The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 210: (210) Sometimes you have to tell the legends of your ancestors

Chapter 210 (210) Sometimes you have to believe the legends of your ancestors

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. Go back quickly. Don't delay things here. On such a hot day, if you can do anything, we don't want to do it." Xu Ling looked at these people joining in the fun and quickly waved her hand to let them go. Walk.

Everyone hesitated for a moment, and then returned to the camp obediently.

"The people who were joining in the fun have finally left. Let's hurry up and try to end it as soon as possible. It's so hot and uncomfortable today." Xu Ling said encouragingly as she looked at the people walking away.

Everyone worked even harder after hearing this. If they weren't worried about the cultural relics and antiques below, they would all be working as fast as possible.

Shen Yun was feeling the situation underground while directing everyone to work.

Looking at the coffin gradually appearing on the ground, with many burial objects beside it, Shen Yun checked carefully and found that the burial objects were all ordinary things.

Everyone put down their shovels and looked collectively at the coffin in the middle.

"It's not another powerful guy, is it? Should we open this now, or wait and call some people over." The people next to him swallowed, thinking about Shen Yun's five days in coma, what if they If they are all hit, there will be no one around here to help them.

"Open it. There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. We have already encountered a ghost king in the main tomb in front. This is not the main tomb. No matter how powerful it is, it is not as powerful as that over there." Shen Yun observed and said, this is a companion tomb, and one tomb is just one tomb. A master, although these people are dead, the power in front of them still has an impact on the afterlife. If something happens here, it will definitely not be as powerful as the main tomb.

“Sister Yun, then we will trust you. If anything happens, you must withstand it.” Xu Ling looked at Shen Yun’s face full of trust.

 Invisibly, Shen Yun suddenly felt a little more stressed. He looked at the people next to him, and they all looked at him with trust.

"Don't look at me like that. There's going to be a group fight, everyone, come on." After Shen Yun finished speaking, he gave everyone time to prepare and opened the coffin with all his strength.

"Get back quickly." The moment the coffin was opened, a hand attacked Shen Yun directly. He had no time to spit out the curse that was on his lips. Looking at the people next to him who were still stunned, he quickly reminded her that she His whole body floated directly behind.

 “Oh my God, what the **** is this!” Everyone then realized and looked at the things flying out. People who saw such things for the first time were inevitably frightened.

However, they were not given much time to react. The attack from the opposite side had already come over. Although there was only one thing coming out, the attack was full of moves and group attacks.

The streaks of fire directly attacked several people. Except for Shen Yun, who was able to do it with ease, the others were a little flustered. However, after a long period of training, they could react after one or two moves.

 Coupled with the fact that Shen Yun, who attracted firepower, was beside them, their pressure was reduced a lot.

"Sister Yun, do you know what this is?" Xu Ling looked at the burning mummy with a terrifying and powerful aura. If Shen Yun hadn't been here, the four of them would have been bleeding today.

"Have you ever heard of a myth and legend? There is a drought monster, wearing green clothes, which can emit extremely strong light and heat, and can bring drought wherever it goes." Shen Yun looked at the image of the mummy in front of him, and then Looking at the dry cracks all over the ground, it is not difficult to guess what this thing is. Although it is not the legendary goddess, the thing in front of me is approaching in that direction.

"That's not something from mythology. How could it appear here?" Xu Ling looked at the burned sleeves and said angrily.

"This thing is not the one in the myth. If it were that one, do you think we still have a chance to talk now? It's just a name. It's just a kind of corpse transformation." Shen Yun blocked the path for the two people next to him. Fire Dragon and Qingfeng Sword directly blocked the attacking claws.

"Sister Yun, how do you deal with this thing? Look at the cracks in the ground." Several people fought for a while and found that the spiritual energy was constantly being consumed, but the attacked Hanba was still full of firepower, and its sharp ghost hands were He kept attacking, and the flames on his body came out one after another, causing a lot of damage to everyone.

“Legend has it that black dog blood and boy’s urine are the most effective against this thing.” Shen Yun said as he swung a sword light, cutting off a streak of fire on Hanba’s body, and then the fire in that place was completely extinguished.

Finding that this method was effective, Shen Yun's speed became faster, and sword lights were swung out at different angles.

The fire on Hanbao's body was extinguishing little by little, and some wounds gradually appeared on his body. It turns out that fire is not only a means of attack, but also a kind of protection.

“Where can I find this thing?” Xu Ling frowned and said.

  Shen Yun now found a way to attack, but he didn't take what he just said to heart.

Seeing that someone seemed to be exhausted, Shen Yun blocked him again, blocking the firelight heading towards the camp.

A few people were fighting vigorously, and the students over there who heard the commotion also came out. The excessive popularity directly stimulated Han Ba ​​and started to go crazy.

 There was a sudden scream from the other side.

 Shen Yun looked at Hanbao, whose strength was still increasing, with a serious look on his face, as if he had taken stimulants.

"Everyone, run as far as you can, otherwise we can't guarantee who will be hurt." Shen Yun said quickly, and the spell directly transmitted Shen Yun's voice to the panicked students. Suddenly everyone swarmed towards the back of the camp. run.

Seeing that he was still obedient, Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

“Xu Ling, please stay away.” Shen Yun greeted and started to use the lightning technique.

The fire outside Hanba has been almost dimmed by Shen Yun.

 A bolt of lightning struck it directly.

 Suddenly its movement stopped.

 Sure enough, Lei is the nemesis of this kind of thing.

"Sister Yun, the boy has peed." Everyone looked at Hanba who was no longer moving in the middle. They were about to kill him when he was sick, when they heard the young man running over who had just exhausted his strength.

 The serious atmosphere suddenly stopped for a second. "Pour it on."

Shen Yun quickly commanded, "It's been done anyway. No matter if it works or not, let's try it first."

The young man is very clever. As soon as Shen Yun said this, he risked the risk and got the thing done the next second.

Hanba, who was standing motionless after being struck by lightning, immediately started to smoke after coming into contact with the child's urine.

Everyone didn’t know what was going on and watched with weapons in their hands.

 After a while it fell directly to the ground.

"Is this a child's urine tube? We fought for so long and still didn't knock it down, is this...?" Xu Ling pointed at the Hanba who fell to the ground and said in disbelief.

  Shen Yun watched the Yin Qi continue to leave its body and shrugged, "Sometimes you have to believe the legends of your ancestors."

 (End of this chapter)

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