The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 242: (242) I still have something to do now, so I won’t accompany you.

Chapter 242 (242) I have something to do now, so I won’t accompany you.

"How come this is not related to life? The Ji family has raised you so big for so many years, and this is giving you a life." Ji Jin said with an ugly face.

"Oh, then according to what you said, one life is for another. My parents raised your sister, and your family raised me. It's even. Since my parents never curry favor with Ji Momo, let her be in peace. Live quietly in the Ji family, I hope you can do the same." Shen Yun glanced at Ji Jin with an unclear expression. He used to think that this brother was quite calm, but why did he behave like Ji Shen when things happened? They are spoiled inside. Could it be that the Ji family raised him, but they didn’t raise Ji Momo?

"How can you calculate like this? What kind of life does our family give you, and what kind of life does your family give Momo? My family trained you and went to college, but what kind of life does your family give Momo?" Ji Jin now thinks about Ji Mo. Mo was very dissatisfied, but he blamed the Shen family for this. If the Shen family hadn't properly trained Ji Momo, he wouldn't be so shallow and embarrassed now.

"What kind of life does our family give Ji Momo? Anyway, our family has tried its best to train her. None of the boys in our family can go to school. If she wants to go to my family, she will still be allowed to go to school. Even if her grades are not good, we will Qi Gong went to high school.

Although the food and drink conditions at home were not good, the best was given to her.

Our Shen family values ​​girls over boys. As for your family, looking at you, it seems that life in your family was not that good before. " Shen Heng, who had listened for a long time, interrupted angrily. Although his family was poor, he couldn't say that he treated Momo badly. That was really in the palm of his hand.

Although Ji Momo's selfish temper is really not lovable.

"Who are you? I'm talking to her, why are you interrupting?" Ji Jin became angry and said in a very aggressive tone.

"Ji Jin, pay attention to your identity and attitude." Ji Ming saw Ji Jin quarreling with unrelated people and immediately frowned. I wonder what the purpose of coming here today is. Can Shen Yun be elected as a supervisor? , together with those proud people of heaven, it proves that this person is not simple. She has been away from her home for such a long time, and she has climbed into some kind of influence. Seeing that she has a good relationship with several other people, it doesn't seem like she is. Clinging to a few people proved that Shen Yun himself was not simple.

Now the Ji family is trying to take a step forward. The cultivation talents of the few of them are not very high, and their own conditions are not enough. If they can ease the relationship with Shen Yun, everything will be easier to handle.

I didn't expect that Ji Jin would be so unreliable at the critical moment. He was really like Ji Shen, spoiled by his second aunt. He is such an old man and his temper is still so unstable. It seems that he should talk to his grandfather when he goes back. Look. Can you move him somewhere else? Otherwise, his mouth will cause trouble for the family sooner or later.

 “Big brother.”

“Okay, don’t say anything. I know you were unhappy about the bad attitude towards you last time, but you have to reflect on it yourself.

 You can't implicate innocent people just because you're upset.

The two brothers are sorry. I heard you mean Yunyun's brother, right? It's our fault for this matter. We haven't come to visit you. The two children have gotten into trouble. This is something no one wants to see, but to be honest, Yunyun They are so old, even if they are exchanged now, our two families can still get along as relatives.

This incident had a greater impact on my second aunt, and we never found the time to go over it, which was really rude. "Ji Ming spoke very sincerely. As for what he was thinking, it was hard to tell from his face.

"It's not necessary to be relatives. You probably didn't ask your family when you came here. They were not idle this year when you were not at home. You'd better go back and ask before you come to talk to me. I don't want to be with someone who wants to I will marry someone who is older than my father as a relative." Shen Yun was not touched by Ji Ming's words and said without giving any face.

"Yunyun, are you telling the truth? Who did this? It's too much. Even if our family is a little poorer, we can't be so insulting." Shen Heng and Shen Hong, who were only a little angry at first, heard Shen Yun say this He said that he almost exploded with anger. Everyone in his family thought that Shen Yun was studying in Beijing and would be fine. Who knew that he would encounter such a thing here? There is nothing more extreme than this. After raising him for more than ten years, this is Just throw it away. The two people on the side heard what Shen Yun said and looked at each other. They had never heard this matter mentioned by anyone in their family.

"So, after living as a family for more than ten years, you must know that there must be a misunderstanding in this matter. Don't worry, I will figure it out." Ji Ming frowned tightly, but kept saying this in his mouth It must have turned out to be a misunderstanding.

“Then come to me after you go back and figure it out. I still have something to do now, so I won’t accompany you.

Third brother, fourth brother, let’s go. "After Chen Yun finished speaking, he called to the two people around him to continue walking forward.

"What kind of relationship does Shen Yun have with the Ji family? Even Ji Ming is here." Yan Han and the others watched the whole process on the side. When they saw people leaving, Xu Guoqing asked Yan Han curiously.

"Anyway, the relationship is very complicated. If you want to know, you can go back and check the files." Yan Han has no habit of revealing other people's privacy.

"As you said, the confidentiality level of Shen Yun's files is not something that we can see. Anyway, I used to dislike this guy Ji Ming. He always looked very reasonable. The two brothers came to see A little girl is not ashamed." Liang Shan murmured next to him.

"Okay, I can't do anything if I don't like you. Anyway, I didn't commit any crime. But let me remind you, this little girl Shen Yun can beat up four of us." Yan Han reminded him and stopped staying where he was. Walk directly towards the distance.

"Xu Guoqing, do you know this?" Liang Shan really didn't know what Shen Yun's strength was.

“I’ve heard a little bit about it, but it’s quite powerful anyway.” I don’t know the specific details of Xu Guoqing, and he’s not at the same level yet. I’ve only heard about it.

“My dear, why can’t I see through this girl’s cultivation? It turns out she is much higher than us. That’s great. I like it like this.” Liang Shan said excitedly.

"Let me remind you, you two are both supervisors. It is impossible to develop any other relationship. Besides, you are almost thirty this year, so don't make any ideas." Xu Guoqing has known Liang Shan since he was a child. Both of them are in the compound. The children have been in a healthy competitive relationship since they were young. When they heard Liang Shan's unreliable words, they couldn't help but give him a reminder.

"Look at what you're talking about, Lao Xu, am I such a person? I mean, I admire people who are stronger than me. Looking at the behavior of the Ji brothers, maybe Shen Yun needs one more brother. Then whoever bullies my sister, Even if I don't care, my old man won't," Liang Shan said seriously.

"Then you go and ask if they are willing. I'll leave first." Xu Guoqing didn't want to chat with Liang Shan. He might as well go home and practice while he was busy.

 (End of this chapter)

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