Shen Yunren was sitting not far from this building, looking like he was taking a break from the sun, but his consciousness was gathered on the sixth floor here, watching the movements of several people in this room.

"Boss, the Du family has been doing more and more recently. When are we going to get rid of that guy named Du? I can't bear to see him jumping around outside every day." A muscular man with a strong build Said impatiently.

"Why are you so anxious? With the Du family here, we can cover up more of our actions. If we can't bear this little thing, how can we follow the boss to do big things in the future." A man with glasses next to him said slowly.

"As long as you can bear it, no wonder you turned into a green turtle." The muscular man said unconvinced.

The man with the eyes gave the muscular man a sinister look, then turned to look at the boss who was sitting on top and thinking deeply, "Boss, although the Du family is jumping around, it can actually only cause us a little economic loss. We have hidden everything so well that the Du family will not notice it.

We have now invested in research institutes in various places. When our plan is completed, there will be more capable subordinates. Not to mention the Du family, even other big forces, we don’t have to take it seriously, boss. , never lose the big for the small. "

Shen Yun's expression fluctuated when he heard this. He originally thought that the Fu family only had one laboratory, but now they heard that they had it in various places, and the number of victims was much more than he thought.

"Okay, stop arguing. Don't mention this matter for now. Let the Du family jump and let him jump. Du Chuyao, let him be crazy for a few more days." The boss sitting above heard his subordinates arguing, and there was no expression on his face. What an unnecessary expression, like a statue, as if everything is in his own hands.

“Boss, what do you think of the two foreigners’ idea of ​​joining the research lab?” The person next to him immediately changed the subject.

"Let's put this matter on hold for now. We have just started, and the other party wants to come over and intervene. No, tell them to wait until I go to the research laboratories in various places to investigate and ensure safety. They don't need to say anything then, and they will definitely not be forgotten. of."

As soon as he finished speaking, someone left and went to do this.

“You should all spread out and practice. Improving your strength is the most important thing now.” Mr. Fu waved his hand and told everyone to leave quickly.

"Boss, it's not like you don't know our situation. Even if you don't practice, your cultivation level is rising all the time. When the effects of our laboratory come out, we occupy more places, and more people begin to believe in the God of Immortality. We will probably become immortals by then." The muscular man waved his hands indifferently when he heard what the boss above said.

 “It’s quite a beautiful thought.” The man with eyes next to him said without curiosity.

“Hey, are you saying that you don’t believe in the strength of Brother Jia and the boss?” the muscular man asked sarcastically.

 “I didn’t mean that.” The man with eyes responded quickly.

 “Okay, everyone, get out.”

The tone of the person above changed a bit this time, and the people around him no longer dared to joke around, and walked out respectfully one by one.

Shen Yun's consciousness didn't move. She really just came here to inquire about the news. Unexpectedly, she basically heard all the other party's background. She was really lucky.

The mission of going out today has basically been completed. The remaining time is to stare at the boss and think of ways to deal with him.

But then the boss seemed to be asleep. Shen Yun's consciousness moved around the whole room. The room looked ordinary and there was nothing important at all. It seemed that the important things were not in this room.

Shen Yun looked at the other party without any intention of moving. He left a ray of spiritual consciousness in this place and continued to explore downwards. Since the other party's hilltop villas can have a basement like that, it is not impossible to have a basement below an ordinary residence.

 But she seemed to have guessed wrong this time. There was thick soil under the residential building.

 The consciousness returned directly to the room where he was just now, and the other party finally moved.

 Turning around and opening the door at the back, there was a larger stone statue inside, which looked to be half a person tall. It didn't have an incense burner like other houses, but a futon was placed in front of the stone statue.

This man went over and sat on the futon, with his back to the stone statue.

It didn't take long for Shen Yun to feel a strange energy transmitted directly from the stone statue to the person sitting there.

 Then he could actually feel that the opponent's strength was faintly rising.

This method of improving strength is somewhat similar to the Jia Weihe I have seen before, but it is somewhat different.

Shen Yun originally wanted to wait until he found the formation master behind him, or Jia Weihe, before taking action against the opponent, but now it seems that this matter can no longer wait. When the opponent's strength rises higher, it will be more difficult to deal with. .

Thinking of this, Shen Yun decisively put away his consciousness and left this place slowly as if taking a walk.

 When he got far away, he immediately increased his speed. After a while, he left the sphere of influence and directly found the address Du Ji left for him last time.

 She said her name and was easily taken to the president's office on the top floor of the office building.

"Mr. Du, are you ready? We are about to take action." Shen Yun walked in and looked at Du Ji who was working hard, and knocked on the door panel next to him.

"Why are you here? I have something to ask you for." Du Ji got excited when he saw Shen Yun.

"I also have something to talk to you about. Just wait a minute. I'll call my teammates first." Shen Yun said and dialed the phone directly. He told a few people that he had something to discuss and gave his address. Then he simply ended the call.

"By the way, first tell me what you want from me?" Shen Yun turned around and asked after making the call.

"This is what we found out about the Fu family's research institute. In recent times, for some unknown reason, the Fu family has established many research institutes directly or indirectly in various places. The addresses that can be found are all here. Take a look." Du Ji handed over a document. In just a few days, the other party found out the location and name of the research institute. As for whether it was a scammer, they haven't found out yet.

Shen Yun looked at the address records carefully. The first one he saw was the research institute in Hong Kong City, and then the one on the mainland. Currently, there are two right under his nose, one in Shanghai and the other in Beijing.

Shen Yun took a deep breath and didn't look at any other foreign places. He directly took out the phone and started making calls. It was all under his nose. He didn't realize it yet. Shen Yun just felt that he must have been blind for such a long time. , I have been searching in vain, but I didn't expect that there was a research institute under the eyes of Beijing City. Even if it changed its name, I didn't even notice it.

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