Chapter 247 (247) Inheritance

The entire Phoenix Territory has not had a master for thousands of years. Each ethnic group has become accustomed to a life of self-leadership. Although the young master was sent out to seek opportunities for hatching, most of the spirit beasts did not hold out much hope.

 When I suddenly received this news today, everyone was confused.

Now I came over and saw the little chick standing on Shen Yun's shoulder. I couldn't help but feel a little contempt in my heart. After all, the previous master of Fengyu was a powerful female phoenix. Now looking at the young master like this, everyone is even more... A lot of disappointment, a little bit of happiness.

"Okay, I see that you are not willing to do so. If this is the case, then our Yihu clan will handle this matter ourselves. But when the young master grows up in the future, which adult will come back, how will you explain to which adult? This is not something I can control. I believe everyone has not forgotten what the adult told him before he left." Yihu looked around, and found that some were hesitant, some didn't look at himself, but they didn't take the initiative to stand up. I just heard the cheers of people on the road and thought that these people's hearts were the same as my own. I didn't expect that thousands of years have passed and the hearts of animals can change easily.

"Big Tiger, that's not what you said. Who said we couldn't help but agree? It's just that the young master is too weak now and rashly opened Fengyu. We are afraid that the young master cannot bear the huge impact of spiritual energy." When many birds and beasts heard what the winged tiger said, they immediately started shouting. Although the sound was clear and crisp, it was too noisy to make people's brains hurt.

At this time, everyone's attention was focused on Yihu. Chen Yun and Xiao Bengqi, two weak beasts, did not pay much attention.

Little Bengqi flew forward curiously, and Shen Yun followed it. No one knew anyone in this place. The spirit beasts next to them each had their own little thoughts, so it was safer to stay with Xiao Bengqi.

There is nothing strange about this place. It is a large empty space with a big stone standing in the middle. You can’t tell what it is made of.

 It is not the sycamore tree that Yihu mentioned.

At this time, Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqi had moved from the edge to the big rock in the center of the circle surrounded by everyone.

As for other beasts, this discussion will be more exciting. Each race has its own small ideas, and they are all one big family.

 Shen Yun and the others will no longer have any burden.

Xiao Bengqiao stood on the top of the big stone, and Shen Yun stood below and looked up. The stone was about two people high. I don't know what it was used for. Anyway, it was placed in this position, which is a bit like what they said. open position.

"Little Bengqi, why don't you try to open it yourself? Let's gain some energy and don't rely on them." Shen Yun looked at the little Bengqi standing on top and directly sent him a message in his mind.

Little Bengzhi jumped up excitedly when he heard Chen Yun's words. Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and little Bengzhi didn't hesitate, and directly sprayed a mouthful of phoenix true fire on it.

As soon as the fire came out, all the sounds nearby disappeared.

"This? Big Tiger, why didn't you tell me earlier that the young master has mastered the true fire of the phoenix." The person next to him murmured as he looked at the bright flames.

"The young master just came back today. Besides, I don't have any objections to the young master like you. Why do you want to explore the young master's ability?" Yihu said disdainfully.

"You old guy, how long has this been, and you still say things like this? Now that the young master is on the seal, let's help quickly." This beast immediately changed his attitude when he saw the Phoenix True Fire.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, he saw many spiritual beasts flying up and heading towards the stone.

"You guys are really adaptable to the wind." The spirit beast also flew forward angrily. Shen Yun was standing on the edge of the stone watching the progress of the little jumper, but he was gently tossed aside by a big tail.

When Chen Yun stood firm in the distance, he saw the spirit beasts surrounding the stones and casting spells, and the spiritual energy of the entire Feng Territory began to gather here.

Shen Yunyi could only take a few steps back to avoid being sucked into the spiritual energy hurricane. There were also many spiritual beasts with low spiritual power standing next to him.

Without much effort on the other side, a crisp phoenix cry went straight into the sky, but it was obviously not a jumping cry.

 Shen Yun tried hard to see clearly what was behind the spiritual mist, but he could only see a blur of shadows, and it was not clear which one they were.

Then the sound of the young phoenix chirping came out, and Chen Yun saw a small figure floating slowly in the blur for a few steps.

Shen Yun didn't care about anything at this moment and hurriedly took a few steps forward.

"Don't worry, our young master is accepting the inheritance. Once we successfully pass this level, the center of Fengyu will be opened." The people inside also stopped moving and retreated outside. When they saw people squeezing over, Shen Yun immediately said something.

"Is there any danger?" Shen Yun really never thought about this situation. Didn't he just open the central area directly? It was still too reckless.

"Don't worry, since the young master can already emit Phoenix True Fire, there is not much danger to him." At this time, the wing tiger who spoke also came over.

There is still danger if there is not much danger. Shen Yun frowned and looked up, then looked at the beasts standing next to him. It seemed that he couldn't help this time even if he wanted to.

The little Bengqi floated into the air and stopped there. The spiritual mist also dissipated. Chen Yun could see a ray of light hitting the little Bengqi's body, but it was motionless.

"Is it really okay when it looks like this? Who gave him this inheritance?" Shen Yun could only ask the Yihu next to him for the answer. At this moment, she really regretted it. Why did she want to look at Xiaguang? If there was no If you are so curious, you won't come in. When you get stronger, there won't be so many uncontrollable things in this place.

"This is something it must go through as a phoenix. If he doesn't experience this, it will be difficult for him to grow up. This inheritance was given to him by his parents, and it is also a test for him." Yihu said in a deep voice, anyway. Chen Yun couldn't clearly see the expression on the tiger's face.

"Little Bengqi has been passed down in the past." Shen Yun suddenly thought that the content that Xiao Bengqi shared with him before was indeed from his inherited memory.

Hearing what Chen Yun said, Yihu was silent for a moment, and his voice was much louder, "So, the young master's talent is quite good, and he can be passed down directly after he is hatched. This talent seems to be no better than that of his parents. Difference."

Having said this, Yihu looked a little excited.

 On the other hand, Shen Yun on the other hand couldn't understand their inheritance at all, and no one wanted to explain it to her at this moment.

 (End of this chapter)

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