Chapter 250 (250) My father invites you

Chen Yun and the others didn't know that it was already bustling outside. This time they passed through the crack and directly arrived at a large space. A huge sycamore tree stretched for thousands of miles, with lush branches and branches that seemed to reach the sky. went.

 Then there is a bamboo forest with no end in sight, and a spring water flows to the op amp.

Turning to the other side, he could still see a lot of treasures piled up. Shen Yun looked over and squinted his eyes unconsciously. There were too many treasures and it was dazzling.

 The whole place looks so fairy-like that it’s not an exaggeration to say it’s a fairyland.

The little Bengqi was originally heading towards the sycamore tree, but ended up going straight into the bamboo forest without looking at the others. It drank from the spiritual spring in Shen Yun's space and lived in a nest built with spiritual stones. The only thing it could do was eat. It can occasionally eat a few lotus pods. It can be said that because of being a picky eater, it has basically never eaten enough since birth. Now that it sees the edible things in the inheritance, it doesn't care about other things and just goes in.

After Chen Yun wandered around inside, he stopped directly under the sycamore tree. Although he also received the inheritance, the things in this place were obviously prepared for him by Xiaobengjie's parents. Even if he signed a contract with him, this Things inside cannot be moved casually.

 She can only wait here.

Soon, the little Bengqi came over with a full stomach.

With a chubby belly, she wanted to pretend to be calm, but Chen Yun couldn't help but smile when she saw this image.

"Don't laugh." The little bouncing voice was a little annoyed. After passing the inheritance, it already knew that it was an amazing divine bird. It wanted to maintain a certain image in front of Shen Yun, but it didn't work out.

Shen Yun reacted quickly. As soon as Xiao Bengqie said, she immediately returned to her serious look, "Okay, don't laugh, don't laugh."

Xiao Bengtao took a look at Shen Yun's expression and saw that he was indeed not smiling. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't worry, I will continue to take care of you in the future. We are all our own people. You just have to pay attention to my face. After all, I am a mythical beast." ." Xiao Bengqi said arrogantly.

Looking at Xiao Bengqi's arrogant look, Chen Yun struggled to hold back his laughter and coughed lightly, "Why don't you go see the blood purification first."

"Well, let's go." The voice fell, and the little jumper flew directly from the tree to Chen Yun's shoulder.

“Little Bengqi, you are awesome again today, why have you talked so much?” Shen Yun did not forget to praise his arrogant child on the way.

"That's right, I have the inheritance from my father and mother. The divine bird Phoenix is ​​omnipotent." Xiao Bengtuo said with his neck raised. In the blink of an eye, he didn't know if he thought that the female phoenix was dead, and the golden dragon didn't know what was happening in that world. Things happened, and I felt depressed again, and fell silent on Shen Yun's shoulder.

Shen Yun also thought about this and said nothing. He gently touched the little jumping dog and continued to move forward with it.

The place where the blood is purified is not in the phoenix nest on the plane tree, but in a bamboo building below. This bamboo building is not a mortal thing. From a distance, you can feel a special charm surrounding it.

Shen Yun approached the bamboo building and did not rush in. Next, Xiao Bengqiao had to leave on his own, and he could not accompany him.

He directly held the little jumping ball and placed it at the door of the bamboo building. "Go in, I'll wait at the door. Our spiritual energy is so weak outside that we hatched it. We will be able to pass easily this time."

 “Do you want to accompany me?” Xiao Bengqie raised his head and looked at Shen Yun.

"It is said in the inheritance that you can only do this by yourself. Your parents will not harm you. Go in quickly. After this experience, you will be able to walk around outside in the future." Shen Yun comforted with a smile. .

"Okay, then remember to wait for me here. When I finish it, I will take you out of the light curtain to continue playing." Xiao Bengqi said reluctantly.

 “Okay.” Shen Yun nodded. Xiaobengju walked into the bamboo building with one step and three turns. Shen Yun looked at the closed door and directly found a place not far away to stare at the bamboo building.

At this time, time is often the least valuable. Three days have passed in the blink of an eye. Shen Yun can no longer sit there and wait as calmly as he did at the beginning. He has already walked around the small bamboo building more than ten times. .

It's a pity that the door of the bamboo building cannot be opened since Xiao Bengzhe entered. No sound can be heard inside. Shen Yun is the only one outside. She can only rely on the inheritance contents in her mind to comfort herself. Xiao Bengzhe must be fine. It is a phoenix. Even if it needs blood purification, it does not need to go to war. There must be other things delaying it.

 “Creak.” The door of the bamboo house, which had been closed for three days, finally opened.

 Shen Yun hurriedly began to look for the little figure.

 Then she froze, rubbed her eyes in disbelief, and looked at the door again.

A little bean curd was standing holding on to the door frame. She had fair skin, big eyes, brownish-red hair, a chubby little face, and was dressed in bright yellow clothes. Shen Yun was so cute that her heart trembled.

 The reaction came immediately, the door was opened, where is the little Bengqi?

After using the contract to sense it, I realized that the child in front of me was actually the responder of the contract.

 “Little Bengqi?” Shen Yun asked tentatively.

The child opposite stretched out his little hand and said, "Come and give me a hug. Why is it so hard to walk?" Sure enough, a childish voice came out of the child's mouth.

"Why are you like this?" Shen Yun hurried over to help him, and then the little fat boy jumped directly into his arms.

"It's not caused by blood purification. My cultivation level has been raised directly, so I will transform directly." Xiao Bengtuo said unhappily, pouting his mouth.

Shen Yun felt it and found that it was really powerful. In the past few days, his cultivation level has reached the level of Jindan, which is even better than his own.

“It’s good, it’s good.” Shen Yun quickly comforted him.

"There's nothing we can do about it. I can't change back now. My dad asked you to go in too." Xiao Bengqi looked like he really disliked his current image. He muttered, not forgetting to explain to Shen Yun.

 “Want me to come in, your father?”

“Yes, my father left a trace of his spiritual consciousness. He knew you were outside and asked you to come in. Let’s go.”

Shen Yun thought a lot at this moment. The dragon father wouldn't blame himself for making a contract with the little Bengqi. He should have made the contract when it was young and didn't know anything.

Shen Yun had forgotten that the contract was made by Xiao Bengqi herself. Now she was trying to organize the language in her mind, how to explain to the other party that she abducted Xiao Bengqi.

The inside of the bamboo building was much larger than it looked from the outside, and the layout was very delicate. However, Shen Yun was not in the mood to take a closer look at the moment. She followed the little jumper's guidance and continued walking towards her destination.

 Not long after walking, I saw a statue of a five-clawed golden dragon, and I arrived at my destination.

 (End of this chapter)

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