Chapter 266 (266) Donating medicine

I do not know how?

Seeing the familiar old man opposite turn his head, Chen Yun felt that his face must have been full of panic at that time. He only knew how to make alchemy, and even saving a few people was a special situation. Counting on himself, it was only occasionally reliable. After all, he was not a professional. .

 Taking a deep breath, "Mr. Jiang, I'm not a doctor. I really can't handle this situation."

“Hey, young people say it’s not good, come and take a look, don’t limit yourself so much, we want multiple developments, look at the one you made, isn’t it also related to medicine.” Mr. Jiang said seriously there.

 Shen Yun calmed down for a second, and then walked over.

"Let me show you the disease records." Mr. Jiang saw Shen Yun coming over and handed a stack of information to Shen Yun directly.

Shen Yun could only open the information under the expectant eyes of the two people. It was not a big problem. After all, the bodies of leaders like this were cared for by dedicated personnel. However, the smaller the problem, the more difficult it was to treat it. After all, people were here. Some geriatric diseases are unavoidable at a certain age, and they all need to be taken good care of. It is quite simple for Shen Yunlai to just take a pill to strengthen the foundation and cultivate the yuan, and the problem will be almost gone. However, if you take out this pill, there will probably be problems later. There are more, after all, there is more than one leader.

However, it is unjustifiable not to give medicine. After all, this old man has served the country and the people all his life. Shen Yun really can't bear it.

Shen Yun looked back and forth, "I really don't know how to see a doctor, but I have medicine, if you dare to take it."

What he said is quite scary. He can still prescribe medicine without knowing how to see a doctor. To others, it would be more nonsense. However, although this leader has never met Shen Yun himself, he has seen it in some information and knows. There were some things about this girl that she didn’t fall out with on the spot.

“Tell me what kind of medicine it is?” Both of them looked at Shen Yun curiously, and Mr. Jiang’s eyes gleamed.

Shen Yun did not hesitate, and directly took out a bottle of Strengthening the Origin and Strengthening the Origin Pill from his backpack. This was something he had learned while brushing up his proficiency. He still had several bottles in his own space. If there was any specific effect, That's really not the case. For people who are weak or who are just recovering from a serious illness, it is best to take this. It is definitely much better than the Shiquan Tonic.

He took a cup from Mr. Jiang's table and poured one into it. "Please take a look." Shen Yun directly handed the elixir to Mr. Jiang who was next to him, who was eager to try it.

"It's a good thing. I feel so clear-headed when I smell it. It has a strong medicinal fragrance that sticks to it. It's a good thing." Mr. Jiang took it happily. He first went up to smell it, and then carefully scraped it off with something. , stuffed it directly into the mouth, and then kept praising, "This is good medicine, good medicine is rare, this girl is honest.

This pill is an elixir. You are lucky today. You old boy are very lucky. "After talking to Shen Yun, he didn't forget to praise the old man next to him.

The old man Dan Yao knew that this was a secret project, and not many people knew about it. Mr. Jiang also studied it for a while, but quit because he was not suitable for cultivation. It seems that this girl was the one who guided it at that time.

This value is great. Although this girl works in a special department, this thing is a personal thing after all, so it is not appropriate to take it. If you buy it, your salary may not be enough.

“I can’t eat this, Old Jiang, you should give me some medicine.” After thinking about it for a moment, the old man waved his hand and looked at Mr. Jiang aside.

“Hey, I’m saying you, a guy like you, don’t eat good food, but insist on taking the bitter concoction I prescribed for you, are you getting dizzy?” Mr. Jiang asked in confusion.

 Shen Yun thought. He really couldn't say anything right now, otherwise he would either be flattering or flattering, and his good intentions would lead to bad things, but there is always a way to do things.

"I practiced this elixir, but not many people have taken it. One reason I came here this time was to ask you, Mr. Jiang, to show me what happened to my brother, and the other reason was to ask Mr. Jiang. Show me the value of this medicine. My family has a difficult life. I want to make a living on this medicine in the future. Can you help determine the effect?" Shen Yun said sincerely and humbly, and then took the medicine in his hand. He handed over the bottle, which contained 9 intermediate-level Strengthening Pills.

 Mr. Jiang immediately glanced at Shen Yun. This girl was quite clever. He directly stated his purpose. As for whether it is true or not, it doesn't matter. Once the medicine is in his hands, if he wants to see the effect, he must test the medicine. As for who to give it to, that is his own business.

"Then I'm not welcome. Just wait for me. I've called a few old guys over. I'll take over your brother's affairs. I will definitely do my best when the time comes." Mr. Jiang said with a smile and took it directly. Shen Yun took the things in his hands, and then asked his grandson waiting outside to call someone.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang." Shen Yun quickly thanked him. As for what he just said, these people must be able to see it. Don't worry about the rest, just do good things for the country.

 When the rest of the people come over, they can stuff a bottle in each person and finish the job. They are all imperial doctors and know how to do it.

The leader sitting here was kept silent for a long time by the singing of Shen Yun and the others. "Okay, Lao Jiang, since you won't prescribe medicine, then I'm leaving."

 “Let’s go, let’s go to your house for dinner tonight.” Mr. Jiang waved his hand, showing no intention of leaving anyone behind. As a doctor, he never left anyone behind.

 The leader was speechless for a moment, and then walked out in a well-educated manner.

 "You walk slowly, I wish you a speedy recovery." Shen Yun thought he had choked someone just now, please say some lucky words.

“This girl is right, she can talk better than my grandson.” Mr. Jiang turned around and praised Shen Yun.

As soon as the two of them said a few words, someone came in from outside.

"It's such a hot day. I said I called you here for something. If you don't tell me one, two or three today, I will have to come to your house today." Before the person came in, the voice came in.

"What are you talking about in front of this junior?" Mr. Jiang said politely.

As soon as the other party came in, he saw the young Shen Yun standing in the room. He couldn't remember whose descendant this was for a while. After thinking for a long time, an idea suddenly came to him, "Chen Yun, you are Shen Yun, right? Did you go into seclusion? Are you back?" the other party said cheerfully.

"Mr. Qu, I haven't seen you for a long time. I came here to trouble you when I got back. One is about the elixir, and the other is about my brother. I don't know if you have time. I would like to ask you to consult me ​​in two days." Shen Yun was polite. said.

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm retired now. If I have anything else to do, I just stay at home all day long." Mr. Qu was very happy when he heard that Shen Yun came to him for medical treatment.

"Thank you then." As soon as Shen Yun finished speaking, several old people from Shen's family came over.

  Shen Yun talked about the elixir and Shen Jian's affairs again, and several people agreed.

 Then he was directly given a bottle of Strengthening the Origin and Peiyuan Pill to each person. There were 6 bottles in stock in the space, and 5 bottles were taken away directly.

 Several people were shocked by Shen Yun's generosity.

 (End of this chapter)

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