Chapter 218 (218) Looks like he wants to die with himself

"That's great. Now that we know the opponent's trump card, we can prepare ways to deal with it in advance." Fang Ning was relatively optimistic, and he didn't expect that Shen Yun had already revealed the opponent's trump card.

"Yes, yes, if you see other people, tell them to be careful about Gu insects. The other party should have the means in this regard, and there is a very powerful formation master in the other party's force. You must pay more attention to the task. Go slowly, safety is the most important thing." He didn't see anyone else, and Shen Yun didn't know if anything would happen today that would prevent him from coming back in time, so he would tell Fang Ning the information he knew directly. .

"Okay, I will talk to others about this. If there is nothing else, I will go out first." Fang Ning nodded and agreed.

 The two people exchanged information, and neither of them stayed in the restaurant for too long, and went out separately.

 Shen Yun went straight to the Fu family's mountaintop villa.

Sure enough, the exorcism charm left yesterday has disappeared, and a large amount of yin energy has gathered in the villa again.

 Several wandering souls that have just been attracted have already taken form.

 Fortunately, I discovered this place in time, otherwise based on the concentration of Yin Qi here, it would probably not take long for some evil spirits to be found.

 At that time, it will not be such an easy thing to handle. I don’t know where the people who set up this formation got their confidence. They feel that they can control these things and have no awe at all.

With a serious face, Shen Yun recited a few death curses and sent these wandering souls away.

 With a wave of his hand, the ashes on the top disappeared directly.

Shen Yun glanced at the spiritual stone embedded in the hidden place, took out the Qingfeng and started carving on the original formation.

She combined the original Yin Gathering Array, the Soul Gathering Array, and some other formations into a large trapping and phantom formation through constant calculations in the space.

However, some changes have been made on the basis of the trapping array and the phantom array. If an ordinary person comes in here, they will see a huge deep hole with no ground in front of them. They cannot move forward one step further. The trapping array will not have any effect on ordinary people. In this way, even if someone enters here by mistake, there will be no danger.

But it is not so friendly to cultivators. If this cultivator has a righteous heart, he can come out safe and sound as long as he breaks the formation. If someone who has done many bad things goes in, it is hard to say what Shen Yun will encounter. .

 It took two hours to carefully modify the entire formation. The moment the last stroke was completed, the Yin energy in the entire room suddenly stopped, and then no new Yin energy entered.

  The light of the formation began to walk along a new route.

Shen Yun directly restored the dust on the formation to its original state, and then quickly left the range of the formation. All this was completed in an instant.

Exit the door by yourself, carefully close the door, and then draw the last step in the hidden corner of the door. As long as the door moves at that time, the formation inside will be activated immediately, whether at the door or in the room. There will be no escape then.

Looking at his work, Shen Yun clapped his hands with satisfaction. In order to renovate the Fu family's home, he spent a day and a half, which was really too long.

 After leaving here, Shen Yun contacted Du Ji on the phone.

The other party answered so slowly that Shen Yun thought the call was picked up when no one answered.

 “Hello, hello.” This voice sounded like Du Ji’s.

"I am Shen Yun. I have come to Hong Kong City. Can I ask you to meet me?" Shen Yun got straight to the point and directly expressed his intention.

When the other party heard Shen Yun's words, he suddenly no longer acted like he was businesslike at first. "You have come to Hong Kong City. When did you come? Let's meet. If you are there, I will send someone to pick you up." Du Ji's voice was a little surprised.

Shen Yun glanced at the location where his sword was parked, and directly reported the address to the other party.

As soon as the other party heard this, he asked Shen Yun to wait and hung up the phone.

Shen Yun listened to the beeping sound on the phone and could only wait here.

  Not long after, a car rushed towards him quickly, looking like it wanted to die with him.

 Shen Yun disliked the harsh sound, while comparing it with his own sword racing, he found that the speed of the car was still too slow.

It wasn't until he heard the screeching sound of brakes ringing beside him that Shen Yun realized that the car was coming towards him.

Sure enough, when he looked up, he saw Du Ji in a suit and tie opening the car door and walking in.

"Shen Yun, long time no see. Let's go and treat you to dinner." Du Ji said with a smile.

Shen Yun looked at the clothes of the people in front of him and the cars behind him. Even if he was a poor man without a penny in his pocket, he knew that these things were not cheap.

“Are you from the wealthy Du family?”

"You guessed it, I was still thinking about how to tell you." Du Ji suddenly felt a little embarrassed when he said this.

"I guessed it a long time ago, but I didn't expect that your status in the Du family is so high. It would be troublesome for you to put up the signboard." Once he knew it, he knew it. Shen Yun was also surprised by the power of the Fu family. At that time, even the city of Hong Kong Everyone from the richest man's family dared to kidnap him directly. "Is it because of you that the Du family is fighting against the Fu family?"

“It’s not just me, you also know that the port city is so big, competition for resources is common.”

"Oh, okay then. I wonder if you are interested in sharing the news about the Fu family with us. The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Shen Yun directly extended his olive branch.

When she met Du Ji, she suddenly understood the news that Jiang Daqiang and the others had said. The name Du Ji sounded a bit fake when she heard it. Would the Du family, the richest man, give their children a name that was homophonic to jealousy? It was definitely impossible, then He has another name.

Thinking again, a few months ago the Du family started to target the Fu family. If this was an ordinary clan member, it would be impossible to have such a battle. There is only one possibility. The Du Ji in front of him is the current helmsman of the Du family.

  Shen Yun did not clarify, but just expressed what he meant.

“Of course, the Fu family is our common enemy, so let’s find a place to have a meal and talk first.” Du Ji responded with a natural expression, obviously not intending to explain his identity.

 Shen Yun did not refuse this time and got into the other party's car neatly.

 The two of them arrived at a very private Western restaurant.

"I have informed that this place is reserved at noon today. If you have any questions, you can feel free to talk." After the food was served, Du Ji waved his hand, and the waiters standing next to him left the place together. The entire hall was empty except for them. Two people are sitting here.

 This preparation is really thorough, and he is indeed worthy of being the helmsman of the Du family!

 (End of this chapter)

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