Chapter 267 (267) Fiancée?

"This, one for each person is enough." Mr. Qian said hesitantly.

"How can you see the effect from one pill? This is a problem for you." Shen Yun said with a smile.

"Then we're not welcome." Several people looked at each other and put the medicine directly into their pockets.

“Don’t worry, this matter will definitely be solved for you. We all hope to see good things on the market.” Several people made promises.

“Okay, I’ll bring people directly to Jiang’s home in five days, and I’ll trouble you then.”

"Okay, okay, we'll definitely come over early then." Several people responded.

Shen Yun didn't stay here too long. He declined Mr. Jiang's offer to have a meal and left directly.

I walked slowly on the streets of Beijing. I haven’t been back for a year, and the whole city has changed a lot. It is more prosperous and lively, and it is more tolerant.

Shen Yun went directly back to the dormitory where he lived before. There were some things he had left here before, but I don’t know if they have been taken back.

 Fortunately, when Shen Yun got there, he could still open the key with the key in his hand.

She went straight in and packed her things. She didn't stay too long. Since she wasn't going to live here in the future, she couldn't occupy this place.

"Hey, who are you? Who asked you to enter this room?" Shen Yun was closing the door when he heard a female voice shouting from behind.

He turned around and took a look. There was no one around, so he said it was him.

 The people living around here are all people from the special department. Shen Yun has never seen this person before.

"I'm going back to my home, do I need to say hello to you?" Shen Yun replied, putting the keys away and preparing to leave.

"Your own home? Don't flatter yourself. I have lived here for more than a year, and this is the dormitory of another department. You are not ashamed to say that this is your home." The woman walked over in two or two steps. , pointed directly at Shen Yun and said, seeing Shen Yun's appearance clearly, his face became even more disgusting. "You're pretty good-looking, but why do you do such shameful things?"

“Pa.” Shen Yun knocked off the finger pointing at him, “Speak as you say, no personal attacks. No matter what, you can live here, but I can’t. Could it be that this department belongs to you.”

"Don't be so shameless. It's not from my family. Could it be from yours? My boyfriend is in charge of this department. Let me tell you clearly. I have already scouted this house. Don't rely on good looks. I thought I could live in such a house, but I don’t know which slum girl you are from. I have never heard of someone like you in Beijing." The woman was slapped on the hand by Shen Yun, and she was about to slap her in anger. , Chen Yun dodged for a moment and was staggered by the woman. Then he started uttering bad words.

Chen Yun was still wondering who dared to be so arrogant here. He didn't know that it was Yan Han's girlfriend. Then he didn't do his job well. He got his target to the special department. He didn't have any cultivation at all. Could it be that he was in logistics department.

Shen Yun thought so in her heart, but she didn't look good when she was scolded for no reason. "Even if your target is Yanhan, you can't scold people at will, otherwise don't blame me for being rude." Shen Yun warned.

“You’re not welcome, how about showing me what to do?” The woman rubbed her wrists and said provocatively, “If you dare to do something today, I will make it impossible for you to survive in Beijing.”

"What a loud tone. No one has ever said this to me. I want to see it." Shen Yun was ready to teach her a lesson. "Hey, hey, Li Ai, what nonsense are you talking about? If you make it difficult for anyone to survive in Beijing, it would be great if your family has a little money, right? Do you know who this is? You are just talking nonsense here." Xu Ling went out and said Seeing this woman who stayed with his brother in the dormitory area speaking loudly, when she saw clearly who was opposite, she was sweating for this idiot woman. Only Shen Yun has a good temper, otherwise this woman It has long since disappeared.

Seeing that he was an acquaintance, Shen Yun put away his raised hand and nodded towards Xu Ling, "Long time no see."

"Long time no see. I feel relieved to see you well." Xu Ling was also very happy to see Shen Yun, but she felt a headache when she saw the unhappy **** in front of her.

"Xu Ling, don't come here to teach me a lesson because you are an old man in the department. My brother's status is higher than yours. The marriage between my family and the Yan family is inevitable. Yan Han is my fiancé. Why did this woman sneak into the room next to Yan Han? What's going on, I've already told you, this place will be my room from now on, what's going on with you?" Li Ai was very dissatisfied with Xu Ling's attitude. This woman had been arrogant before, but she dared to scold her in front of outsiders. , who is in front of you, you can tell by looking at his clothes that he is a high achiever.

Xu Ling laughed angrily at this woman. She still regarded the present as the past. Her family had some status, so the sky was high. Even if her father came over and saw Shen Yun, he would be polite to her. Don't talk about her. She was so embarrassed. My family is used to it.

"Whose fool is this? Yan Han's fiancée is like this. I haven't seen him for a year. Is he blind? Or something happened to their Yan family. They want to find such a person. If he takes him home, he will bring disaster to the family. Yeah." Shen Yun couldn't help but complain to Xu Ling in front of the other party.

Hearing this, Xu Ling couldn't help but burst into laughter, "Our Minister Yan has a good eye, but now he is still the flower of the high mountain that has not been plucked. This one is just a self-proclaimed one. As for whose family it belongs to, who is it?" It’s not that poor guy Li Ming.” Although Xu Ling didn’t speak loudly, she heard everything that should be heard.

 Li Ai suddenly became so angry that he became a puffer fish.

“Li Ming’s family, Li Ming is not like this, is this?”

"Stepsister." Xu Ling gestured with her lips. Shen Yun understood immediately, and he could figure it out.

 “But why does she live here?”

 “His brother was so crowded that he couldn’t live in it, so he went directly to the mission.” Xu Ling said in a low voice.

"You are going too far. Just wait and see if I don't let you look good." Li Ai saw that Shen Yun and Xu Ling didn't take her seriously. He was so angry that he walked out of the alley angrily. .

"You only call parents when children quarrel. It's so childish. You still think of Minister Yan. I don't know who gave you the courage." Xu Ling said narrowly from behind.

 “Are you careful to make people angry and come to trouble us?” Shen Yun said with a smile.

"Are you afraid of it?"

 “Afraid, I’m afraid there are too few people coming to his house and he won’t be able to bear my rejection.”

 The voices of both of them were loud, and the person in front suddenly staggered in anger.

Li Ai heard the laughter from behind, and his face became deformed with anger. He looked back and said, "Two bitches, just wait, what's so great about cultivators."

 (End of this chapter)

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