Chapter 243 (243) Special spiritual power fluctuations

Shen Yun didn't know the conversation between several people here, so he dismissed the two brothers from the Ji family, and the three of them walked directly towards home.

"Yunyun, how was your life at Ji's house before?" Shen Hong hesitated before asking this question.

"It's pretty good. There's no shortage of food and drink." Shen Yun replied calmly.

"Now that the living conditions are better, our family has not been able to eat and drink in these years. This family is not just about food and drink." Shen Heng felt a little uncomfortable while listening.

"Okay, it's all in the past. If you can't stand it, then be nice to me." Shen Yun said with a smile.

 The two people nodded silently when they heard this.

When they got home, the two of them started working together, and then directly prepared a few dishes without Shen Yun's help.

"Although I know you don't eat much, we made it specially for you today, so you can give me a reward." Shen Heng said with a smile.

"Okay, let's eat and then talk about other things." Shen Yun also agreed.

 The two of them were extremely enthusiastic about the meal, and Shen Yun managed to eat it all.

 The three of them packed up and went straight to the small yard for a walk.

“Do you have any plans for the future?” Shen Yun asked the two people around him.

"What are your plans? I used to think about working hard to make money, and then see if I could be a boss. But when I came home, I found that my dad and the others made more money from the dry goods business than we did from working. Now we have figured it out. That's the most important thing." Shen Heng said with a wry smile. He originally wanted to work hard outside, but he didn't know that he encountered the Lingshi Mine incident later and Shen Jian also got into trouble because of this incident. At that time, they felt that money was not important. The most important thing is your own strength.

 “Where is the third brother?”

“I just want to rescue Shen Jian, that’s what I’m thinking now.” Shen Hong’s goal is simple.

"Okay, anyway, our goal now is to improve our own strength. So, do you want to learn other things, such as alchemy, weapon refining, formations and talismans?" Shen Yun said, looking at the two people.

Most of the knowledge of cultivation between the two of them was taught by Shen Yun. Although they heard a lot of experiences and information from other practitioners on the way from home to the capital, everyone was just trying to figure it out, and no one really knew how to do this. thing.

  So when they heard some unfamiliar words in Shen Yun's mouth, both of them were a little confused.

"Let me tell you two what these are." Shen Yun looked at the confused look of the two of them and did not intend to let them choose. Instead, he introduced them to them first and gave them what he had on hand. The things were shown to two people.

 The eyes of the two people watching became brighter and brighter.

"Why, now you all know what these are for. As long as you choose one of them, or if you have enough energy, you can choose a few. From now on, life will not be a problem. Don't talk about money, you can get your spiritual stones back." Chen Yun looked at the two people and said.

"I want to choose alchemy." Shen Hong decided quickly. After Shen Yun finished speaking, he gave the answer.

"Okay, we can try your alchemy qualifications later." Shen Yun nodded. This was also her first time teaching students to learn these things. Those at the Alchemy Research Institute did not need her to consider their qualifications, she just had to teach them. , but the future direction of your own family must be chosen carefully, after all, there is no support from the country behind it.

"What about me? Can I refine weapons? From now on, the swords used at home will belong to me." Shen Heng saw that Shen Hong had made up his mind about his future. After careful consideration, he also confirmed his own thoughts with Shen Yun.

“Okay, let’s go to the room and try it.” Shen Yun turned around and walked towards the room. She didn’t have any ink either, so she just took out the things and made them for the two of them.

 Let Shen Heng refine a jade tablet for jade slips. This does not require any skills. It only needs to be burned steadily with fire. It does not require strong spiritual consciousness. The spiritual consciousness that Shen Heng has just trained is enough for now.

As for Shen Hong, Shen Yun got a psychic grass, which is a kind of herb used to refine peach blossom frost neutralizer. It is also very easy to refine.

The two people received the tasks assigned by Shen Yun and did not go back to the room. They directly occupied a side of the living room and began to work. Shen Yun sat nearby and watched, lest the two people burn down the house again.

While the two people were busy, Shen Yun felt a special spiritual power fluctuation outside.

The moment he felt it, Shen Yun stood up directly and said, "Brother, you practice at home and usually use your spiritual sense. If something happens outside, I will go over and take a look."

After Shen Yun finished speaking, he was already outside the door. There was no trace of ink when he went out. He flew directly with his sword towards the place where there was movement in the southwest of Beijing. At the same time, other people also felt a wave, and those who could move were moving towards Came here.

Shen Yun was the first to approach. She stopped in mid-air without taking another step forward. A sky-reaching light curtain rose in the forest in front of her. Thick spiritual mist floated upward and then dissipated in the air.

Shen Yun stopped at this place and felt the dense spiritual energy drilling into his body along his skin without any need to practice.

Shen Yun knew this place. In his previous life, this was the largest spiritual eye that appeared after the spiritual energy was revived. However, the time of appearance was not now. Shen Yun remembered that it was 6 years later. Unexpectedly, the spiritual energy recovery was earlier than the time when this spiritual energy eye appeared. Also ahead of schedule.

Shen Yun took a deep breath of spiritual energy and looked at the huge light curtain. The density and stability of the light curtain were still very good.

No wonder Chen Yun was nervous. He remembered that in his previous life, the light curtain slowly became thinner as time went by. People originally thought that there was spiritual energy inside, but they didn't know that as the light curtain became thinner, the things that were not clearly visible inside gradually became thinner. appeared.

 There is a secret realm inside, and it is a secret realm with many spiritual beasts and monsters.

Anyway, before Shen Yun was taken into the research institute, none of the things inside had escaped.

 I don’t know how long this light curtain can last in this life.

Shen Yun circled around the light curtain from a distance. This aura eye was bigger than the one he saw last time, and gave people a gentler feeling.

 But who knew there were so many dangers hidden in it.

 After observing, Shen Yun did not continue to stay high in the sky. He fell directly and stopped not far from the light curtain.

This place is a mountain forest. Shen Yun came here the fastest. There is no one else in this place yet.

Recalling the news from his previous life that one can feel the richest spiritual energy when approaching the light curtain, Shen Yun tried it and walked over. Sure enough, the closer he got to the light curtain, the richer the spiritual energy became.

This light curtain is the barrier of the secret realm. Shen Yun is not afraid that he will be let in. He carefully lies on the light curtain and looks at the glow formed by the spiritual energy inside. This light curtain is really magical. It looks fake but feels real when touched. But it is real.

Hearing the chirping sound of the little Bengqi in his mind, he probably felt the strong spiritual energy through himself, and wanted to come out to join in the fun. There was no one around, so Shen Yun directly brought the little Bengqi out.

The moment the little jumper appeared on his shoulder, Shen Yun felt that his body leaning against the light screen fell directly backward.

 (End of this chapter)

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