Chapter 255 (255) Gathering

“It would be nice to come back anyway, my family can no longer bear such a thing.” Liu Xiaofeng said while wiping her tears.

"How is Shen Jian's condition? I made an appointment with the medical experts in Beijing to take Shen Jian over for a checkup. Who knew this delay would take so long." Shen Yun looked at Erbo Shen aside. them.

 The two of them seemed to be in good spirits.

"Shen Jian is still the same, but I can occasionally feel his fingers moving, but he hasn't woken up. I don't know if I can go to the doctor now." Hearing what Shen Yun said, the second uncle was excited, but after thinking about it, The time was agreed upon a year ago, but now I don’t know if it will work?

"Don't be anxious. I'm going to check on Shen Jian's condition first. When I get back to Beijing, I'll ask the doctors if they have time." Shen Yun comforted everyone, and didn't bother to rest. Walking towards Shen Jian's room, the whole family followed and watched.

Shen Jian's condition is not bad. His family is taking good care of him, and he is indeed getting better. The injuries in his brain are basically healed after being nourished by elixirs, spiritual energy and lotus seeds. He needs an opportunity to wake up. It seems that there is no need to wait until his Nascent Soul stage to refine the elixir.

 Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

“Not bad, you took good care of it.” Shen Yun checked it carefully and said.

"That's good, that's good." Both the second aunt and the second uncle breathed a sigh of relief. The family members have been away from home for more than a year, so the two of them took care of them. The old man and the old lady came over to nourish Shen Jian's spiritual energy. They usually only care about the children. His aunt came over to check on Shen Jian's condition. Now that she had Shen Yun's words, the burden she was carrying was finally relieved.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with Shen Jian, everyone asked Shen Yun a lot of questions.

Chen Yun introduced Xiao Bengqi to everyone again. Everyone knew that it was Xiao Bengqi who rescued Shen Yun, and they were immediately grateful. Although Xiao Bengqi looked at the little one, but Chen Yun said so, no one Don't believe it.

 I didn’t care about anything else for a moment, so I got up and took out the food at home to feed the little Bengqi. Although the little Bengqi is picky about food, she can still eat a little human food.

"Grandpa, grandma, and fourth brother have already communicated with my parents. They know that I am back, and they are probably rushing to Beijing. I will go back first, and then come back to see you after the things over there are finished. I will pick you up to live in Beijing then." Shen Yun stayed at home for a day and was ready to leave.

I have disappeared for more than a year, and there are still many things that have not been dealt with. When I return, I have to go to the special department and contact the supervisor to see if my job has been suspended or what to do. Although my job has been It’s no longer a necessity, but you still have to complete your work if you want to do your job in your position.

“Go, go, we’re not going anywhere, we’re just staying at home, and you can come back and see us when you are free.” Shen Guoliang waved his hand and did not force Shen Yun to stay.

As long as you see people come back safely, nothing else matters.

The three people rushed to the capital city again under the cover of night. The small courtyard was no longer as deserted as when they left. As soon as the three people landed in the courtyard, the people waiting at home knew about it.

 The first person to rush out was Yang Cancan.

 She didn’t say anything and directly hugged Shen Yun into her arms.

Feeling the wetness on his clothes, Shen Yun silently reached out and hugged him back, "Mom, look, am I okay? It's all my fault. I didn't expect to be trapped for so long, but that's right. It’s a blessing in disguise, and now my strength has reached a higher level.”

 “It’s not your fault, just come back safely.” Yang Cancan didn’t say a word of blame.

After hugging her for a while, Yang Cancan wiped away her tears and let go of her hand.

Shen Yun turned around and took a look at the people around him. None of them were any better than Shen Heng. He was probably busy looking for people every day, and he didn't care about his personal image.

“Thank you all for never giving up and looking for me. No matter what, thank you.” Shen Yun said sincerely. "We are all a family. What are you talking about? You taught us what we are today. We have been busy for more than a year, but we have not been able to help." Shen Chen smiled and patted Shen Yun on the shoulder. .

"Yeah, just come back well. I don't know how to be happy when my third uncle comes back in two days." The people next to him echoed.

Everyone was concerned about Shen Yun's condition, but did not delve into where Shen Yun had gone. After searching for more than a year, he finally came back, and they were all tired.

 Shen Yun introduced Xiao Bengqi to everyone, and then urged everyone to clean up after him.

 After finishing packing, we had no energy to do anything else. We agreed to wait until everyone came back to celebrate again, and then everyone went to rest.

Early the next morning, Shen Yun said hello to his family and went directly to the special department. As for the little Bengqi, there was someone playing with him now. He was fresh and didn't want to go out with Shen Yun at all.

 Early in the morning, people from the special department were already coming and going. It was estimated that there would be more things to take care of this year. Shen Yun saw that there were many more people than before.

 The doorman is still the old man from before.

 “Is Minister Yan here?” Shen Yun asked as always.

“Oh, you girl is back, but I haven’t seen you for a long time. Yan Han is here, and the office is still in the same place.” The old man looked at Shen Yun and said with a smile.

"Yes, I'm back. How are you?" Shen Yun said with a smile.

“Okay, let’s go and get down to business.” The old man smiled and waved his hand.

Shen Yun didn't stay at the door longer and walked directly inside.

 It has changed a lot in more than a year. Because the number of people has increased, many places have been converted into buildings. Shen Yun walked towards the location of the former cold office.

This place is still the same as before.

  As soon as I knocked on the door, it opened and there were several people sitting in a room.

"You're back, how are you?" Several people stood up when they saw Shen Yun.

"It's okay. It's just that I was stuck in that place and wasted a little time, and my work was also delayed. Sorry?" Sitting inside was Yan Han and several other supervisors. He had been missing for more than a year, so they probably had to clean up the mess. of.

"It will be good if he comes back safely." Several people did not say anything to blame.

"Nothing happened this year. I disappeared for such a long time and couldn't do my job. This is the complete collection of spiritual plants I promised a year ago. Now I'm here to fulfill it." Shen Yun didn't say anything and just handed over the jade plant. Jane took it out and put it on the table.

The eyes of several people immediately moved to the table. This was the first time they had seen the jade slip. It looked no different from the jade plaque, but the jade quality felt particularly good.

 (End of this chapter)

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