Chapter 248 (248) Sharing inheritance

This inheritance progressed very slowly, and there was no change in time in the entire Fengyu. Shen Yun could only judge the change in time based on the watch that was still spinning in his hand.

 There was nothing going on up there for several days.

 “How long will this inheritance take?” Shen Yun could only ask the Yihu who was lying beside him.

"This depends on the qualifications of the young master. If the qualifications are particularly good, it will only take a few days. But if the qualifications are not so good, it may be much more. It can take dozens of days, months, years, or hundreds of years. Maybe." This Yihu can't give a definite answer.

Hearing this answer, Shen Yun was stunned and quickly asked: "Then the time inside is the same as the time outside?"

"Of course it's the same. Since Fengyu appears in this world, everything must be controlled by the laws of this world, so time and everything are the same." Yihu said matter-of-factly.

Hearing this, Shen Yun couldn't help but frown, looking at the little Bengqi who was still motionless above. He could wait for a few days or months, but if he waited for a few years, he didn't know what would happen outside. , I'm not worried about anything else, I'm just a little worried about the people in my family.

“Can we get out of this light curtain?” Shen Yun continued to play.

"Of course not. This light curtain was set up by the five-clawed golden dragon. This is a nest set up for the cubs of the Phoenix tribe. Unless the young master leads us, we can't get out. This is not only to protect the young master, but also to prevent us from doing so. The old monster went out and caused cholera in the world outside." Yihu said to Shen Yun without noticing anything.

Shen Yun looked at the spiritual beasts in this circle. Indeed, if any one of them went out, it would be easy to destroy a country. How could the light curtain fade in the previous life?

"Then if Xiao Bengqi doesn't come back, how will you go out to find him in the future?" Shen Yun asked tentatively.

"If this situation really happens, then when the conditions outside are suitable, the light curtain will slowly fade, so that our juniors with low cultivation level can go out to find people." Yihu explained carefully.

Shen Yun now understood the reason why the light curtain faded in his previous life. It was probably because Xiao Bengqi did not come back, and the outside world also entered the era of spiritual energy recovery, so the opportunity mentioned by the other party has arrived.

And the reason why the light curtain appeared earlier in this life may be because Xiao Bengqi's strength has improved a little. In order not to miss the best inheritance date, the light curtain appeared.

Chen Yun was thinking in his mind, looking at the little Bengqi who was still motionless above. He originally thought that this was a helpless little phoenix, but he didn't know that not only did he have a huge tribe, but he also had everything taken care of for him. My parents must have gotten a big deal. They signed the contract directly when Xiao Bengji was young.

It's useless to be anxious in this place now. Shen Yun could only look at the Winged Tiger next to him, "Can you tell me about Little Jumper's parents?"

"There's nothing that can't be said about this. The young master's mother is a female phoenix, and his father is a five-clawed golden dragon. The female phoenix died during the catastrophe. In order to protect the young master, the five-clawed golden dragon directly set up this barrier and We were sent into this world.

We have been guarding this egg for thousands of years, and we have never been sure whether it can hatch. However, there was some movement in the central area some time ago, so we thought of sending the young master out to try our luck. "Yihu didn't hide anything, and told Shen Yun everything straightforwardly. However, this Yihu was not good at telling stories, and Shen Yun could only know these dry information.

"How are you sure that giving it away is good for it? What if someone boils the egg and eats it directly?" Shen Yun asked.

"At our level, some things are sensed in the dark. Besides, our young master is a phoenix, not an ordinary bird egg. It is impossible to boil it." Yihu said and looked at He glanced at Shen Yun, as if saying what nonsense Shen Yun was talking about.

Okay, don't ask anyway, asking is just induction. Shen Yun let out a long sigh. He really wanted to ask these people if they knew when Xiao Bengqi would accept the news of the inheritance, but he saw that everyone around him stopped arguing. Lying down lazily, as if he was not anxious about this matter at all, Shen Yun could only suppress the anxiety in his heart.

 Slowly calming down, she sat here and started practicing directly. It wasn’t that she didn’t take precautions, but it was really useless to be on guard now.

"Big Tiger, this is the first time I've seen such a human being. I remember thousands of years ago, people were extremely scared when they saw us, but now they are no longer afraid of us. Sure enough, people's courage has become bigger after changing the world. "The beast next to him was surprised when he saw Chen Yun start practicing directly, and gossiped with the Yihu next to him.

“We old monsters are all here, do you think it’s useful to be afraid? This is what humans say to be aware of the current situation.” Yihu rolled his eyes at the old turtle next to him, and continued to stare at the little jumping turtle above.

 “Indeed.” Old Turtle murmured.

The spirit beasts next to them don't care about the lawsuit here. They are now thinking about whether the young master will take it to heart about the quarrel just now, and whether they will cause trouble for them when the inheritance is completed, especially some birds, which are naturally suppressed by the phoenix. Strength cannot be underestimated for them.

Shen Yun didn't know about these lawsuits outside. After entering the cultivation state, he felt full of spiritual energy rushing towards him quickly.

The concentration of spiritual energy here is even better than that in his own space. Shen Yun originally planned to practice for a while, but he didn't know that he felt so much spiritual energy that he directly entered a state of trance.

But then the whole person entered a mysterious state. Before Shen Yun could react, he entered another space, and a large amount of information poured into his mind. Then he was like watching a movie, the information was As his mind unfolded, Shen Yun had no time to think about anything else. Just look at these contents.

Outside, Chen Yun's body slowly floated up, and his whole body gradually became even with the little one. When the beasts next to him saw this, they immediately put away their laziness and stood up to look at the floating body in the air. Chen Yun.

 “Big Tiger, what’s going on?” The beasts began to discuss.

“This is inheritance sharing. Our young master took the initiative to share his inheritance with this human being, and the old master agreed.” Before Yihu said anything, the knowledgeable old turtle next to him spoke up.

"How could a human get the inheritance of Phoenix's dragon? What kind of ecstasy did this human pour into the young master?" Everyone knows that these inheritances are not simple things. They have been guarding them for so many years and got nothing. Now they have been given by a If mankind is gone, no one will be convinced.

 (End of this chapter)

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