The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 254: (254) Don’t let other people’s children come back if they are locked up

Chapter 254 (254) Don’t let other people’s children come back if they are locked up

 Shen Heng didn't take long to get things done.

"Everyone has been notified. Those who are close will be back in a while. Those who are far away know that you are safe, so there is no need to worry about coming back." Shen Heng and Shen Yun explained.

"That's good, how are you at home? Nothing happened this year, right?" Shen Yun asked with concern.

"The family is pretty stable, but my grandparents seem to have noticed something is wrong. They have been very worried about staying at home this year. I used to be in good health, but now I don't look so good." Shen Heng didn't hide it.

"Then let's go back to our hometown to see our grandparents now." Shen Yun's heart moved. The old couple were probably worried about themselves. They didn't know how to be anxious at home when they didn't see anyone.

"Okay, I'll leave a note at home." Shen Heng thought for a while and decided immediately. It had been more than a year and Shen Jian hadn't woken up yet, so he might as well let Shen Yun go back and check on his condition.

They left as soon as they could, leaving a note and the three of them set off.

Shan Han, who had not gotten through the call, went outside the door and saw someone leaving again. He was in vain, but the person was fine and there was plenty of time to wait until he came back.

Thinking of this, Yan Han felt that the obstacle he had never overcome dissipated, and then he felt spiritual energy rushing directly towards him.

 “Help me protect the law.” Yan Han quickly called Xu Lei next to him.

"Okay." Xu Lei also knew what Yan Han was going through. He had also met several people who were building foundations this year. Originally, the boss's cultivation was the most powerful, but he had not been able to build foundations for a long time. Unexpectedly, Now that the time was up, he couldn't help but be happy about the cold.

 Severe Cold’s upgrade can be said to have come naturally and has been accumulated for a long time.

  After the foundation was established, it was directly promoted to the middle stage of foundation establishment, and the crazy influx of spiritual energy from outside stopped.

“Congratulations, boss.” Xu Lei said with a smile when he saw Yan Han successfully building the foundation so quickly.

"Thank you." Yan Han said with a smile. If he couldn't wait any longer, he wouldn't have built the foundation directly outside. Thanks to him for protecting himself.

"What's the matter? Should we go back now or wait here?" Xu Lei asked more.

"Go back. From the looks of it, he probably went out. If I guessed correctly, he probably went back to his hometown. There are elderly people at home." Yan Han knew very well about Shen Yun's family situation. Many people have disappeared this year. He wasn't necessarily anxious yet, but he could understand it now.

"Okay, Shen Yun should go directly to the headquarters when he comes back." Xu Lei has dealt with Shen Yun several times and knows that she is not an unreliable person. This disappearance must be a special situation, otherwise she will not let go of the supervision she just received. The reporter left work without saying hello.

Chen Yun was moving at full speed here. It didn't take long before he arrived at Baiyun Cun. The originally ordinary small mountain village was different from before after this year's cultivation of spiritual energy. Occasionally, one or two vintage stars could be seen in the mountains and forests. Low spiritual plant.

As for the two courtyards of my home, I have my own spiritual gathering arrays, and the plants in them are growing luxuriantly.

 The three people stopped directly outside the yard of the old house.

 The door to the small courtyard was ajar, and it was quiet inside, no longer as lively as before.

 Shen Yun walked inside with Xiao Bengqi and Shen Heng in his arms.

"Grandpa and grandma, look who's back." There was no contact machine in my hometown, and Shen Yun and the others didn't notify their family when they came back, but Shen Heng started calling for people as soon as he entered the door. "Who is it?" The door to the room where grandparents lived was not opened, but the door to the room where Shen Jian lived opened. As expected, it was the second aunt who came out.

“Second Aunt, take a look.” Shen Heng said happily.

 Shen Heng pointed like this, and Liu Xiaofeng noticed Shen Yun holding the child behind him.

He was stunned for a moment, then a smile immediately appeared on his face, "Yunyun is back, Yunyun is back."

  First he exclaimed, then raised his pitch.

 The sound spread rapidly throughout the courtyard.

Several people who were working in the backyard heard the sound and ran forward in a panic without putting down their things.

Shen Yun saw the trembling movements of Mr. Yang Xiaocao and his wife, and quickly put down his little jumper to greet them.

"Grandpa and grandma, don't worry, I'm back." Shen Yun held one hand up.

The two old men also grabbed Shen Yun's hand.

"Child, where have you been this year? Are you okay?" Yang Xiaocao couldn't help crying as she held Shen Yun's hand.

"Grandpa and grandma, I'm fine. This year I accidentally arrived in a secret realm. I didn't expect to stay for such a long time. I'm fine. I just can't notify people outside." Shen Yun quickly explained.

"Why is the secret realm so unreasonable? The children are locked up and not allowed back." Yang Xiaocao was a little angry.

"Okay, isn't the child back safely now? Let the child rest quickly. He will probably rush home as soon as he comes out." Although Shen Guoliang also held Shen Yun's hand, he didn't say anything and just listened patiently. Then, I felt much better when I heard that the child really didn't come back for a reason.

He had heard a lot of gossip this year. People in the village were muttering that his granddaughter in the city couldn't get used to the life of a poor person and didn't plan to come back. He went out to explain himself, but many people still thought that he was For the sake of face, he still muttered behind his back. The longer time went by, the more people said this, and he didn't like to go out anymore. Now he knew that Shen Yun had something to do so he couldn't come back. After all, he felt a lot relieved.

"I'm sorry for making everyone worried. I will be careful outside in the future to avoid this happening again." Shen Yun quickly assured him.

"Hey, we are old and don't understand this matter. We have learned a lot of information in the past year or so. We know that this kind of thing often happens after cultivating immortals. After all, you enter samadhi somewhere while cultivating. It will take ten days and a half," Shen Guoliang said slowly, "We are mentally prepared for this kind of thing."

It sounded like he was thinking more openly, but Shen Yun took a look and saw that the two old men's cultivation had not improved at all in more than a year. Instead, they looked like they were still a bit regressed, so he knew that they must be worried.

"Don't worry, I'm very strong now, and no one will hurt me easily. Let's do this. I'll get a natal jade tablet and put it at home. This way, even if we get into some secret realm in the future and can't get out, you don't have to worry too much. Too worried." Shen Yun thought about the natal jade tablet in the weapon refining book. He used to think that there was no need to get this thing, but now seeing how anxious his family is, getting this thing would be a comfort to his family.

“Okay, let’s get one for everyone in the family. The world is different now. Seeing you go out every day makes us all worried.” The uncle was the first to respond to this decision.

Shen Yun decided to do this after everyone in his family saw it.

 (End of this chapter)

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