A small candle lit up in the courtyard, and then moved towards Shen Yun.

“I’ve lost weight, I’ve lost weight again.” Yang Xiaocao looked at Shen Yun under the light and said distressedly.

“Grandma, you’re not thin. It’s dark and you look thin.” Shen Yun smiled and stopped Yang Xiaocao’s arm.

“You will fool me.” Yang Xiaocao laughed when Shen Yun said this.

"I'm not fooling you. It's hard for me to lose any fat on my body now. Look, I'm fine now. I'm not sick or injured. How can I lose weight?" Shen Yun said seriously. The impurities in her body now are basically Having done all the above, plus practicing physical training, the body's appearance has become perfect. If you lose weight, you must be seriously ill or injured.

“Bah, bah, bah, you’re sick and injured, I don’t want to say that. Grandma just said casually, we can look at it now, it’s good like this.” Yang Xiaocao heard Shen Yun say this and quickly stopped him.

"Okay, I'll do whatever you want." Shen Yun responded with a smile, watching Yang Cancan come over with his little brother in his arms, and took him directly into his arms.

 When the family saw Shen Yun coming, they all put down what they were doing.

Last time, Shen Yun also came back at night. It was not surprising for everyone to see Shen Yun at this time this time.

Shen Yun looked around and wondered why the third and fourth brothers were not there. Then he looked at Shen Jian's room. The candles were lit, and he was lying there alone. Everyone else had come out at this moment.

But it’s not necessarily true that I might have to go out for something.

“Grandpa, grandma, parents, uncle, how are you doing at home recently?” Shen Yun asked, looking at everyone.

"Okay, okay, eat well, sleep well, Shen Jian looks good recently. Your brothers are very confident in this final exam, and they should be able to get good results." Shen Guoliang said with a smile. .

“That’s good, by the way, I found something good recently, and I just happened to come back and give it to Shen Jian to try.” Shen Yun said and took out two lotus seeds from his pocket.

The second uncle and second aunt next to him looked directly over, "Is this a lotus seed?"

"Yes, but it's not an ordinary lotus." Shen Yun explained simply.

However, everyone also felt it. As soon as the lotus seed was taken out, everyone felt refreshed. Could this be the effect that ordinary things can achieve?

"Is this for Shen Jian? How should I feed it to him? Should I eat it now?" the second aunt asked anxiously.

"Grind it into powder and add it to your daily meals. Just put a little bit in one meal a day." Shen Yun said and gestured with her fingernails. She calculated that this was the most suitable amount for Shen Jian. If it was like He was so lively and active that it was no problem to eat it in pieces, but Shen Jian still had to control the amount.

"Okay, okay, thank you, aunt. Thank you for thinking of Shen Jian every time." The second aunt quickly took the things from Shen Yun's hand, thanked her, and carefully went to find something to put these two precious lotus pods together. Put it away. It's getting dark now and it's not suitable for grinding flour. I'll wait until daybreak to avoid spreading it.

Seeing the second uncle and second aunt like this, the family was silent for a moment. Although the family's conditions are getting better and better, Shen Jian lying there is always a thorn in everyone's heart. Only when he gets better will this The thorn can be pulled out.

"Dad, hold your little brother, I'll go over and take a look." Shen Yun gave Shen Limin the little brother Shen in his arms, turned around and walked towards the room where Shen Jian was lying.

There was a kerosene lamp placed in the room. Although the light was very dim, you could see that Shen Jian's face looked good. Although he had been lying down, there was nothing wrong with his body. His cultivation level is also rising steadily. It seems that he is persisting in what he said to deliver spiritual energy to Shen Jian day by day.

"Shen Jian is in good condition. He may suddenly wake up one day in the future. Second uncle and two aunts, please relax. Shen Jian is a cultivator now and his body is better than yours." Shen Yun looked at the two thin men next to him. Many old people have advised me that there are more and more white hairs on my head every time. Standing with my grandparents, I look older and older than them.

 Shen Yun could not guarantee when Shen Jian would wake up, so he could only say some words of comfort at this time.

“Don’t worry, we’re fine. Shen Jian is still pointing out the couple of us to help him, so nothing will happen to us.

It’s just that I’ve had a bit of a bitter summer recently and I’ve lost a little weight. I heard the kids say, as our ancestors said, it’s hard to buy money but you’ll lose weight when you’re old. It’s okay. "The second uncle waved his hands and said with a smile.

 It’s just that it’s only June, and you have to wear a coat in the morning and evening on the mountain. It’s already a bitter summer there.

 Shen Yun looked at the two people and was hard-pressed to say anything.

Shen Jian is lying here now. Even if he says all kinds of things, they can't hear what he thinks. They can only think about it themselves.

"Okay, anyway, I will continue to think of a solution when I get back." Shen Yun looked at the person carefully, said a few words, and left the room.

It’s getting late this time. Although there are immortal cultivators at home, there are also ordinary people, and it’s time to go to bed.

Shen Yun said goodbye to his grandparents and followed Shen Limin and his wife as they walked up.

“Mom and Dad, how are you doing recently?” Shen Yun asked Shen Xing while walking.

"Everything is fine at home. Don't worry. During this period, the business at home has continued to pick up. Although it is not as good as during the Chinese New Year, it is not bad. We are now stronger and dare to sell farther away. The goods are here, and now no one dares to come here to cause trouble. Everything is going in a good direction," Shen Limin said with a smile.

"That's good." After all, this is not an era where everyone is cultivating immortals. Some living necessities still need to be obtained with money. Shen Yun does not object to them doing some business.

"Your dad and the others just wanted to pick up the business and were a little afraid of delaying their cultivation. I told you that you would definitely agree, so they decided to pick up the business." Yang Cancan mercilessly exposed Shen Limin and the others. tangled.

Shen Yun also laughed and said, "Dad, if you work hard, you can think of it as accumulating experience. Even if our family cannot become a master cultivator in the future, we must become the most profitable among the cultivators."

 “Okay, Dad will do a good job.” Shen Limin was said to be very motivated by Shen Yun.

 The family’s laughter spread far along the mountain road.

This life is completely different from the previous life.

Shen Yun didn't stay at home for long. He set out early the next morning. When he left, he realized that Shen Heng and Shen Hong had also heard about the treasures in Kunlun Mountain and had gone there to try their luck.

Shen Yun was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect the news to spread so far. He promised that his family would inquire about it when they got back, and then headed towards the capital city carrying large and small bags of things prepared by his relatives.

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