Chapter 24 You are also an outsider

“Oh, going up the mountain to gain knowledge, does it take half the night, and bring so many people with you?

  Why, doesn’t uncle want the national treasure over there? If you sell this one, it’s worth millions, wouldn’t uncle feel moved? "Chen Yun said funny.

Shen Shugen swallowed his saliva. His eyes were red with millions of dollars. If he succeeded last night, he would become famous. In the future, he would also marry a wife and have two fat boys.

But even if I was thinking in my heart, I couldn't say it now, "Eldest niece, you misunderstood. If you come up during the day and you say it's delaying things, we just thought that if we came up at night, it wouldn't be a waste of time and we would gain some insights."

Uncle, I am timid and dare not go up the mountain alone. Didn't I just find a few people to go with me? It's all a misunderstanding. You also said that there are national treasures in this place. How dare we ordinary people pay attention to national treasures, even if they are valuable? Do this. "Shen Shugen said in a high-sounding way.

The people next to him didn't say anything. They looked at the relationship between Shen Shugen and Shen Yun. They hoped that this girl would be more naive and think about her uncle. It would be best to let them go.

 “Shen Yun, it seems that this uncle of yours thinks you are a fool.” Yan Han watched the fun with a smile.

"Team Leader Yan is joking. You caught the person. Of course you decide whether to stay or go. I'm just talking for the sake of my fellow villagers. By the way, aren't you going to send the person to the Public Security Bureau? It's dawn now Okay, I think it's okay. You have to investigate carefully to see what they are going to do to our national treasure." Shen Yun stopped looking at Chen Shugen over there and said directly to Yan Han on the side.

 Shen Shugen, who was lying on the ground, suddenly felt bitter when he heard that he was going to be sent to the public security bureau.

“My eldest niece, my uncle really doesn’t have any bad intentions. They are the ones who forced me to bring them here, otherwise I would have done such a thing.

Our family is the only one with an uncle who is a singleton. He hasn’t found a partner yet, so he can’t go to the police station. "Shen Shugen stopped making witty remarks and directly began to plead for mercy.

"Obviously you said there were good things here and took the initiative to bring us here." When a person next to him heard what Shen Shugen said, he immediately glared at him.

This man is so shameless, he was obviously the one who found the boss. How could this be said that they forced him.

 How would they know what was on this mountain if he hadn't said it.

"Okay, Sanzi, don't say anything." The man who was knocked unconscious by Shen Yun said calmly, his eyes fixed on Shen Yun. It was this girl who slapped him unconscious. He remembered .

Shen Yun and Yan Han looked at each other, and they started biting each other before anything happened. It was time to send them to the public security bureau.

Two people woke up the remaining people, and Shen Yun and Yan Han took the ropes and took these people down the mountain first.

"Yun, what kind of battle are you doing? How did you get down from the mountain?" As soon as he came down from the mountain, he met Shen Guoliang who was up and wandering around.

“Grandpa, these people went up the mountain in the middle of the night yesterday to steal our national treasure.” Shen Yun complained directly to Shen Guoliang.

"Uncle, don't listen to your granddaughter's nonsense. We just went up to take a look. Look, this is how your granddaughter treats me. She helps outsiders but not her own family." When Shen Shugen saw Shen Guoliang, he seemed to have seen a savior. At one glance, he quickly cried.

Shen Guoliang only now saw a familiar face among this group of unfamiliar people.

 What does it mean for your granddaughter to help outsiders? You are also an outsider, and your granddaughter did the right thing.

He rolled his eyes directly over there, and after understanding the whole story with Shen Yun, he knew that he had brought these people up there and planned to **** the national treasure, so he immediately glared at Shen Shugen.

“You have done such a shameful thing, but you still have the nerve to say this, how can you be so shameless?

If I don’t teach you a lesson this time, I don’t know what you can do next time. "Shen Guoliang said very hard.

His parents left him alone. Who would have thought that this kid was not doing what he was doing right now. Fortunately, he did something like this without causing a big mistake. He should be taught a lesson. Shen Guoliang was not prepared to plead for him.

He immediately turned around and entered the village, and asked a few young people to take the people to the town police station with Yan Han. As for his granddaughter, she should not be allowed to make such a long journey. It would be very hard for her. Shen Yun looked at the people coming down the mountain and went to the old house with Mr. Shen.

"Why are you on the mountain? When did you go up there?" Shen Guoliang asked in a low voice when he saw that no one was around.

"I saw these people last night and followed them up," Shen Yun said in a low voice.

Shen Guoliang was startled, "Why are you so brave? Even the old people in our village dare not go up the mountain alone in the middle of the night. How dare you?"

Shen Guoliang's heart ached when he thought about his granddaughter following these dozen men.

This girl shouldn't be as stupid and bold as the old woman at home.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I have something given by my ancestors to protect me. I'm very safe." Shen Yun said pointedly.

She has inherited the inheritance of the Shen family, so the Shen family is her own responsibility. Even if the other Shen family cannot know the existence of the Immortal Mansion, Shen Yun does not intend to miss out on the benefits that should come from them.

“Even with the blessing of my ancestors, I won’t be able to do such a thing next time.” Shen Guoliang muttered dullly.

“Grandpa, don’t worry, it’s just this time.” Shen Yun quickly assured.

 Hearing what Shen Yun said, the old man nodded.

 When I got back to my old house, I asked my grandma to cook for me.

 The teachers and students who live in the courtyard have already eaten and are ready to go up the mountain. When he saw Shen Yun, he specifically told her that there was no need for her to go up the mountain. After all, what they were doing today was hard work, and they couldn't let a girl do it with them.

Shen Yun was also happy and relaxed.

I asked my grandpa to help find a few people to help. After having dinner at the old house, I walked back to my house calmly.

"Today we had food at your grandparents' place again." Shen Limin didn't see his daughter when he got up early in the morning, so he guessed that Shen Yun had gone to his old house.

 Shen Yun nodded.

As long as grandpa knows what happened to him going up the mountain, if his father finds out, he must talk about it for a while.

He said a few words to Shen Limin and immediately ran over to take care of the child for Yang Cancan.

 After Yang Cancan finished eating, Shen Yun returned to his room.

There is no need to go up the mountain to help today, Shen Yun really has nothing to do.

Thinking that it was soon the day when school started, Shen Yun decided to think carefully about how to arrange his cultivation after school started.

 I lived on campus during my freshman year. Fortunately, I no longer have to live on campus during my sophomore year. Then I can find a house by myself and practice cultivation more conveniently.

However, in this case, the money in my hand is a bit insufficient, and it is time to think of ways to make money.

 (End of this chapter)

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