The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 229: (229) I don’t understand this foreign language

 “No one will come up now, right?” The person next to him watched the final outcome in silence, paused for a moment, and asked after a pause.

Hearing this, Chen Yun felt it with his spiritual consciousness. He didn't see anyone else going up the mountain, but he saw a group of his teammates below carrying something quickly walking up the mountain.

 “Someone is coming up.”

"Who is it?" Before Shen Yun finished speaking, several people around him asked quickly as if they were frightened.

"Our people didn't know what they were carrying here." Shen Yun said quickly.

It's no wonder that everyone is panicking. Among these people, except Shen Yun, who is still fine, the rest of them have almost exhausted their spiritual energy, and they are still injured. If someone from Boss Fu comes up again, everyone really can't imagine taking him. Down the scene.

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, "Boss, did the people below send weapons up? Please inform them quickly that they don't need to send them over. It has been solved here." The people next to him suddenly remembered what Yan Han had just said and reminded them. One sentence.

 Yanhan quickly picked up the walkie-talkie to notify the people below.

Only then did Shen Yun know that the severe cold had just informed the people below, but fortunately the matter had been resolved, otherwise it would have been too late for the people below to come up.

 “Pack it up and get ready to go down the mountain.” Shen Yun looked at the messy top of the mountain and decided to tidy up the place quickly and leave a little peace to this place.

"Then. What to do with this green lotus." Everyone looked at the green lotus in bud and asked curiously.

"Chen Yun will take care of these, let's clean up this place first." Yan Han said at the right time next to him.

 This place was originally decorated by Shen Yun, and of course the lotus still belongs to Shen Yun.

Although everyone was a little confused, they still obeyed the order and started working.

 Shen Yun and Xiao Beng Tie looked at the lotus in front of them, "How about you, do you want to take it in?" Shen Yun asked Xiao Beng Tie in his mind.

 “Of course, mine.” Xiao Bengqie replied simply.

Shen Yun laughed a little, but he still managed to protect himself.

“Then we will wait until the flowers bloom and the lotus seeds are formed before we take them back.”

Shen Yun was not in a hurry now, and sat directly next to the lotus to start practicing. The fight just now consumed a lot of his spiritual energy. This was a good time to practice. When Yanhan and the others went down, he would just stay in peace on the top of the mountain. Xiaoguan.

Yanhan and the others had packed up. When they saw Shen Yun sitting here, they didn't bother them and quietly walked downstairs.

Shen Yun has solved the most difficult problem, so he has to deal with the remaining things by himself.

Shen Yun and others walked away and directly used the cleaning technique, and the entire ground returned to the whiteness it had before the fight.

 Looking at the pitted ground, this can only be restored by relying on the powerful recovery ability of nature.

 She set up a defensive formation on the entire mountain top and sat here directly to start practicing in seclusion.

The fight just now gave Chen Yun a lot of insights, and the spiritual energy in his body was consumed a lot, so he happened to be practicing here while waiting for the green lotus to blossom and bear fruit.

There was no sun or moon in the mountains. Shen Yun had been practicing for an unknown amount of time. When his cultivation gradually stabilized, Chen Yun smelled the fragrance of lotus flowers surrounding his nose.

 When I opened my eyes, I saw a green lotus blooming just right with a faint light. What was surprising was that the lotus pod next to it was already mature.

Shen Yun didn't expect that when he saw a lotus flower, another one would grow out of it while he was in retreat. This was a rare surprise.

There is no need to worry now, I collected one lotus pod by myself and left the remaining one on the top of the mountain. Think of it as giving back to nature. If a treasure of heaven and earth appears in this place, then more treasures of heaven and earth will appear here, and it will become a veritable fairyland.

 Shen Yun went up and carefully picked the lotus pods.

 Looking at the uncorrupted petals that fell on the water, Shen Yun did not let them go.

"Let's put this lotus here. With these lotus seeds and the ones in the space, we can plant it much better in the space." Shen Yun discussed with Xiao Bengqi and said.

I could only hear Xiao Bengtuo chattering in my mind, and I didn’t know what he wanted to express.

“I really don’t understand this.” Shen Yun waved his hand helplessly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I finished speaking, I saw a large and complete memory appear in my mind.

Shen Yun took a look and realized that these were the inheritance contents of Xiao Bengqi, which she shared with herself.

As a divine beast, the phoenix, it obviously inherited more things than I imagined. I couldn’t figure out what this lotus was, but the inheritance content in my mind clearly informed me.

Although this thing is not as awesome as the Chaos Green Lotus, it is also her descendant. Although it cannot be transformed into various artifacts and innate treasures like the Chaos Green Lotus, each part of this lotus has its own use.

 No wonder Xiao Bengqie was so anxious. Shen Yun felt a little regretful when he thought about his decision at the moment.

“Little Bengqi, we still have a lot of them in the space. We will plant more in the future and plant a large area in the space.

In this way, let's plant it when we go back. Let's keep this one here and leave it to someone who is destined. This lotus seed has the effect of saving lives. Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. Maybe it will save important people in the future. God will also reward our merits. "Chen Yun is persuading Xiao Bengqi, and he is also persuading himself.

When Xiao Bengqi thought about the benefits of merit, he suddenly felt that it was nothing to eat less, and he would not starve to death anyway.

The screams in Shen Yun's mind finally stopped.

 Shen Yun took great pains to set up a maze around the perimeter. This time, only those who are destined will win.

I walked down the mountain with a little jumper on my shoulder. White snowflakes began to fall in the sky behind me. On the mist-filled mountaintop, a blue lotus loomed.

There were only five lotus seeds on the lotus pod in his hand. Shen Yun peeled off one and stuffed it into the little Bengpao's mouth. He cherished the rest and put them away.

 When we got to the bottom of the mountain, it was pretty good. There was a group of people stationed here.

From afar, Shen Yun saw someone coming towards him.

 Looking carefully, I realized it was Xu Lei whom I hadn’t seen for a long time.

“How are you, are you okay?” Xu Lei saw Shen Yun and came up to ask.


 Why are you here? Didn’t you say you have a mission? "Chen Yun was quite curious.

“I took people to deal with the matter at the Beijing and Shanghai Research Institutes. All the things were destroyed and the people inside were rescued. The news was received in a timely manner and there were no casualties.

The boss has gone to deal with other matters, so let me come over and talk to you. By the way, I will tell you that the government will organize a cultivator conference next to standardize some things. The boss asked me to come and pick you up. "Xu Lei said with a bit of joy and a special meaning on his face when he talked about what happened at the institute.

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