Chapter 251 (251) Blood Purification

 “Where is your father?” Shen Yun asked the fat baby in his arms.

“You wait, I’ll pat him.” Xiao Bengqi slipped out of Chen Yun’s arms, walked to the five-clawed golden dragon statue, and patted the dragon directly with his fleshy little hands.

Shen Yun clearly saw the whole statue shaking and almost falling over.

Sure enough, as soon as he slapped the palm, a shadow appeared above the statue. It was exactly like the giant dragon in myths and legends. The scales on its body shone with golden light. Although it was just a ray of spiritual consciousness, the momentum of its body still made people feel a bit stressed.

The moment he appeared, he only glanced at Shen Yun, and then turned to Xiao Bengqi next to him, with a little helplessness in his eyes.

"Are you Shen Yun?" Jin Long's misty voice sounded.

“Yes, senior.” Shen Yun nodded.

"It's all thanks to you that my little boy was hatched. Don't worry about the contract. This is a contract unique to the Phoenix Clan. I know what's going on." Jin Long was very open-minded and said straight to the point.

Hearing what the other party said, Chen Yun's worries were relieved. Since he was not asked to come here to terminate the contract, why did he ask himself to come in? It was clearly stated in the inheritance that after such blood purification, the other party's spiritual consciousness would be left behind. It will disappear. What is happening now?

"I don't know why you came to me, senior?" Shen Yun said politely.

"It's like this. The lifespan of the Phoenix clan can be said to be very long, and the lifespan of a human being is only 20,000 years even if you practice to the Mahayana stage. And you and my son have made an equal contract. If your lifespan is too long, Low, it still has an impact on him," Jin Long said slowly.

"What's the impact? Is it just that I will live tens of thousands of years less? What does it matter?" The little Bengqi on the side has not yet realized the benefits of a long life. Although he has inherited it, his thinking is still the same as when he was a child.

Jin Long glanced helplessly at Xiao Bengqi next to him, "You are still young and don't understand many things. You are the only one of the Phoenix clan in this world, so your mission is very important. The inheritance of the Phoenix clan is very difficult. This is It’s your business.”

"I'm still so young, is it appropriate for you to tell me this? Besides, I'm the only one, how can I pass on the inheritance? Don't think that I don't know things when I'm young." Xiao Bengqiao rolled his eyes and didn't take this matter to heart at all. Anyway, there are still thousands or hundreds of years before he reaches adulthood, so why do he want to think about so many things?

"You don't want to think so much. I want to help you think about it. It is very difficult for human beings to cultivate to the Mahayana stage. Most of them are directly stuck in the process of cultivation, or die due to danger. This will have a great impact on you. If you signed a master-servant contract with her, it would have no impact on you at all," Jin Long said to Xiao Bengqi seriously.

Chen Yun was a little embarrassed while listening. Aren't you afraid that discussing this matter in front of you will cast a psychological shadow on yourself? This will make your cultivation even more difficult. There is also a master-servant contract, I don't think so. . It's a bit inappropriate for you to talk about this with your child now.

Jinlong didn't care what Shen Yun thought. His strength determined that he wouldn't care too much about the thoughts of weak people except his own children. After talking to Xiao Bengqe, his eyes turned to Shen Yun again.

"But don't have any psychological burden. I will help you go on this road more smoothly and extend your life span as much as possible." After Jin Long finished speaking, before Shen Yun could react, a burst of mysterious light emerged from the The eyes shot out and directly enveloped Shen Yun.

The last moment Shen Yun was conscious was the scene of Xiao Bengqiao taking a picture towards the five-clawed golden dragon statue.

 It’s not like I’ve been taking care of him for so long in vain. "What on earth did you do to her?" Xiao Bengqie saw She Yun falling, slapped her on the ground, and asked angrily.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to you. You have inherited your mother's bloodline. It seems that the things I originally prepared to give you are no longer of use. Knowing that you have a good relationship with this human being, I will give this thing to you now. She, so that she can take good care of you in this world. The Phoenix is ​​still very fragile in its infancy, so I will find you a guardian as a father." The five-clawed golden dragon felt the gentle caress of the little jumper and explained patiently.

“Then it’s agreed, you’re not allowed to hurt her.” Xiao Bengqie emphasized.

"Maybe, you yourself have gone through blood purification, and you know what it feels like. Although your friend's ancestor has a trace of dragon blood, it has been diluted for thousands of years and is now very small. Now use the blood I left for blood purification. "It will definitely be a painful experience," Jin Long said carefully.

Xiao Bengqie thought about what she had just experienced, and her little body couldn't help but sway a little, "Do we have to let her go through this?"

"Of course, if you want to become stronger, you have to endure some hardships." Jin Long nodded, then ignored Xiao Bengqi and turned directly to look at Shen Yun who fell to the ground.

"Now I have to purify your blood. It will be very painful next. It's up to you." After Jin Long finished speaking, Shen Yun didn't react and started casting the spell directly.

Shen Yun vaguely heard something about blood purification and pain. Before he woke up, he saw a drop of golden liquid flying directly from the mouth of the golden dragon statue, and then directly entered his body.

In an instant, it was like a drop of boiling water entered his body, causing the blood all over his body to boil. First his skin, then his bones, and finally his internal organs. Shen Yun felt pain. It hurt so much that I didn't know whether I was awake or unconscious. I couldn't even feel the pain clearly. I tried to use my spiritual energy to see if it could stop the pain, but it turned out that I couldn't concentrate because of the pain.

Xiao Bengta watched as the golden liquid entered Shen Yun's body. She rolled in pain instantly, and her clothes were immediately stained red by the blood.

“It wasn’t like this when I was purifying my bloodline.” Xiao Bengqi anxiously climbed up to the statue and asked the golden dragon.

“You are of the bloodline of the Phoenix and the Golden Dragon, and the Phoenix bloodline has the upper hand. If you want to preserve your bloodline, you only need to remove the Golden Dragon bloodline. Of course, it won’t be so painful if I’m here to help you.”

 “Then you should help her too.”

“My consciousness is already very weak, and I can only pass this level by myself.

If you want to go out in the future, you must protect your own safety, and the spiritual beasts and monsters in Fengyu are not allowed to be taken out. They were not born in this world. If they leave this light curtain, they will be killed by the heaven here. It would do them no good to come to their door.

 Other things are all in the inheritance, and dad won’t talk to you too much. You wait until dad solves the world’s problems and then come and take you back. " Before the sound of the five-clawed golden dragon disappeared, the shadow in mid-air disappeared.

Little Bengqie had no time to react, looked at the empty air and shouted blankly, "Daddy."

 (End of this chapter)

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