addition, the matter of putting up the sign has been almost solved." Qu Youtian directly conveyed the other party's message mean.

“Oh, it’s troublesome, Minister Qu. I’ll come over again after I resolve the matter here.”

"Don't go alone then, bring a few people from here. We have people here who are familiar with the port city. Since the Fu family is doing evil, it is not your fault alone." Qu Youtian explained.

Shen Yun paused and answered on the phone.

"By the way, the Fu family's compensation has been torn away by our people. Although it is not much, we can give each family a compensation. I won't ask anyone to send your brother's share to your family directly. I'll mail it to you in Beijing, and you can take it back by yourself when the time comes." Qu Youtian continued.

"Okay, Minister Qu, are you too powerful?" Fu Wuyan is already dead, but he can still ask for compensation. This is powerful enough. "This is nothing. We have professional people here. If the Fu family still wants to do business, this compensation must be paid. Accidents happen to people. According to the law, this is the result.

  In any case, the compensation cannot be less. "Qu Youtian spoke very forcefully.

"You are right, I would like to thank you on behalf of my brother." Shen Yun said with a smile.

"You're welcome. If you have anything to call me, I won't waste your time." The matter was finished, and the two of them hung up the phone without saying anything more.

Chen Yun thought about Boss Fu's affairs, and then about the archaeological affairs. He could only solve the immediate matter first, and then go to the port city. He didn't know how powerful Boss Fu had become during this period of time. How could he deal with it? For such a person with many tricks, Shen Yun also needs to make more preparations.

This time, try to hit it with one hit, and don't let anyone run away anymore.

Originally, Shen Yun wanted to stay in the city for another day to recuperate, but now he couldn't stay any longer. He would first finish the matters over there, and then go directly to the port city. If he didn't figure out the affairs of the research office in one day, he would Shen Yun had a clue in his heart.

After saying hello to Teacher Xu Zhang and the others, and watching a group of people resting on the bed, Shen Yun hurried back to the archaeological site with their pleased eyes.

 Xu Ling and the others are waiting for her over there.

"It feels drier here. In a few days, I guess you won't have to dig anymore. The dry cracks here will directly expose many things underground." Xu Ling and the others were reminded by Shen Yun yesterday to find time. After looking around the entire designated area, it was really strange. When they came here, they passed through the city and it was not so hot or dry at all.

"It's not as exaggerated as you said. People still need to dig out the details slowly." Shen Yun replied, then turned around and looked at the empty coffin over there. There was no movement, and the Yin Qi had disappeared. 's clean.

“Nothing strange has happened here in the past two days, right?” Shen Yun asked the person next to him.

"No, we have been taking turns guarding here for the past two days and found nothing unusual."

 “That’s good.” It seemed that the phoenix fire was really powerful, and together with the thunder and lightning, the ghost king completely disappeared.

"I heard from your classmates that you went to the hospital yesterday. How was it? The doctor didn't say anything, right?" Xu Ling looked at Shen Yun who was in good spirits and asked with concern.

"It's okay, let's go see the teacher and the others." Shen Yun shook his head and walked towards the place where he dug before, "Comrades, come to work. This is the place where I dug before. I found that this place is a bit special. Maybe if you dig it out, you’ll know why this place is so hot and still so dry.”

Originally, a few people wanted to say that they were really not good at archeology, so don't dig up the things in the ground. After hearing what Shen Yun said later, they couldn't say no, so they just took a shovel and followed the instructions. Shen Yun's statement began to be dug up.

A group of students saw Shen Yun and the others busy there, and none of them stayed in the room. They all came over to watch.

 For a moment I didn’t know whether to take action or to just watch.

"Don't do anything, just go back and rest. We are doing business." Xu Ling said quickly when she saw someone next to her picking up a shovel and starting to work.

Forget it and just watch, what's going on at work? Are you trying to steal the work? If something happens later, it will be too late to save them.

"This is all our work, I'm sorry for letting you do it." No one knew what these people were doing. Anyway, the teacher and others passed out, so these people came over, and they knew they were not doing archeology.

 (End of this chapter)

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