The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 219: (219) What we are fighting for is that the evil will not suppress the good

"How are you going to deal with the Fu family? Are you just going to carry out economic attacks like this?" Shen Yun asked, looking at the well-prepared Du Ji.

"Currently we can only attack economically. You may not understand that Boss Fu's current strength is beyond our ability to deal with, and he also has contacts with foreigners. Although I don't know what kind of cooperation there is between them, but at present it seems There may be more than one." Du Ji also looked helpless when he said that. Although the Du family has recruited many powerless cultivators, they have to admit that the Fu family is stronger in terms of strength.

Furthermore, the Fu family brothers used to have some disagreements, but as Boss Fu became stronger and stronger, the cohesion of the Fu family gradually increased, and now they are all headed by Boss Fu.

 “Cooperate with foreigners?” Shen Yun asked firmly, then why did he put those birdmen in the box.

"Yes, my people saw him more than once when they were investigating. According to their description, they saw a man with a black cloak and a man with black wings. His face didn't look like someone from this country. ." Du Ji didn't hesitate to know what he knew, and spoke to Shen Yun carefully.

Hearing this, Shen Yun somewhat guessed that the man with black wings and the man with white wings were from the same country, but these people were also hostile. Boss Fu directly helped to lock up the man with white wings.

"I've seen the White Wings at the Fu family's old house. I guess they came from the same place." Shen Yun thought about what he knew and felt that if he wanted to cooperate, he had to show some sincerity first. "Boss Fu not only There is a person who raises Gu insects and can also make puppets. In addition, he has a very powerful formation mage under his command.”

Hearing this, Du Ji couldn't help but frown, "I didn't expect that the Fu family still has so many trump cards, so it's definitely not possible to just rely on the cultivators recruited by my family.

Before we started practicing, many people in the Fu family had already started practicing relying on the spirit stone mine. Although I have now reached the Dzogchen Qi practice, I estimate that Boss Fu’s cultivation level must be even higher.

How about it? Do you have any countermeasures against Mr. Fu? "

"Yes, I am." Shen Yun said bluntly, what countermeasures can be taken? When he came here, he only knew that the opponent was very powerful, but he did not expect to be so powerful and have so many trump cards in his hand. Shen Yun only now understands the whole situation.

Now I bring 4 monks with 6th level of Qi training to find trouble for the other party. What they are fighting for is that the evil will not suppress the good.

"You?" Du Ji obviously didn't expect this answer from Shen Yun, and was speechless for a moment, "I know you are powerful, but you are fighting alone against a group of people, which is a bit unreliable."

"It's very reliable. It would be unreliable to send a lot of people here. The other party will notice it before they start taking action. No matter how powerful I am at that time, I will be caught off guard."

If you are willing to cooperate with us, wouldn't that be great? "Chen Yun and he analyzed that the current situation on both sides is definitely not suitable for sending too many people. If the Fu family hasn't been done anything by then, it may have touched some people's nerves.

"Tell me how to cooperate. You know that I have a grudge against the Fu family. If the plan is reliable, I am willing to contribute manpower and material resources." Du Ji was very generous. Because of his experience of being locked up in the Lingshi Mine, he was willing to do so unconditionally. Believe Shen Yun.

"Okay, I'm still investigating the other party's information. I don't have any plans for now. I'll tell you when I have a plan, or your think tank may have any good plans. After all, this is a port city. I really like this place. I'm not very familiar with it." Shen Yun waved his hands and told the truth. There was no order given to him when he came here. It was his decision to deal with the Fu family. He hasn't found out anything about the institute yet, so Shen Yun has no plans to take action for the time being.

"Okay." Du Ji doubted Shen Yun's reliability for the first time. He had to be careful when dealing with the Fu family. The other party had no plan yet.

But Wujia knows more than he does, and it seems that the Du family's intelligence system needs to be updated. "By the way, let me ask you something. Do you know if the Fu family has any research institute?" Shen Yun's mind turned and he looked at Du Ji, who knew the Fu family quite well.

“Research Institute, I haven’t really paid attention to this matter, but it is possible for a big family like the Fu family to support several research institutes.”

“Then please tell me if you find out anything about the Fu Family Research Institute.”

"Okay, I'll call people's attention." Du Ji nodded.

 Both of them had something to be busy with. After lunch, the two of them separated directly at this place.

Shen Yun watched Du Ji drive away and turned towards the Fu family's house that he had just found out. Although there were many houses, he could always be sure that Mr. Fu's old house was there by running a few more places. There is only so much in the port city. Unless he hides out, he will definitely not run away again this time.

 After running around for a week, I finally noticed something strange in a residential building.

Shen Yun didn't waste any time and came here directly. People were coming and going in Juming Building, and they looked normal.

I didn't expect the other party to be cautious this time. Living in this place, even if you want to take action, you have to consider the ordinary people next to you. They don't care about the lives of these ordinary people, but Shen Yun cannot care less.

 I found the specific building directly and found that the greening under this building was particularly good, and many people were spending time under this building.

Shen Yun didn't know if there was an informant on the other side, so he didn't step forward rashly and directly put his consciousness in. This place was not as easy to use as the villa, so Shen Yun's consciousness entered unimpeded.

The rooms are all the same as ordinary residents' homes, but Shen Yun found that every house in this building has an immortal statue. Unlike other buildings, there are many, but not every house has one.

His consciousness went up layer by layer. Although some people inside looked like ordinary people, Shen Yun could still tell that there was a bit of evil in the other person's body.

It wasn't until the 6th floor that Shen Yun saw a different person. There were many people in this room, but the face of the person in the middle looked awkward for some reason. People next to him could clearly see the other person's appearance. Why, but he just couldn't see it, Shen Yun's heart moved.

 Could this man be Boss Fu? In order to hide his face, he changed his appearance and looked like an ordinary old man. However, the stiffness on his face and his undetectable cultivation could not hide his identity.

 With my current Jindan early stage cultivation, the other party must be better than me.

Shen Yun didn't expect that in just a short time, the opponent would level up so quickly. No wonder he had so many people following him. As expected, crooked ways are the most deceptive.

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