Chapter 268 (268) Messaging Talisman

"Sister Yun, I heard the news a few days ago that you are back. I have been looking for you these days, but I haven't had time. I didn't expect to meet you today. Didn't you move into your own house? How come you have time to come here? ?" Xu Ling saw the person leaving and turned to look at Chen Yun.

"I came back to get something, who knew this **** fate, and being scolded as a fox is also a recognition of my beauty." Shen Yun laughed and joked to himself, that Li Ai just now was very beautiful, since When she said this about herself, it meant that she was more beautiful than her. She was so busy that she really didn't notice the change in her appearance.

“Haha, Sister Yun, you are indeed prettier than that woman.” Xu Ling also praised her without hesitation.

"Thank you for the compliment. Where are you going?" Shen Yun asked casually when he saw Xu Ling dressed up nicely.

"I'm just going out for a walk." Xu Ling felt shy when Shen Yun asked.

Shen Yun smiled knowingly. He had never eaten pork before and had seen pigs run away. "Okay, you go and do your work. It's your business that won't delay you. Come to my house for dinner someday when you have time."

 “Okay, let’s make an appointment when we have time.”

 The two people said a few words here and separated immediately.

As for Li Ai's threat just now, Shen Yun didn't take it seriously because he couldn't stay in the capital anymore. He had originally planned to leave this place.

Looking at the condition of the family members of the special department now, Shen Yun made up his mind to leave.

Although I am very sensible, I can't bear to encounter a few people who are not clear-headed that day. Then I won't be the only one who will be angry.

Shen Yun originally planned to go home, but this time he turned around and walked towards the special department. He had better tell Yan Han in advance that he wanted to go back to his hometown. He also had to submit an application form, which was quite troublesome.

When they arrived at the place, Yan Han was busy, "You go first, I'll borrow two pieces of paper to write something." Shen Yun greeted, looked at the paper handed over and took it directly.

I found a place nearby and wrote my application for transfer out of Beijing.

"looking for me?"

Chen Yun raised his head and saw Yan Han looking over here. Although his face looked cold, he looked really good. No wonder the little girl liked it. "I just went to the dormitory and I happened to meet you. My fiancée," Shen Yun joked.

"Fiancée?" Yan Han frowned when he heard Shen Yun say this, obviously a little confused.

"Yes, she is a pretty girl, but she has a bad temper and is a bit jealous." Shen Yun nodded and said, "Here, this is my application, take a look."

Yan Han did not continue to ask what was going on with his fiancée who appeared out of thin air, but looked at what Shen Yun handed over.

 “You have to leave the capital.” Yan Han’s frown deepened.

"Yes, after what happened this time, my family is worried. Anyway, you can practice anywhere, and it's not just the capital city that needs supervisors. My hometown also needs supervisors. It just so happens that I go back." Shen Yun explained road.

"But do you understand that your development will be better in Beijing?" Although Yan Han understands, he doesn't agree. He has been independent since he was a child and cannot understand what it is like for such an old man to still be with his family.

"What I am pursuing now is to improve my strength. As for the things in Beijing and the city, won't you let me serve in the special department and supervisor when I return to my hometown?" Shen Yun asked with a smile.

“Then have you put down all the things you have owned in Beijing for more than ten years?”

"What do I have in Beijing? Don't talk about it like life and death. At my current speed, I can get to Beijing in ten minutes and half an hour. In the future, the speed will only be faster. In addition, communication is now more convenient. Just contact me directly if you have any questions." Shen Yun saw the other party becoming more and more serious as he asked, and quickly interrupted. "I'll give you three days to think about it. If you decide, I'll hand this over." Yan Han looked at Shen Yun's firm attitude, and finally swallowed his words of dissuasion.

"Okay." Shen Yun nodded, "By the way, I'll give you the key back. Quickly arrange it for your anxious fiancée." Shen Yun directly put the room key on the table.

"I don't have a fiancée. I will resolve this matter as soon as possible." Yan Han's face looked disgusting.

  Shen Yun saw that people were unhappy when he mentioned this matter again, so he stopped talking.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you. I'll go back first." Shen Yun immediately acted as the boss.

"Okay, then you go and do your work, but I stress again, I don't have a fiancée." Yan Han's words were quite serious.

Chen Yun smiled knowingly, and he was just teasing him. As for whether that woman was Yan Han's fiancée, it would determine his attitude towards her later. If his parents were really called, he would know how to deal with it, but She is Li Ming's sister, so she still needs to say hello to him first.

“Where is Li Ming on a mission? Do you have anything to do with him?” Shen Yun asked again before leaving.

“Just call him. I really don’t know where he is.” Yan Han thought for a while and said.

“Okay, I won’t bother you anymore, I’m really leaving now.” Shen Yun waved his hand towards Yan Han and walked directly outside.

 When I went out, I dug into my pocket and found 5 yuan left, which was enough to make a phone call.

Shen Yun directly found a public phone and called Li Ming.

 “Hello.” The voice from the other side was very low.

"What's the matter? Did something happen? I'm Shen Yun." Hearing the other party's movements, Shen Yun asked immediately.

"Help, hum... We are in the mountainous area of ​​southern Anhui Province, to the south. The exact location is unclear, but we are now surrounded by a group of big spiders." Li Ming heard Shen Yun speaking and said quickly.

"Hold on a little longer, and I will get there as quickly as possible." Shen Yun said and hung up the phone.

Yan Han had just sat down to prepare for work when he saw Shen Yun appearing in front of him again with a flying sword, "What's wrong?"

“It’s too late, bring your phone and we’ll talk on the way.” Shen Yun directly called people over.

Yan Han knew that something was urgent as soon as he saw Shen Yun's formation. He grabbed his phone and jumped directly onto Shen Yun's flying sword.

 Flying high in the sky, Shen Yun had time to talk about what happened.

"The mountainous area in southern Anhui Province is quite large. It will be difficult for the two of us to find it. I will notify my local colleagues to help." Yan Han said and started to make a phone call. Shen Yun lowered his height upon seeing this.

Shen Yun also directly took out a piece of yellow paper from his own space, and folded it directly into the shape of a paper crane, "Go and tell Fourth Brother that my colleagues and I went out to do some errands, and ask him not to worry at home and take care of him." Himself and the Golden Dragon." After Chen Yun finished speaking, he recited a spell, his gestures changed, and he pointed directly, and the paper crane flew out.

 (End of this chapter)

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