Two practitioners at the golden elixir stage fought seriously, and the scene could blow up a mountain.

For a moment, mountains and rocks were flying everywhere. Kunlun Mountain was worthy of the title of ancient fairy mountain. The two people fought so hard, but they only shook and broke a few rocks.

"Boss, what should I do? Can Shen Yun beat him? We can't help him now. He looks really anxious." Although the others were standing aside, they were anxious in their hearts.

"Don't be anxious. We can only wait and see how Shen Yun deals with it now. I have asked the people below to gather people and come up with weapons. I finally managed to trick him here today. It is impossible for him to escape so easily." Like Fu The boss is such a cautious and powerful person, and it is impossible to be fooled a second time if he has been fooled once. Moreover, Shen Yun can barely deal with his current strength. It is hard to say whether there will be any changes in the future.

"That's good, that's good." When everyone heard that they were armed, they felt a lot more relieved. It was definitely not a simple weapon to deal with such a person, and they would have gained a lot of experience.

Shen Yun here has no other things to think about. Boss Fu is stronger than her. She not only has to deal with him, but also quickly completes the formation that she has almost completed.

 Fortunately, he has strong spiritual consciousness, otherwise Shen Yun would have been hit by the opponent's spell.

The moment the formation was completed, Shen Yun threw the spirit stone directly towards the eye of the formation. This time, it was a relatively simple trapping formation. There was no time to set up other formations. After a little delay, as long as Du Ji's side The speed was so fast that she didn't believe Boss Fu in "The Death of Death".

Seeing Boss Fu disappear in an instant, Shen Yun kept moving and began to set up a killing formation outside the trapping formation.

 It will probably take a long time for him to break through the formation and come out.

Shen Yun ignored the concerned people around him and directly stuffed a pill into his mouth and began to regulate the qi and blood boiling in his body.

At this time, a ray of golden light silently floated down from the sky. Xiao Bengqi sensed it instantly and stopped guarding Qinglian. In the blink of an eye, it appeared directly on top of Chen Yun's head.

Squinting your eyes, you enjoy the golden light falling into its body. For a moment, the little jumper feels a little bigger, and its feathers are still soft, but with a hint of fiery red color.

The hidden wounds in Shen Yun's body, who was meditating and adjusting his breath, were automatically healed at this moment. Feeling a golden light of merit suddenly coming out of his body, Shen Yun was stunned for a moment. He didn't seem to have done anything important recently. What happened now? Where did it come from? The golden light of merit, but this time the golden light of merit came really in time. The injuries in his body were repaired, and his cultivation level also improved slightly.

 Opening his eyes, he saw the stone statue above his head looking at him mockingly.

Shen Yun raised his head and glanced at the other party calmly, and felt that the rising momentum of the other party paused. Then Shen Yun saw the stone statue shake in its stable position.

The stone statue began to crack in its broken parts, and the smile on its face seemed to be mocking itself.

It seems that Du Ji succeeded. Sure enough, he was right. The body of the stone statue is a medium. As long as the body is destroyed, it will definitely have an impact on the stone statues over there. Originally, Shen Yun thought that he would no longer absorb the belief in the stone statues over there. People's vitality is good, but now it has exceeded their expectations, and the stone statue directly shattered.

Looking down at Boss Fu, who had just emerged from the formation, looking at the stone statue in the sky with disbelief, Shen Yun couldn't help but smile.

 Now that I’ve used up all my cards, it’s my turn.

As a sword cultivator, she didn't use her sword very much just now because she had to lay a cloth. Now she wants to test whether the sword cultivator's ability to leapfrog the challenge is real.

I saw a sword light striking towards Boss Fu's face as quickly as a rainbow ribbon. Shen Yun approached quickly, his sword skills continuous, like a burst of invisible air spreading in front of Boss Fu.

The opponent obviously didn't expect that Shen Yun, who had been avoiding him just now and holding a sword like a display, would directly approach him and use such sharp sword moves.

The two of them were too close. Boss Fu wanted to continue attacking with spells but was unable to do so. Shen Yun took advantage of this opportunity and attacked faster and faster.

Looking at the other party's embarrassing evasion, more and more blood stains were on his body. Finally, he fell heavily to the ground, covered in blood. The fatal part of his neck was pointed by Shen Yun with the tip of his sword. This duel was finally over.

"How about it, when you become an ant yourself, can you still take life and death so lightly?" Shen Yun responded with what Boss Fu just said.

“Who are you? Were you the one who attacked me last time in Hong Kong City? I didn’t offend you, so why did you help them deal with me?

As long as you let me go today, I will give you whatever you want from now on. No, no, from now on I will only be your master. "Boss Fu is obviously unwilling to give in like this. He is still thinking about whether he can escape. In his opinion, the other people are not threats. Shen Yun is just a little girl who can fight.

"Of course you have offended me. You have offended me since you started setting up the first research institute." Shen Yun sneered at his solicitation.

"Have your relatives or friends been involved? This is all a misunderstanding. Don't worry, let me go. I will have them released immediately. From now on, they will be treated as honored guests and I will give them a large amount of compensation." Boss Fu At this moment, I couldn't care less about being reserved, and immediately thought of something and said.

"Oh, what will you do if they are already dead?" Shen Yun asked lightly, thinking about the scene where he died in the research institute in his previous life.

"I will compensate you, ten times and a hundred times. As long as you let me go, I will do anything." If you don't take other people's lives seriously, you will really regard your own life as extremely precious. This person is really It's very double standards.

 Shen Yun stopped talking nonsense with him and directly blocked his spiritual energy.

"Captain Yan, I mean to deal with him directly. Such people are the most cunning. Since Jia Weihe can run away, I don't think we can lock up such a highly cultivated person." Shen Yun said directly to Yan Han expressed his meaning.

 “You’re right, I’ll do it.” Yan Han didn’t hesitate and made an instant decision.

 This is the best way to avoid future troubles.

 “I’ll give you the sword and point it directly at the Dantian.” Shen Yun had no mercy for such a person.

“Poisonous woman, why do you do this to me? I am the chosen one and I will definitely become an immortal in the future.

 Spare me, spare me. "Boss Fu's voice became more and more crazy.

 Under the watchful eyes of several people, Qingfeng entered Dantian and gradually lost his voice.

Shen Yun looked at the soul floating out, smashed into pieces, and sent into reincarnation. As for what he would become in the next life, or whether there would be a next life, that was not his concern.

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