Chapter 23 Special Departments

This is what the three people chasing over there saw.

In the darkness, Shen Yun had an innocent look on his face, holding up his small white hands and looking at them in astonishment, as if he was more surprised by the person falling to the ground than they were.

  The senior who just held these two people down was thinking that they were really too weak. Even if a little girl could deal with them, neither of them could.

"I just waved lightly. Is this person okay?" Shen Yun took back his hand and tried to explain that he was not a brute force woman.

Yanhan ignored the two autistic people over there and went directly to see their condition.

 The technique is clean and neat, and it can make people faint immediately. It is really not simple.

Thinking about the background of the girl I was investigating, could it be that the Ji family was so low-key and cultivated such an outstanding girl, so they let her go so decisively?

Think about the biological daughter of the Ji family. When did the Ji family stop being so powerful? For the sake of a biological daughter, they let go of such a powerful adopted daughter.

Yan Han thought to himself, but his movements didn't stop. "The person just fainted, find a rope to tie him up, and go to the police tomorrow morning."

"Okay, thanks to Captain Yan and Shen Yun today, if it weren't for you, our things would have been stolen by these selfish guys." The teacher who stayed behind looked at the **** people and felt. said.

There are more than a dozen people on the other side. Looking at their figures, one can tell that they are no match for the other side. However, they are probably not ordinary people who dare to steal national finances so boldly.

The teachers were a little scared when they thought about facing these extremely vicious people.

"Teacher Wang, let's arrange for people to rest first. We have to transport things down the mountain early tomorrow morning." Yan Han carefully looked at the faces of the group of people below, and one of them was a gangster from Baiyun Village.

I have seen him during the past few days when I lived in the village, and he was also among the people who came to watch.

As for the other people, I have never seen them, but looking at their aura, I know they are not good people.

 It seems that the people from Baiyun Village are the internal agents who brought these people here.

The identities of these people need to be carefully checked to see if they have committed any crimes in the past.

Yanhan thought to himself and planned to go down the mountain tomorrow.

 Teacher Wang had arranged the night watch and rest, and then looked at Shen Yun aside.

"Classmate Shen Yun, it's night now. It's not safe for you to go back alone. In this way, you stay on the mountain all night, and I'll have someone set up a tent for you." There was only one **** the mountain, and Teacher Wang was quite thoughtful. Thoughtful.

"No need, Teacher Wang. I won't sleep tonight. Let's stay vigil outside with them." There are only two small tents for 8 people. If I were to share one for myself, the remaining people would probably have to sleep on top of each other. .

  Staying up all night is not a big deal to Shen Yun anyway.

Teacher Wang didn’t force it. Even if the tent was vacated in the summer, it still smelled like sweat. It was understandable that the little girl didn’t want to live in it.

 Everyone went to bed at night, leaving only Shen Yun and Yan Han sitting on one side, with a group of people who had been knocked unconscious lying in the middle.

 It was a bit embarrassing. The two people knew each other, but they were really not familiar with each other. Shen Yun's character made her want to escape from this environment.

"Who did you learn your skills from?" Yan Han thought about this question for a long time. According to his investigation of Shen Yun, this girl clearly had no chance to learn Kung Fu, but the way she just knocked out people could fool others but not herself.

 Is there some hermit master behind this?

"What skills?" Shen Yun looked like he didn't understand. Yan Han seemed to be a difficult person to fool, and he would make many mistakes if he talked too much. Shen Yun simply pretended not to understand. Yan Han glanced at Shen Yun. In the darkness, his eyes fell on Shen Yun as if they were real.

If Shen Yun hadn't gone through a lot of things, he might really be nervous about the cold weather.

 But she seemed to have no feeling at this moment, sitting comfortably and enjoying the mountain breeze.

The outside on this mountain is more comfortable than at home, but there are a lot of mosquitoes.

Shen Yun opened his consciousness to block the mosquitoes from attacking him.

It can be said that Yanhan has never met anyone like Shen Yun since he joined the special department, and he is not afraid of himself at all.

 What does she have to rely on? Yan Han is even more sure of her own thoughts.

"Let me introduce myself again. I am the leader of the special department. If you are interested, we can get in touch in the future. Our department is currently recruiting talents." Yan Han said straight to the point.

 What does this mean? I want to recruit myself into a special department. By the way, my seniors seem to have heard that the country has a special department. There are several powerful cultivators in it, and their cultivation is at the forefront of the world.

 Could it be that this department, the team leader extended an olive branch to him today, which made Shen Yun, who originally wanted to reject it directly, hesitated.

  The organization that harmed me in my previous life was also a behemoth with vast branches. Even if I have the strength, it will take some effort to catch them all. However, if I join a national organization, dealing with such an evil organization is not my own business.

“Team Leader Yan thinks so highly of me?” Shen Yun also became serious.

“I’m not optimistic about you, but I believe in my own vision. Of course, if you don’t meet the requirements, we don’t need you.” Yan Han said confidently.

"Okay, then Team Leader Yan can check me out first, and we can choose in both directions." Shen Yun was in a good mood after saying this.

These words sounded a bit new to Yan Han. In the past, when the team members heard that they were going to join the special department, they were not very happy. This was the first time they heard such a two-way choice.

Thinking of this, I am a bit looking forward to the severe cold.

Yan Han didn't speak next, and Shen Yun also closed his eyes. It looked like he was concentrating with his eyes closed, but in fact he was exercising his consciousness.

 Wherever his spiritual consciousness goes, nothing can escape Shen Yun's eyes.

As soon as dawn broke, the group of people lying underground woke up.

They were a little dazed for a while, until they realized that they were tied up, and then they started shouting.

Shen Yun also had to withdraw his consciousness and looked at the person over there who was trying to break free.

"I advise you to be honest. This is the rope tied by Captain Yan himself, and it will get tighter and tighter." Shen Yun persuaded him kindly as he saw Yan Han still closing his eyes and concentrating.

"Oh, she's the eldest niece of the Limin family. You see, this is all a misunderstanding. We just went up the mountain to learn more, and we didn't plan to do anything. Why did they knock us out and tie us up? This is It's unreasonable.

Hurry up and let uncle go. Your brother brought food to you a few days ago, and your uncle came over. "An ordinary-looking man in the crowd began to get close to Shen Yun. Shen Yun didn't recognize him at first. When he heard what he said, he suddenly remembered, isn't this the one grandma said was not doing business? Do you think about the clan uncle who is eating and drinking everywhere all day long? No wonder these people can be found so accurately. It turns out there is an insider.

 (End of this chapter)

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