Shen Yun's heart moved for a moment, and then calmed down. Regardless of whether the other party also remembered the life in the institute, but now, the institute has become a thing of the past in China.

"Thank you for your hard work. I saved a lot of people. When is this conference going to be held? Let's go." Shen Yun said with a smile on his face.

"It's June 20th. There's still half a month left. There are a lot of people at this meeting. By the way, I'll take this opportunity to record Xiu Zhen's name information. It will be easier to handle anything in the future, so as not to be resurrected due to spiritual energy. causing society to lose order.

But before that, there will be a meeting. You have to attend. There are still 8 days left. "Xu Lei explained the matter to Shen Yun in detail.

 Shen Yun has a little understanding of the meeting.

"Okay, let's go." Shen Yun has nothing to do here, and she is ready to return home.

Two people walked out of the mountain. As for the remaining people, Shen Yun didn't know what their mission was.

 It has been two hours since we walked out of the Kunlun Mountains.

At the foot of the mountain was parked the car that Xu Lei drove over. It seemed that he had been here for a while, and a lot of things were left in the car.

Xu Lei cleaned up the car first, and then the two of them drove towards the capital city.

 It is June 8th when I return to Beijing, and the meeting is on June 15th, so there are still 7 days left.

Shen Yun also needs to go to school at this time, just in time to take the final exam. The time is just right.

Shen Yun naturally blended into the final exam team. Although he had been busy outside for half a semester, he did not feel any discomfort.

Every day is full of arrangements. Finally, the last exam of the university has been completed. If the results are passed, Shen Yun can come here to get his diploma.

After finishing this matter, Shen Yun plans to take time to go home again. Xiaobengqie's inheritance says that lotus seeds contain a lot of life energy. The key is that it can save people's lives. Shen Yun is not sure what this thing does to Shen Jian. Useless.

 But now that I have it, I still want to give it to him to try.

Shen Yun was about to leave directly after school, but was stopped by Hu Yan.

 “Hey, why didn’t you go home after the exam?” Shen Yun asked doubtfully.

“Didn’t I have a mission with me? I’ve been waiting for you. I didn’t know that you didn’t come back until after the exam. I didn’t dare to disturb you during the exam these days. I only came to find you after you finished the exam.

Boss Shen, have you forgotten that you are the major shareholder of our newly opened factory? I have never seen you so arrogant. You have been indifferent to us for the past few months. "Hu Yan had a look of embarrassment on her face, but when she said it, she looked helpless and rolled her eyes quietly.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I’ve been quite busy during this period, and I forgot about this matter. With your aunt and you here, I don’t have to worry about it.” Shen Yun said with a smile.

“I really admire you. If we take the things away, you will probably lose all your money.”

"No, I believe your aunt is not such a short-sighted person. Besides, half of what we do is doing good things. Do you think your aunt is that kind of person?" Shen Yun is not afraid of people running away. She had signed a contract, and it was no ordinary contract. She could still tell clearly whether Hu Yan was joking or really complaining.

 She didn’t mind saying a few more words if there was still time.

"Of course my aunt is not such a person. She has worked hard for the factory these past few months, but she is very happy with her work. Now let me tell you about the situation in the factory in the past few months." Hu Yan Hearing what Shen Yun said, he also laughed. He took Shen Yun's arm and asked, "I wonder if I can take some of your time, Madam Shen, so that we can have a good chat."

“Okay, let’s talk while we eat.” Shen Yun saw that she had already reached the snack street. She was a little greedy after not eating for a long time.

 The two of them found a place with few people, and one of them ordered some food, and started chatting while eating.

Only then did Shen Yun know that Aunt Hu had already made all the preparations a month after the factory signed the contract. As for the new problems encountered in production and the problems encountered in the subsequent product launch, Hu Yan did not say anything. Anyway, what Shen Yun knows now is that Taohuashuang has treated dozens of people with burns, and the sales of skin care products are also very good. Although it has not recovered its investment yet, its income and expenses have been covered, and it even barely made a profit this month. .

Hu Yan came here to tell Shen Yun the good news, and brought Shen Yun's dividends and account books to show her.

Of course the most important thing is to get the peach blossom frost's neutralizing agent from Shen Yun.

Those that Shen Yun gave last time have basically been produced. The factory cannot stop work, so Aunt Hu can only ask Hu Yan to come over and ask.

On the other hand, they are also thinking of ways to develop other products. After all, it is difficult for a large factory to gain popularity with just this one product.

Shen Yun has no opinion on these things. After all, she really doesn't have any serious opinions on the development of the factory. After all, you can't expect a girl who worked as an archaeologist in her previous life to suddenly become a business genius with a specialization in the field after working hard all her life. , it’s better to leave these things to professionals.

Shen Yun took the information that Hu Yan brought over and looked through it. He found that the money was quite a lot, more than a thousand yuan. This still covered the expenses without making much profit.

 After briefly opening it, Shen Yun put the things away.

“I still need to prepare the neutralizer, so you tell Aunt Hu that someone will come to pick it up on the 19th, and I will prepare it in advance.” Shen Yun said to Hu Yan while eating.

"Okay, I heard you say that my mission for today is completed. I can have a few days of fun in Beijing and the city. I'm just waiting for my aunt to come to pick up the things and go back with their car." Hu Yan's things were done and she was in a good mood. Very good.

  After the two of them had eaten, the party was over.

It was getting late, and Shen Yun thoughtfully sent him to the door of the dormitory, and walked towards the outside of the school alone.

 When he arrived at a deserted place, Shen Yun went directly to his home. He hadn't been back for such a long time and didn't know what was going on at home.

Shen Yun came down to the old house as usual. From mid-air, he could feel that the whole family was still working hard. The weather has become much warmer now, so everyone is in the yard.

Shen Yun opened the door and walked in. The family members were startled, thinking that an outsider was coming. Several people who were practicing physical training stopped.

"I'm back." It was a little dark in the yard, so Shen Yun took the initiative to say hello.

"Yun Yun is back, hurry up and light the lamp, old man." Upon hearing Shen Yun's voice, the courtyard immediately became lively, and there was a bit of joy in his voice.

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