"Okay, follow me when I go back. If you can endure the hardship in the future, then follow me in cultivation. If you can't endure the hardship, I will send it back to you." Shen Yun Chou said the words first.

"Don't worry, if you can't bear the hardship, you don't have to send it back. I'll go there in person. I still don't believe it. If there are still hardships that can't be endured, then it must be something more bitter that I have never eaten." Mr. Jiang said to his two grandsons. , the two of them were so frightened that they immediately waved their hands, "Grandpa, we have grown up with you. We have never endured any hardships, so we can definitely endure hardships. We must not embarrass you when we go out. Learn from the master, and in the future, we will be like you and treat people better." Many people.”

When I said this, the latter part was fine, but the former one really choked Mr. Jiang, and he didn’t miss the children’s food and drink. What do you mean, I really thought that I was old and couldn’t turn my brain around, stinky Boy! "Hurry up and ask Qu Jing, don't talk like that."

After being patted by Mr. Jiang, he hurriedly walked out, "This kid has this kind of temperament, but he is very serious about studying. I like them both. They are smart and willing to learn, so I keep them by my side. You can take them with you." Don't worry, let them come back in a month and I will teach them medical skills." Although it seemed like he was losing his temper, Mr. Jiang still explained to Shen Yun carefully.

"Don't worry, we will definitely let them come back. You can also go to my hometown to have a look. The air there is really good, and it is a good place to retire." Shen Yun said invitingly.

"Okay, I'll definitely go over and have a look when the time comes." The two deserved each other very quickly.

 After a while, Mr. Jiang's eldest grandson Jiang Zhi came in with a young man, "Master, I have met Master."

He was so sincere that he came directly and bowed in front of Shen Yun. Shen Yun didn't even expect that he would come and didn't even react.

 “Get up quickly, we don’t want to be like this now.” Shen Yun hurried over to help the person.

"Master of Heaven and Earth, since I am a disciple, I must kneel down." Shen Yun supported him, and the other party said seriously, and then he kowtowed three times in the direction of the ground, and his forehead turned red.

 Shen Yun used some strength to help the person up.

"This is how apprenticeship should be. At that time, when we apprenticed, we regarded the master as our biological father. We are anxious about the apprenticeship ceremony today, so I will send it to you later." Mr. Qu quite agreed with his grandson's approach.

Hearing what Mr. Qu said, the two young men from the Jiang family next to him also made a plop, immediately kowtowed, and their movements were smooth and smooth.

“Here, here, apprenticeship ceremony.” Mr. Jiang also cooperated and took out a box from his cabinet and handed it to Shen Yun.

In the blink of an eye, he had three more apprentices. Seeing several children looking at him eagerly, Chen Yun didn't say anything after all, but he had to give them the apprenticeship ceremony.

"These three marrow cleansing pills and peace talismans are given to you as a ceremony to become a disciple." Shen Yun directly took out three engraved talismans and a small bottle from his pocket. These three were not large in size and took them out. It's not conspicuous, and it's easy to get.

“Thank you, Master.” The three people took the things and bowed their heads.

"Don't be like this. Let's just get along normally. This Marrow Cleansing Pill will be very painful if you eat it. As long as you stick to it, it will be good for your future cultivation. Wait until you find time to take it." Shen Yun explained to a few people. There was a sound.

 “Okay Master.” The three people responded.

 Shen Yun has just become a master and is really not used to it. "Then you should stay at home first, and I will come over to let you know when I have packed up and want to go back to my hometown."

Several people agreed. Shen Yun and the others went to see Shen Jian again and made an agreement with him to come and take him home after acupuncture tomorrow. Shen Yun and the others left Jiang's house and walked out of the door. Shen Yun hadn't recovered yet. , "Brother, do I have three more apprentices?"

"Yes, I just watched them become apprentices." Shen Chen also felt a little dreamy. Such a wealthy family is like this. It is so easy for children to become apprentices without checking where the master's home is. Think about where his own home is. Inside the mountain nook, Shen Chen thought that when he called his family later, he would tell them to pack up a room at home and come out. After all, there would be a few more permanent residents in the family, so they could get used to it first.

"Okay, I still feel a little unreal. I hope I won't mislead others in the future. After all, these children have quite a future." Shen Yun muttered in a low voice.

“What did you two do when we didn’t know about it?” Two question mark faces came over from the side.

"I didn't do much, I just took in three apprentices, the ones taller than me." Shen Yun said with a dreamy look on his face. It was definitely not his first time, but when he gets used to it in the future, he won't make such a fuss. .

"Oh, apprentice? Who doesn't have one yet? The **** bear is my apprentice." Xiao Bengqi said proudly.

"Do you know what an apprentice is? Just say it here, a child." Shen Heng looked at the smelly child in his arms and couldn't help but retort.

"It's just that the races are different. What can you teach others?" Shen Yun glanced at the little Bengda, who was speechless.

"Okay, you adults are just boring and have no ability at all." Xiao Bengqiao crossed his arms and said unhappily.

"Yes, adults are not as powerful as you kids. I'm going out for a trip. You can play with your brothers and teach them how to practice." Shen Yun told them where to go, and the three of them hugged each other without asking any questions. He walked towards home with a small bounce.

Shen Yun went directly to the Alchemy Research Institute. The place looked the same as it did a year ago. There were not many changes. There were still people inside. It seemed that the scene he was worried about did not happen. No one had escaped yet.

Shen Yun and the guard identified themselves and registered their names. When they entered, they saw people from the research institute holding a book and reading it. Shen Yun took a look and saw that it was the Encyclopedia of Spiritual Plants.

"Everyone, long time no see." Shen Yun spoke out, and only a few people who were fascinated realized who was in the room.

"Hey, it's Master Shen. You're finally back. We've got all your books. Now we've learned a lot." When several people saw it was Shen Yun, they put away their things and gathered around to talk.

"Our fire palms are now empty, and we have found someone to make the alchemy furnace as you drew it. Now it is in every room. Do you want to visit it?" After that, he started to introduce the equipment and equipment added this year. Achievement.

Shen Yun couldn't refuse a visit after such a long time. "Then let's take a look. If there are spiritual plants in the place, we can see if we can practice something later and teach you how to practice."

"Okay, okay." Several people responded happily. They had also tried medicine themselves. Although they didn't produce any elixirs this year, they could produce several Chinese patent medicines, which also gave them a lot of confidence. Now Shen Yun Having said that, everyone became even more excited. They took Shen Yun to see the alchemy room and then to see their plantation. The whole area of ​​spiritual plants planted made Shen Yun envious.

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