Chapter 256 (256) Concealing Experience

“Don’t say you’re not doing anything about work, I’ve reserved the position for you, and we’re still hoping for a strong victory.” Jiang Min said with a smile.

"You guys are not bad at it. It seems that you have successfully built the foundation, so don't make fun of me." Shen Yun said politely.

"This is not only our intention, but also the intention of the people above. You have done so many things. It is impossible to deny those things you have done just because of this year. Besides, the contents of this jade slip are immeasurable. This We have done a year's work for you, so don't be lazy when you come back," the older Xu Guoqing said with a smile.

“That’s right, it’s impossible not to work.” Jiang Min also said.

"I will arrange for someone to make the jade slips, but we can't let everyone see it as we thought before. Now the outside forces are eyeing us. Once the information inside is spread, it will probably attract a large number of people. For spying on our country." Yan Han put the jade slip away directly.

Several people here are aware of the confidentiality agreement, but they didn’t ask to watch it.

"It's up to you to arrange this, but let me tell you in advance that I will teach this to my family, because one of my brothers is learning alchemy with me, and this is something that must be learned." Shen Yun said it first, so as not to worry about it later. Trouble arises.

 Several people looked at each other.

"I will report this matter to the superiors." Yan Han said helplessly. After all, this is Shen Yun's own thing, and he can't say that she won't be allowed to teach her family members.

 And this thing is said to be confidential, but it cannot be completely confidential. After all, the country itself also needs Lingzhi's information. If more people know about it, they will definitely let it out a little bit.

“I wonder if Chen Yun, your family is short of a brother who can cultivate, earn money and be handsome.” Jiang Min watched everyone finish their words, smiled and walked towards Shen Yun and said.

Several other people were speechless when they saw Jiang Min's shameless look. Among them, Liang Shan was the most angry. He was obviously the first one to come up with this idea. Why didn't he say anything yet? Jiang Min just jumped on it.

"How old are you? You are only one or two years older than Shen Yun. You still want to be his brother. Are you reliable? Which one of us is not more suitable than you." Liang Shan said secretly on the side.

"There are already five brothers in my family, and I have no idea of ​​recognizing my brother at the moment." Shen Yun looked at the few people with expectant faces and said speechlessly. They all looked quite reliable, but why are they so unreliable at this time?

“I was joking.” Jiang Min reacted quickly. Hearing what Shen Yun said, he immediately found a step for himself.

“Okay, the jokes are over, let’s get down to business.” Yan Han reminded.

Everyone then became serious.

"This is what happened during the year you left. Most of it is domestic, but there are also things abroad. You can go back and take a look." Yan Han directly handed a thick stack of information to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun took it and took a look at it. It was not a trivial matter. "I will take a closer look when I get back."

“These are all things that happened. Now let’s talk about the disappearance of the light curtain yesterday.” Yan Han said seriously.

Shen Yun fell silent for a moment. He knew this, but he couldn't talk about it.

"There was no sign when this light curtain appeared, and there was no sign when it disappeared. The spiritual energy that emerged over there did not disappear. We can only study it slowly." When he got down to business, everyone became serious, Liang Shan Gave his own suggestions.

"It's true. There have been so many things that cannot be investigated this year. We can only wait for time to pass slowly and see what happens in the future." Jiang Min also said at the same time.

"I agree with both of you." Shen Yun continued. It was hard for her to express her opinion on this matter. She couldn't say that it was the nest of Xiao Bengqi. "By the way, Shen Yun, the location where you disappeared is near the light curtain. Have you discovered anything?" Jiang Min suddenly turned to Shen Yun and asked.

Shen Yun felt nervous. It seemed that some people had discovered him while flying with his sword.

How to say this?

 Shen Yun glanced at everyone, and now all eyes returned to himself.

"When I arrived near there, I was sucked into a mysterious space. There were many monsters in there, and their strength was terrifying. Then I fell into a coma, and then came out." Shen Yun said simply, covering up Suddenly he entered the light curtain.

When several people heard that there was a powerful monster inside, their attention immediately turned to it. Even Shen Yun felt that the scary monster could make people unconscious, which was difficult to deal with.

“Then why didn’t these monsters hurt you?” Xu Guoqing asked curiously.

"I really don't know about this. Anyway, I came out as soon as I woke up." Shen Yun directly concealed his experience inside. He believed that a strong monster would be enough to give everyone an early warning. In this way, everyone would work hard to improve their strength, even if they were inside the light curtain. The monster cannot come out, which is also a good thing.

“Shen Yun even said that he was in a coma. Who knows what these monsters are planning. Maybe they have never seen humanoid creatures before, so they are just curious.” Jiang Min was quite open-minded. "Anyway, the main task now is to go over there and check if there are any abnormalities. Otherwise, there would be thousands of cultivators over there. How dangerous it would be."

“The special department is already checking, and there is nothing abnormal at the moment.” Yan Han organized people to start the process after the light curtain disappeared yesterday.

"Then it's probably nothing. We can only wait and see if the light curtain will appear again. Let's study it carefully next time." Shen Yun said easily.

Having said that, the others all know how difficult it is. After all, they haven't found anything special in this year. It's like a barrier. No one has ever been seen entering. The only one who is willing to enter the light curtain is Shen Yun. He was still in a coma, so there was no way to talk about this matter.

 Several people discussed it for a while but couldn't come up with any reason, so they could only separate and go about their own things.

  As for Shen Yun, give him a week to rest and understand what happened throughout the year, and then come back to work.

 Shen Yun readily agreed and returned to the courtyard with a thick pile of information.

The family has already begun to make lunch happily. Although they have agreed to wait until everyone is here to celebrate, Yang Cancan can't help but want to make something delicious for Shen Yun.

 I went out to buy a lot of things in the morning, and Shen Yun had already made several items when he got home.

Shen Yun wanted to go over to help, but was pushed outside by the rest of the family.

“You have a good rest, there are so many people at home, how can we use you.

By the way, when you disappeared, one of your classmates found where you used to live and said that he had done some business with you and wanted to get something from you. I just remembered this today. "Shen Heng pulled Shen Yun straight and said.

 Oops, I guess the neutralizer in the factory is out of stock, and I don’t know what’s going on. I’d better contact you and ask.

 (End of this chapter)

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