Chapter 22 Trap

"Shh, don't be so loud." Shen Yun said quickly, "I heard someone was going up the mountain, and there were quite a lot of people, so I took a step forward and came up to talk to you. I must be uneasy and kind-hearted when I come up in the middle of the night. Let’s get ready before calling them out, there are quite a few people on the other side.”

 Shen Yun quickly expressed his intention of coming.

"How did you hear this in the middle of the night?" Yan Han looked at Shen Yun and asked.

Even though it was dark, Shen Yun could still imagine Yan Han's serious face.

"You can't be anxious in the middle of the night. Believe it or not, I didn't come up here to argue with you." Shen Yun lowered his voice and said impatiently.

 Breaking the casserole and asking the question, am I going to tell you that it was discovered by my spiritual consciousness?

Stiff in the cold, the girl said, "Just wait here, I'll call someone."

Looking at Yan Han who turned around and walked away, Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he picked up a lot of soil thorns on the way, I don't know if these guys were extra careful because they were walking on a mountain road. Shen Yun didn't have much use for the soil thorns at first.

Later, when people walked by, I dug out the earth thorns, which made this group of people a little embarrassed. However, it seemed a bit difficult to get them to give up the idea of ​​going up the mountain. The group of people below were almost halfway here. Mountainside.

After weighing his spiritual power, Shen Yun threw a piece of quicksand into the sky.

"Bah, why did the evil wind suddenly blow up? Why is there so much sand here?" One of the people happened to be thrown, and immediately fell to the side, taking with him several people next to him, plus being drunk With a mouthful of sand, he couldn't help shouting.

"Shut up, what's going on with you guys? Why don't you just light up the sand? Do you still want to do it? We'll be up there soon. If you wake someone up and get caught, don't blame us for ignoring you then. .

Hurry up and get one of the antiques above and we will distribute them. " said a hoarse voice.

Shen Yun was on top and could clearly hear the sounds below.

 “Did you just hear the sound below?” Shen Yun asked Yan Han who had already woken up the person next to him.

"I heard it. I didn't expect that your ears are pretty good. Come here and let's discuss what to do first." Yan Han determined the location of the people below, turned around and walked towards the place where the things were placed.

 The people are all gathered here.

 Including Shen Yun, there are 9 people in total.

"Chen Yun, you are so courageous. You dared to go up the mountain in the middle of the night. You are worthy of being a professional among us. But you should have called a few male classmates up at that time. This could also be of help." As soon as Shen Yun entered, a The outspoken senior said.

If he hadn't cooperated in the previous life and knew that this man's mouth was like this, Shen Yun would have thought that this man was complaining about not calling anyone up.

Because he knew him better, Shen Yun didn't say anything to him and said directly, "The other party will be here in about 10 minutes. There are more than a dozen people. They should all be young and middle-aged. They are definitely much stronger than you seniors. Let's discuss what to do first. Bar."

"What should I do? Even if there are few people, we can't let them take these things away." A senior said excitedly.

"Don't get excited. Let's make some arrangements first. They won't let them take away the things. But I'm just afraid that these people are crazy people and won't be able to take them away, so I want to destroy these things." Yan Han looked at it. A few boys were talking excitedly, while others were talking calmly.

 Suddenly the scene became quiet.

“By the way, Captain Yan, you are better than us in this regard, please see what we do.” Teacher Wang, who stayed here, said.

 Hearing what the teacher said, the boy who had not been able to figure out the direction immediately looked directly at Yan Han.

Only then did I realize that not all of them were scholars, but Yan Han, a powerful figure. Now they had a backbone.

Shen Yun watched them arrange their defense without interrupting.

Seeing that everyone was arranged, Shen Yun looked to Yan Han aside, "Then what should I do?"

"You worked hard going up the mountain to deliver the news to us. Just find a place to hide and rest well without getting hurt." Yanhan glanced at Shen Yun, turned around and walked outside. "What do you mean, are you afraid that you will be held back?" Shen Yun muttered, looking at the man's back.

Alright, it depends on whether you have a good temper or don't want to be stubborn with you, so just hide away. Anyway, I want to pretend to be weak.

 Find a secluded place to hide quietly, preparing to quietly attack behind.

  Without exposing yourself, you can also be helpful, the best of both worlds.

 Shen Yun will be very satisfied with Yanhan's decision.

Although the dozen or so people below were a little bit muttered by the gust of evil wind, after the boss boasted about how much the things above were worth, they all plucked up the courage to walk up.

The group of students and teachers who were digging graves were not afraid. They were just going to get something. What should they be afraid of? If there was a ghost, it wouldn't be looking for them.

 Instead go to that group of teachers and students.

 One by one, they made mental preparations for themselves and quietly walked up the mountain.

The road turned smoothly after that, and no one even fell down.

 Everyone is more confident.

Looking at the silent tent above, they were secretly happy. It turned out to be a group of students who didn't even know how to keep vigil when they were out. Sure enough, they deserved to get rich today.

 At the boss’s command, everyone quietly walked towards the place where the antiques were kept.

Shen Yun in the distance saw them walking towards the first trap set by the cold.

 As the first person was stirred up, a few more followed.

 With the sound of people falling, the tent behind suddenly lit up.

Suddenly everyone was startled, and they got up and rushed forward, planning not to care when the people in the tent came out, they would grab the things first and run away.

They didn't know that Yan Han was such a cunning person that he directly asked people to put five or six stumbling ropes behind them.

  The group of people rushing forward were immediately stunned.

It's so simple and crude. Those who didn't fall would have to fall on the earth thorns that Shen Yun suddenly appeared and disappeared.

 Then Shen Yun saw a group of senior brothers, two of whom went over to hold down one person. The remaining few had been quickly subdued by the severe cold.

 Shen Yun, who was watching Yan Han's skills for the first time, had to admire Yan Han's handsomeness. If he hadn't been an immortal cultivator, he would have been rare in the world if he could practice to Yan Han's level.

“Hey, Captain Yan, he ran away.” Shen Yun was watching Yan Han’s movements when he heard the senior next to him shout.

 The two of them didn't hold down any of the buttons, and Shen Yun was quite impressed.

Seeing that person rushing toward him, Shen Yun had to move.

 With a quick dodger, his palm landed cleanly on the opponent's neck.

Seeing the opponent's eyes widening as he went down, Shen Yun clapped his hands. He could deal with an individual without cultivating immortality.

 (End of this chapter)

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