Chapter 244 (244) The first cry of the phoenix

 turned around to stabilize his body, and the scene in front of him had changed drastically. Originally, he was next to the light curtain, with a dense forest behind him, but now it turned into a vast grassland in front of him.

"What's going on?" Shen Yun didn't forget to turn around and look behind him when he was surprised. What caught his eyelids was a curtain of light.

"Didn't you say that this light curtain can't come in at all? What's going on now? I just saw the glow, and why did I suddenly run inside from the outside?" Shen Yun complained irritably in his heart.

 The little one on the shoulder adapted well to this place. He felt like he was in a good mood and screamed loudly.

"Shh, don't scream. Although you are a phoenix, the aura of this place is so rich. Who knows if there are monsters and beasts that are more powerful than us. Let's keep a low profile and try to see if we can get out first." Shen Yun touched He touched the fur of Xiaobengqiao, turned around and walked towards the light curtain. He was obviously right in front of him, but after taking several steps, Chen Yun still found the distance between the light curtain and himself so far.

"What's going on?" Shen Yun muttered, and took a few steps forward without giving up, but the result was still like this.

After thinking about it, he took out Qingfeng and quickly stepped on the sword towards the light curtain, trying to get closer to it unprepared, but he didn't know that the result would still be the same.

Shen Yun held his sword and stood still, "This is to prevent me from going out, right?

  Okay, then I'll walk around here to see what's there. Anyway, I have enough spiritual energy, so I won't starve to death. "After Chen Yun finished speaking angrily, he turned around and walked towards the grass in front of him. The little jumper was no longer standing on his shoulders, but was jumping happily in front. He looked much more lively than outside. It's a little less cold outside.

Chen Yun reflected for a moment and thought that he might have been anxious to lock it in the space during this period. Although the space was large, there really weren't many things in it. He probably had seen enough in it, so Chen Yun Hui didn't stop the other party's movements. Anyway, the two of them had already signed a contract. If they were in danger, Shen Yun could just go back to the space with a thought.

Shen Yun does not think that she is invincible in this world. The ghost king who appeared earlier proves that there is something more powerful than her in this world.

Holding the Qingfeng Sword, he walked forward carefully. There were some beautiful flowers growing on the grass. Shen Yun had seen them in the Encyclopedia of Spiritual Plants. This was a relatively common spiritual plant, but he didn't have the space, so Shen Yun didn't put it. However, I selected some old ones and dug them up directly, and then planted some in the space. When the space returns to the grandeur of my ancestors, I will no longer have to worry about spiritual plants for alchemy in the future.

After working for a while, Shen Yun continued to follow the direction of the little jumper. She couldn't tell the direction of the wind in this secret realm. Shen Yun didn't know what was inside. She took out a blank jade slip from the space and started. Record the terrain and things encountered here.

 After passing through this grassland, there is a big river, a rushing river, and some fish occasionally jump in it. Looking at it, you can tell that it is not simple.

 Shen Yun's consciousness moved, and the record of strange beasts that he had read as a story in the space appeared directly in his hand.

 Looking through it carefully, I saw the appearance of the fish that just appeared.

This fish is called Silver Snow Fish. It has a snow-white body, small scales, a pair of wings on its body, and a small horn on its head. It can jump out of the water and fly. Its meat is tender and delicate, and it has abundant spiritual energy. It is a rare spiritual species. beast. It doesn't have any special effects, it's just delicious, so the records say that this kind of thing has basically disappeared. Shen Yun really didn't expect to see this in this place.

Looking at the swarms of fish under the water, Shen Yun suddenly felt that his foodie cells, which had not been active for a long time, started to move.

Shen Yun acted on the principle that everyone who saw something was welcome, so he took out the net from his own space without being polite, enlarged the net, and threw it toward the water. When he felt that it was almost done, he fished the net back up.

Silver-white fragments of light moved toward the shore as the net moved.

The harvest was quite good. It is estimated that hundreds of fish were caught in this net. It seems that the fish that were originally rare have multiplied in this secret realm over the years. Shen Yun did not let go of the net. The fish had wings. If he let go of the net, it would fly away.

Draged these fish directly into the space. Looking at the Lingquan River in the space, Shen Yun wanted to put the fish in so that he could eat whatever he wanted in the future.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the net was opened, the little jumper rushed over, with his little pointed mouth.

 I saw the small horn on the head of the silver snow fish disappear.

 The Silver Snow Fish, which was originally alive and well, immediately lost its movement.

"Little Bengchi, aren't you a vegetarian? Will eating this meaty food hurt your stomach?" Shen Yun nervously picked up the little Bengchi. It seemed that the child was really hungry and would eat everything.

Xiao Bengqi ignored Chen Yun's nervousness and chirped a few times, then rushed over and pecked a few silver snowfish horns before stopping.

Shen Yun saw that it was fine after eating so much, and felt relieved. It seemed that the ancient books still recorded too little about the eating habits of the phoenix. It was an omnivorous bird.

"Little Bengqi, if you want to eat, let's go out to eat. Keep the ones here first. Later, you will have endless snow fish to eat." Chen Yun told Xiao Bengqi and let all the living fish go. After entering the water, Shen Yun tried to eat the few ones that had just been pecked by the little jumper.

After the simple roast was finished, Shen Yun took a bite and realized that the recorded content was indeed very one-sided. This fish was really delicious.

 Shen Yun ate the whole thing in one go.

After packing himself up, Shen Yun took Xiao Bengqi out of the space and continued to explore this secret realm.

 Continue walking along the river.

The water flow led to a forest in front. Shen Yun looked at the pairs of winged tigers scattered on the edge of the forest and stopped.

The monsters in front of him are all monsters in the foundation-building stage. Shen Yun is not sure that he can deal with so many of them by himself. Shen Yun still knows that ants kill elephants, and besides, these are not ants.

"Little Bengqi, why don't we change the route to explore? Anyway, there are big things here. When our strength improves, we can meet these big tigers with wings." Shen Yun discussed with Xiao Bengqi, who was slightly excited.

Little Bengqi heard what Chen Yun said, glanced at Chen Yun, and then flapped his wings hard, and a childish phoenix cry sounded in the space.

 Sounds clear and pleasant, without any intimidation.

But the whole space seems to have been pressed on the pause button.

 (End of this chapter)

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