Chapter 25 It feels really good to be favored by others

Shen Yun carefully calculated the money he had in hand. He still had 230 yuan, including 200 yuan for tuition and living expenses. If he wanted to rent a house again, this money would not be enough.

As for the problem of living after renting a house, Shen Yun is not worried about this. After all, he has a lot of space and can grow food to support himself no matter how hard it is.

Shen Yun thought carefully about what he could do at this time. After all, he had to go to work step by step in his previous life and never did anything else. However, it is definitely impossible for him to find a fixed class now.

Shen Yun decided to go to the town first to see if he could find any good ways to make money. After he left, he could let his family do it.

 This can also reduce some of the burden on the family.

 As soon as he said it was time to leave, Shen Yun went out directly.

"Dad, I'm going to town for a trip and won't be back at noon." Shen Yun and Shen Limin greeted.

"You can't do it alone. If that doesn't work, take your brother with you." Shen Limin arranged uneasily.

"I can do it by myself." Shen Yun was already very familiar with the way to the town. Besides, he had something to do this time and didn't want to bring anyone with him.

"Sister, let me go with you. I will go to middle school in the town in two years. I haven't been to the town yet." Shen Xing was immediately excited when he heard that Shen Limin wanted him to accompany him to the town. He ran over. In the past, there was a sense of estrangement between him and Shen Yun, but this time he didn't care. He just held Shen Yun's arm and asked her to take him with her.

Shen Yun looked at his younger brother who was just hanging on him, and then at his worried old father. Although he was very handsome, he couldn't hold back his worried face. Shen Yun finally nodded softly.

  Anyway, just to inquire about it, it’s not a big deal, and bringing someone along won’t delay things.

 Shen Yun convinced himself easily.

When going down the mountain, Shen Yun was walking behind, and in front of him was a happy little boy. If it weren't for the mountain road, the boy would be jumping up and down.

 “You’re in such a good mood.” Shen Yun asked funnyly from behind.

“Of course, I’m very happy to go to town with my sister.” Shen Xing said happily.

“Hey, I don’t know who the kid was who was ignoring me a few days ago. I thought it was a kid who didn’t like me as my sister.” Shen Yun said deliberately.

"How could I not like you? You are much better than the old sister. I just don't know what to say to you. You are from Beijing. Do I want to tell you about climbing trees to dig out bird's nests and going down to the river to catch fish? Experience?" Shen Xing turned to look at Shen Yun and said seriously.

He really likes this sister. She is not like the original sister who likes to bully children and asks her parents for money every day, which makes her parents look sad every day. She is not sensible at all at this age and contradicts her elders. I am lazy and selfish. I remember when I was a child, my family lived in the old house with my grandparents. At that time, the whole family lived together, not to mention how happy they were. Later, because of my sister, the whole family was very unhappy. Grandpa and grandma They were so angry that they moved out to live in their own home.

 Shen Xing couldn't help but complain all these psychological words to Shen Yun.

  Although he would complain when the sister was at home in the past, he had no choice but to think that it was his sister. How happy he was when he found out that the sister was not his biological sister.

This sister never bullies children, she helps her parents with work at home, and she is a college student, which makes the relationship between her family and her old family much better. As a young child, he thanked God more than once for letting him replace his sister. This was the first time Shen Yun had heard these words. The elder brothers in the family had never mentioned Ji Momo in front of Shen Yun, and they all looked away. Shen Yun thought they were afraid that he would be sad, so they never mentioned it. Thinking of this reason, it turned out that the relationship between the people in the old house and Ji Momo was not very good before he came here, and even his younger brother didn't like him.

 Thinking about how the Shen family treated him now, Shen Yun couldn't help but feel happy from the bottom of his heart. After being ignored by others for so many years, it felt really good to be favored by others.

"Okay, since you like sister so much, sister will take you to buy delicious food." Shen Yun tried his best to control the raised corners of his mouth and said happily.

"No, sister, I'm just here to expand my knowledge. Don't buy food. You have to spend money to go to college. We can't spend money randomly. By the way, sister, let me tell you, Momo is too bad. After spending all our money, she came back and said that she was poorly dressed and that people in the city looked down on her. You said that her grades were not very good and she didn’t think about studying all day long. Isn't it wrong to compare with your classmates?" Shen Xing said and complained to Ji Momo again.

“Yeah, it’s not good to compare. You have to study hard in the future. If any classmates look down on you, use your grades to slap them in the face.” Shen Yun agreed.

"Who dares to look down on me? My sister is a college student at Beijing University. Everyone will definitely fawn over me in the future." Shen Xing said proudly with his chin raised.

Shen Yun couldn't help but laugh. The person who just said he couldn't compare to her just now started to show off his sister. This feels great, and he has become someone else's capital to show off.

The two of them arrived at the town happily. They were walking in tandem, but this time it was Shen Yun who held Shen Xing's hand.

Although the child was a little shy, he still tried his best not to break away.

The two of them arrived relatively late. The markets in the town were all gone, but some shops on the roadside were still open. There really weren't many shops in the town, just one or two for food, and then there were grocery stores. There are also some other shops, which are indeed much worse than the bustling Beijing city.

Shen Yun took Shen Xing around for a while, but he didn't come up with any good ideas. Logically speaking, in this small town with only one clothing store, it would be easy to go to Pengcheng to get some new clothes and sell them.

 But cost is an issue.

Shen Yun had no clue and was not in a hurry, so he took Shen Xing to find a place to eat.

"Sister, let's just buy some steamed buns to eat. It's so expensive to eat in this restaurant." Shen Xing looked at the store Shen Yun was going to and said, holding Shen Yun's clothes behind him.

"It's okay, we can still afford a meal. You are still young, so don't worry so much. Be careful not to grow taller." Shen Yun directly dragged the person in.

 I ordered two bowls of mutton soup and it only cost more than 1 yuan. It was much cheaper than the later generations who would pay a few yuan or more.

 The food given by the boss was quite sufficient. Shen Xing, who refused at first, couldn't help but swallow when he looked at the mutton soup that was served. After Shen Yun's persuasion, he couldn't help but use his chopsticks.

 The two of them left the mutton soup restaurant with chubby bellies and satisfaction.

 (End of this chapter)

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