Chapter 252 (252) Feng Aotian, Feng Jinlong.

 There was no response.

There was only the painful sound of Shen Yun below.

Xiao Bengqi seemed to not believe it. He patted the statue under him gently with his little hand, but still there was no reaction.

 The little mouth pouted, and the big eyes quickly filled with tears.

Like a string of pearls, they slipped down one after another, and said with a cry, "Daddy is a bad guy."

Little Bengqi felt the feeling of separation for the first time, but no one comforted him.

Shen Yun is going through her own difficulties at the moment. She feels that her consciousness and body have been painfully separated, and the flesh and blood in her body are constantly dying and reborn.

 Gradually becoming stronger and stronger.

I don’t know how long it took, but Shen Yun felt the pain gradually go away from him, and his consciousness returned to his body again.

 At this moment without pain, it's like I have changed my body. I feel better than ever.

 Slowly opening his eyes, he saw the statue of a golden dragon above his head.

  I was obviously quite far away, how could I have come here?

 When I sat up, I saw that the original color of the clothes on my body was no longer visible, and a fishy smell rushed straight to my forehead.

Shen Yun's hand covering his nose stopped halfway up. His hand was covered with a thick layer of black and red mud, and his original appearance was no longer visible.

There was no time to think about anything else. I threw away a few cleaning techniques. The unpleasant smell gradually dissipated. Shen Yun's hands also came back. They looked whiter and tenderer than before, and his hands seemed to turn red just by pinching something. .

But only Shen Yun knew that after experiencing the pain before, he could crush a piece of iron with his hands without any scratches.

Feeling his own cultivation level again, he had already reached the middle stage of the golden elixir, and his whole body seemed to have endless strength. Shen Yun knew that even if he no longer practiced body refining techniques in the future, his body's strength would be difficult for ordinary people to match. After all, The blood flowing in his body now is dragon blood.

After tidying up his tattered clothes, Chen Yun stood up directly. The golden dragon in the void had disappeared. Knowing in a daze that he had left here, Chen Yun directly started to look for the figure of Xiao Bengqi. Although he was very cultivated now. High, but thinking about its current image, Shen Yun felt very uneasy.

"Little Bengqi, little Bengqi..." Shen Yun called several times inside the bamboo building, but there was no response.

Out of the bamboo building, from a distance, I saw the little Pengju lying soundly in the phoenix nest on the sycamore tree, sleeping soundly.

 Shen Yun was relieved.

Xiao Bengqi was fine, and Shen Yun also entered the space to change his clothes.

 “How are you?” As soon as he came out of the space, he saw the tearful little Bengqi looking at him.

Shen Yun immediately softened his heart. He had raised this from an egg, so it was not easy.

“It’s okay, you see I’m fine.” Shen Yun walked over directly.

"That's good. Sure enough, daddy didn't lie to me, but you have been asleep for a long time. What should we do now." Xiao Bengqie said happily.

“Can we go out now?” Shen Yun asked.

"Yes, why don't you go out now and play, I don't want to stay in the space anymore." Little Bengqi spoke with a crisp voice, like a little bird. "By the way, the spiritual beasts outside have not been dealt with yet." Shen Yun reminded.

"Then you wait for me here, I'll go over and tell them." Little Bengqiao flew out like a little adult.

Chen Yun stood under the sycamore tree and waited. Xiao Bengqi had now successfully inherited Fengyu and was connected to this place. No matter how far away from here in the future, it would be just a thought to return here.

 So Shen Yun has no intention of touching the things here. These are all left to him by his parents, which can be regarded as a thought.

After a while, Xiao Bengqiao came back and said, "It's taken care of. I'll let them live as they did before. Anyway, I don't need anyone to accompany me."

"Okay, let's go." Shen Yun did not comment on this method.

As soon as Xiaobengpao had a thought, Shen Yun and he appeared outside the light curtain. When he turned around, he saw that the people sitting next to the light curtain were all people, but they were all practicing. They would sense the sudden aura, and everyone He opened his eyes and looked over.

The aura on Xiao Bengqi's body was gone. Those people took one look and immediately did not dare to look.

“Let’s go, I’ve wanted to come out and take a look for a long time.” Xiao Bengqie held Shen Yun’s hand.

"Okay." Shen Yun nodded. He didn't know how long he had been in there. At that time, he left the third brother and the fourth brother and came over. He didn't know what happened now.

The two people gradually walked away through the dense crowd, and the light curtain behind them slowly faded.

 The crowd immediately became confused. After finally encountering a place with strong spiritual energy, it suddenly disappeared.

Chen Yun turned his head and took a look when he heard the sound, and found that the light curtain had disappeared, but the aura in the air had not disappeared. The crowd there panicked and calmed down. Looking at the forest that had returned to its original state, they tentatively walked forward. Go away.

“Little Bengqi, Fengyu, have you put it away?” Shen Yun asked in a low voice.

"Put it away. It's all mine. How can I put it outside for others to see?" said the little Bengqi, tilting his head.

Shen Yun looked at his cute look and nodded with a smile. Even after blood purification, he still protected his things as before, "But after you put your things away, the aura is still leaking out."

"It's okay, we don't care about this. By the way, I gave myself a name, Feng Aotian. What do you think?" Xiao Bengqie looked at Shen Yun and said.

Shen Yun was stunned for a moment and looked at the other person's **** and white eyes, "Why does this name sound so awkward? Why don't you think about it again."

“Okay, let’s call it Feng Jinlong.” Xiao Bengqie said and felt that this name was better than the previous one.

  Shen Yun was incompetent in naming him, but he didn't expect that he might as well give in to the one he raised.

"As long as you like it." Shen Yun said helplessly, "By the way, when you walk outside from now on, you can call me sister, and you are the child of a distant relative. This is more convenient, otherwise people will doubt your origins.

 Let me tell you, never reveal to others that you are a phoenix. There are many bad people out there who dare to capture even people. If they knew you were a mythical beast, they would definitely capture you and put you in a cage. "For the sake of safety, Shen Yun didn't mind scaring the little jumper.

 “I will run away if there are bad people.” Xiao Bengqi said nonchalantly.

"You can't guess what the bad guys do. They might give you delicious food and knock you out so that you can't even run away. ..." Chen Yun racked his brains and thought about all the methods he had heard of kidnapping and trafficking children. Tell it to Xiao Bengqi. Although Xiao Bengqi has lived in this world for more than a year, he was still stunned by Chen Yun's words. He firmly promised not to tell others that he was a Phoenix.

Shen Yun thought this was a precautionary measure. Human greed prevented her from making this bet, so it was still necessary to vaccinate Little Bengqie in advance.

 (End of this chapter)

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