The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 217: (217) You are the only one coming to the ramp for the first time

Chapter 217 (217) He is the only one who comes to the ramp for the first time

Looking at these immovable things, Shen Yun put them away again, just because at that moment she suddenly remembered that this thing seemed to be a kind of Chinese medicinal material. These things were fat and big, and they could probably be sold for a lot of money. .

Shen Yun thought about his empty pockets and it was not a wrong thing to reuse waste.

 Next, Shen Yun collected two more birdmen in spirit beast bags, totaling 16 in total, as well as a lot of corpses of various poisonous substances.

 Packed away all the special boxes, and left the remaining empty boxes and some boxes with miscellaneous items in place.

 The basement was swept through and Shen Yun's pockets were full.

It was already midnight at this time. Shen Yun wanted to go back and meet with everyone to see if there was anything useful today, and then copy the formation on the ceiling back to study how to crack it.

When everyone found the door, Shen Yun turned back and randomly moved the empty boxes to make the empty boxes less conspicuous.

 Thinking about it, I put a little of the smelly elixir I had made in the past into each one.

Although this thing has no great use, the sudden smell of this stinky smell can make people dizzy. Shen Yun was afraid of polluting the air in the space, and in a daze, he directly poured out a furnace of waste elixirs directly. After receiving it in the jade bottle, I casually put it in the corner. After all, throwing such a highly polluting waste elixir outside is also a kind of air pollution.

I didn’t expect that the waste I thought would come in handy this time. Although it’s a pity that these things don’t have the effect of killing someone if you inhale them, it’s pretty good that they can achieve this effect.

After finishing these things, Shen Yun looked at the door reluctantly. If it weren't for the fear that the Yin Qi below would escape, Shen Yun would have wanted to remove the door and take it away.

Shen Yun silently stared at the basement door for a few times. He put the things away first and worked on the door after the Fu family was settled later.

Shen Yun walked to the living room, copied the formation on the ceiling, and then covered it with a layer of dust just like he had just entered.

After exiting the gate, he looked at the exorcism talisman still floating outside. This thing couldn't last long. After all, the formation inside was running all the time. Shen Yun didn't bother to take it off anymore. It would automatically become a charm in the morning. Ashes.

 When it was about to get brighter in the east, Shen Yun quietly returned to his room.

The entire small restaurant was quiet, and the presence of several people in the next room was there. It seemed that they had all returned, but this was not the time to talk about things. Shen Yun directly entered the space with the recreated formation. .

Looking at the formation lines on the drawing, I can see that this person is also a rare formation genius. Many of the formation records given by Teacher Zhang are not in it. I don’t know if the person who drew the formation is a master of the formation without a teacher or has ancient skills in his hands. When looking at the fragments of the scroll, Shen Yun saw that many of the formations on it were actually slightly comparable to the formations in his own space. The most rare thing was that they were not exactly the same. This person should have made some innovations to make this formation Can run perfectly.

If this person were not a formation master from a hostile force, Shen Yun would really like to get to know this person.

  After all, Mr. Zhang has stepped aside because of Jia Weihe's affairs and no longer cares about things. Shen Yun has never seen anyone else who understands the formation so thoroughly.

Sighed and continued to decipher the formation. Shen Yun knew a lot about the formation, so it was not that he had no clue.

 After careful study, I found that directly changing the lines of the formation can still change the situation in the villa.

 Having an idea, Shen Yun began to experiment constantly in space, and whenever he made some progress, he would write it down directly on paper. Progress has not been slow for a while.

 Time always flies by when you are concentrating. By the time Shen Yun completes the crack, several hours have passed.

 Putting away the recording paper, Shen Yun did not stay in the space any longer, but left the space directly.

"Do you think I should wake Shen Yun up now, or should I tell her about the news I found yesterday when I come back?"

As soon as Shen Yun came out of the space, he found two people talking at his door.

 Going straight over and opening the door, he saw Jiang Daqiang and Fang Ning hesitating at the door of their room.

"Sorry, I came back late last night and wasted some time. Let's talk about it first." Shen Yun directly greeted the two people to come in.

"It's okay. We waited for a long time last night and saw that you didn't come back, so we thought we'd talk to you this morning. They had to continue what they did yesterday, so I stayed and talked to you." Fang Ning laughed. said.

“Okay, let’s summarize the news first.”

"Then let me do it first. Our people have started to investigate the matter about the Immortal God yesterday. There has been no progress yet, but we can be sure that there are many people who believe in this." In one day, we really can't find out more details. Layer stuff.

"Thank you for your hard work, please continue the investigation. I will report it carefully to the superiors when I get back. You have contributed a lot to the matter in Hong Kong City." Shen Yun said with a smile.

Jiang Daqiang smiled when he heard this. Although he was doing this job willingly, if he was recognized by the people above him, it would also be an encouragement to the brothers below.

"Then you guys talk about things first, and I'll go down and take a look first." After Jiang Daqiang finished talking about his matters, he didn't stay too long, and got up and walked downstairs.

“Actually, we are the same. We may not be as good as Brother Jiang and the others. After all, we are unfamiliar with the place and we still need to explore everything.

The Fu family seems to have no problems from the outside, and even the game with the Du family is a formal business method. In addition, we also investigated the Du family and found that they have been targeting the Fu family since a few months ago. It is completely unfair. Calculate the cost.

Moreover, their family has recruited many immortal cultivators who have no influence in the local area, making their own strength comparable to that of the Fu family.

Although it seems that the Fu and Du families are equally matched in terms of economic strength, because the Du family has a higher-level relationship, it seems to be overpowering the Fu family. As for what is going on behind the scenes, we have not yet found out. " Fang Ning talked about their harvest in detail. Shen Yun had no idea that they could find out so many things in one day. Sure enough, the guides Captain Qu asked him to bring were not simple people.

 The first person to come to the ramp is myself.

"The information you are looking for is not that small. It seems that I have the least information. I spent a day yesterday at the villa where Mr. Fu used to live and found a lot of things hidden by the Fu family. If I have to deal with him in the future, If we are right, we can know a little bit about the opponent's trump cards." Shen Yun thought about what he discovered yesterday, and he revealed all the opponent's trump cards, which can be regarded as smoothing the path for the future.

 (End of this chapter)

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