"Okay, think about it slowly. Anyway, this matter cannot be accomplished overnight. The country has already had this plan. After all, people with various abilities have appeared one after another around the world. There is no systematic teaching. Many people have the ability, but there is no method. The country just wants to build schools, which will also be very helpful in improving national strength." Yan Han looked at Shen Yun to think about it and expressed his thoughts again.

“I know this, and I will definitely consider it carefully, but where is this school currently planned to be built?”

"The address has not been decided yet, but I think if you agree to this position, your situation will be fully considered." There are many places in the address, but these are not the most important. The most important thing is where the teacher is.

"Okay, I'll think about it as soon as possible." Shen Yun took a stack of replies and read them carefully.

This is not only an important matter for the country, but also an important matter for yourself. You need to think carefully about it. This is not as simple as serving in a special department or a supervisory department. If you are not careful, you will make mistakes. Simple things.

 Shen Yun decided to think about it carefully.

But the most important thing right now is Shen Jian's. Every day, several people go to Jiang's hometown early in the morning and they can always hear some good news. They expect to see Shen Jian wake up on the day after acupuncture.

"Shen Jian opened his eyes this morning. I talked to him, and he also gave some reactions." On the sixth day, when several people came over, they saw an excited Shen Hong standing at the door, waiting for Shen Yun and others to say this as soon as they came over. The good news was told to Shen Yun and the others, and his red eyes all showed how excited he was at this moment. However, looking at the few people around him who heard the news, they were all greatly awakened. Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqi were very calm. , "Then let's go in and take a look and listen to what Mr. Qu and the others have to say." Shen Yun took the lead and walked inside.

 “Let’s go, let’s go.” Several people followed hurriedly.

 In the room, Mr. Jiang and Mr. Qu were already watching Shen Jian's condition beside the bed.

"I didn't expect this young man to recover so quickly. I thought it would take 7 days to wake up, but I didn't know that I would wake up just now. How is the young man feeling now?" After the two people checked, they stood at the bedside and asked Shen Strong.

"It's...ok..." After not speaking for a long time, and having just woken up, Shen Jian was still a little awkward when speaking. However, the four Shen family members standing aside listened to Shen Jian who had been lying down for so long finally speak, and their eyes couldn't help but All turned red.

"Shen Jian, you finally woke up. Do you know that everyone in your family is worried to death?" Shen Heng said excitedly from the side, not daring to disturb the consultation of the two doctors next to him.

"I'm fine." Shen Jian wanted to smile, but the muscles on his face seemed to be out of control, and he could only show an ugly expression.

"Well, you're fine. You don't even know that Yunyun prepared a lot of good things for you while you were sleeping. It's a pity that you didn't realize it. You're in a big loss, you know?" Shen Heng said that he didn't The promising one cried.

"Next time...it won't happen." Shen Jian promised anxiously.

"Okay, I'll give you some time to reminisce later, and I'll give the young man acupuncture first." Mr. Qu said with a smile. He even saved a young man. He was very happy, and the young man seemed to be in good condition. It's amazing, it seems like there are no sequelae, it's much better than expected. After the acupuncture, the person looked better, and his face had a little more expression. His nerves were not out of control like at the beginning. Shen Hong, Chen Heng and Xiao Bengqiao were looking at the person here. Shen Yun and Shen Chen went over to listen to the doctor's advice.

"I didn't expect that after lying down for more than a year, the young man's body was not affected at all, and his muscles were in good condition. Your family members have done a good job during this year, which will be very good for his later recovery. , It seems that there are no sequelae at the moment, don’t worry.” Mr. Qu has nothing to explain. The patient’s condition is so good. He has never seen many cases in his life.

"I still have to thank you more, otherwise I don't know when I will wake up." Shen Chen said gratefully.

"Hey, don't say thank you anymore. This is the fate between me and the young man. If Shen Yun hadn't taken the initiative to teach alchemy, we wouldn't have known each other. It was Shen Yun who did it first and we met." Mr. Qu said with a smile. .

"It's all fate." Shen Yun said that he was a little ashamed. He hadn't taught anything about alchemy yet. He had been missing for a year, so this matter had been delayed. Even the Encyclopedia of Spiritual Plants had just been submitted, and he didn't know about the alchemy institute. How many people are left now? It’s really a sin. Let’s look back at it.

"By the way, Chen Yun doesn't know if you want to accept a disciple. There is a junior in my family who is very talented in medicine, but this kid is now thinking about whether he can combine immortality cultivation with medical skills to see if he can save more people in the future. Even this person, our family has no talent in cultivating immortals. I think your family is very knowledgeable, but I don’t know whether to accept a disciple with a foreign surname." Mr. Qu changed the subject and said a little embarrassed.

In fact, he himself has accepted many disciples, but they are not young anymore. Now his grandson wants to be trendy. He also knows some cultivators, but he feels that Shen Yun is more reliable, especially since this girl can also make alchemy. If this alchemy is combined with medicine, there is no telling what kind of sparks it will produce in the future. Since the child has made this decision, he can only ask with a low face.

Shen Yun used to feel that he had not yet reached the stage of accepting apprentices, but now that he has proposed opening a school, and he almost became the principal, accepting an apprentice does not seem to be a problem.

“How about calling me to see you, but I will go back to my hometown in the future, so it won’t be very convenient.” Shen Yun explained the situation in advance.

"Oh, what are you afraid of? Of course, the master is there, and the apprentice is there. When the time comes, bring the food money and just follow you. If there is no place to live, our family can build a small house for him locally. What are the conditions for living and studying under a teacher?" Mr. Qu responded quickly. Returning to his hometown was not a difficult task. He thought about the hardships he had endured when he was studying medicine. This was nothing.

"Now that we have all accepted disciples, take a look at the two of our family. They are hard-working, good at medicine, and can take care of the children and cook. How about it? Anyway, one of them can teach, and they can also teach." Mr. Jiang was beside him. After listening to what Mr. Qu and Shen Yun said, and hearing Shen Yun's agreement, he immediately pulled his two grandsons over.


Shen Yun glanced at Mr. Jiang's two grandsons. The two children were rarely embarrassed, but they looked at Shen Yun with bright eyes. Both young men had cultivation levels, but they were relatively low. They might be cultivating immortals in the future. It is difficult to make progress above, but it is impossible not to study medicine with Mr. Jiang, and you may be able to develop better in other ways in the future.

Perhaps these people will become the medical practitioners recorded in the ancestors in the future.

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