Chapter 265 (265) Come to the door

"Don't worry about this. There are more rich people in Beijing. Your business may be better here. After all, business is in a small city. When there is nothing, people are not willing to spend this money, but this is for the rich." It's not a problem for people." Shen Yun comforted him on the side, "Besides, if the whole family is together, we can react to whatever happens. If you all go back to your hometown, what will happen to me?"

Shen Limin was already determined to return to his hometown, but he still hesitated after hearing Shen Yun's last words. What happened this time really frightened him. When he heard about Shen Yun's disappearance, he was frightened at first, and then... He was anxious, and finally felt a little desperate. If he hadn't had the mentality of trying to get the person back even if he died, he really wouldn't have been able to hold on for so long.

Think about it if you go home and leave your child here alone, you won’t be able to trust anyone else.

 For a moment, Shen Limin, who was originally happy, hesitated, "Daughter-in-law, what should I do?" She cast her eyes on Yang Cancan next to her.

“What should we do? Go back and ask your parents if they will listen to us after we have made a decision.

 Let's discuss it at home. The children are all at home. Anyway, I can't let go of any of them now. "Yang Cancan also expressed his attitude by saying this.

"Okay, we can only go home and discuss it." Shen Limin said weakly. He was afraid of dragging down his children here, and he couldn't see his children in his hometown. Could he not understand whether it would be good to develop in a big city? Isn't this too much helplessness? What?

"Third uncle, we agreed to go back today. Do you want to go together?" Shen Yunchen asked the two people.

"I'm going back. I haven't been back for a long time. It's time for me to go back to work." Huang Bin said while eating.

"Go back, go back if you have nothing to do. Shen Heng, you can stay here. If you have no family or mouth, just look at your sister here." Shen Limin decided directly.

"Okay, let's pack our things." Everyone was even more happy when they heard Shen Limin say this, and they walked excitedly towards the room one by one.

Shen Yun looked thoughtfully on the side. Maybe he was forcing them to live here. After all, Beijing was where he had lived for more than ten years. To them, this was a strange city where all the family business They are all in that place, and it is indeed difficult to drag the family over to live there.

"Dad, you go back and tidy up first, and then ask my brother and the others to bring Shen Jian over to have a look. After others have seen it, we will go back to our hometown. Then we will cover a few hills. We will develop well in our hometown. As for the capital city, It's not far away anyway, you can come over if you have anything to do, and you can do your work there anyway." At this moment, Shen Yun changed his decision.

"Is this okay?" Shen Yun made a decision, while several others hesitated.

"Okay, there's nothing wrong with it." Shen Yun nodded. When he develops well in Baiyun Village, he will definitely attract more people to go there, and they may not necessarily stay in the capital.

As for how to report to the superiors, I believe that the things I have produced are enough to illustrate my importance, and then these things will not be a problem.

After deciding, they packed their luggage and left without hesitation. Shen Yun gave Shen Limin the 200 yuan he had just received yesterday in his pocket.

"Yunyun, you three take good care of yourselves here. I'll take the silk threads you gave me and knit them for you. Your grandma's skills are better than mine, so don't worry about the things. Don't be impulsive if anything happens here, at home. And mom and dad, although we don’t have much ability, we can help you when things happen," Yang Cancan said while holding Shen Yun's hand uneasily.

"Don't worry, I won't go anywhere for a while. I will just stay well in Beijing and nothing will happen." Shen Yun said soothingly.

"Then let's go, Shen Heng, take care of your sister and Jin Long." Shen Limin said, and got on the train directly. Several other people said hello and followed.

“Let’s go home.” Watching the train go away, Shen Yun greeted the two people around him. Back at home, Shen Yun asked Shen Heng to take care of Xiao Bengqi at home, and went out directly. He agreed to make an appointment with the doctors, but he hadn't gone yet.

The old doctors who worked at the Alchemy Research Institute before were all experts at the national medical level. Now that they are old, they don't see many patients anymore. However, they left their addresses before, and Shen Yun planned to visit each house.

 The first thing we came to was a large courtyard house.

"Hello, I'm looking for Mr. Jiang." Shen Yun said politely to the person who opened the door.

“Do you have an appointment?” The young man at the gate was stunned for a moment when he saw that it was a beautiful girl who was looking for his grandfather, but he was a very principled person.

"I made an appointment with Mr. Jiang, Mr. Qian, and Mr. Qu a year ago, but something has delayed me. Can you help convey it? Just ask Shen Yun to see you." Shen Yun was very polite. Although these old people have no cultivation level, , but he has studied medicine for a lifetime and deserves everyone's respect.

"Okay, wait a moment." The young man felt Shen Yun's aura and found that he couldn't feel it. He directly pointed to the stool at the door for Shen Yun to sit on, then turned around and ran towards the room.

Shen Yun looked at the specially modified door, and then at the many chairs placed on the porch. It seemed that many people came here to seek medical treatment. Shen Yun sat patiently on a chair next to him.

 After a while, I saw the young man running back. "My grandpa invites you in."

When Shen Yun entered, he saw an old man treating someone. The patient still looked a bit familiar, so Shen Yun didn't bother him. He nodded and stood aside waiting.

The entire consulting room was very quiet, with only the sound of the old man asking questions.

Shen Yun also heard it from the side and realized that as he got older, his body energy was not as good as when he was young.

"Your disease is said to be easy to cure. If you rest for half a year and take a few medicines, you will be fine. But you can't rest in this condition, so the medicine won't have much effect." After checking the pulse, Mr. Jiang did not prescribe any medicine. Medicine, he said directly to the old man in front of him with a dark face. Although he understood this man's work situation, he could not show a good face towards patients who did not follow the doctor's instructions.

“Hey, Old Jiang, you also know that things are very busy now, so there is no time to take a break of half a year. A day or two is too much.” The man said with a bitter smile.

 “I don’t believe there is anyone else but you.”

 “When I am in charge of my own affairs, I cannot leave things to others.”

"Then I guess I can't cure your situation. You can ask the girl behind you if there is anything you can do." Mr. Jiang pointed directly at Shen Yun.

Shen Yun did not expect that this matter would happen to him, "Is there any way I can do it?"

 (End of this chapter)

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