The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 293: (293) Everything is good outside, but not as good as home

"It's a bit abnormal. These people didn't react much when they saw such a big thing like me waking up. It's not at all in line with their nature of watching the excitement." Shen Jian scratched his head, feeling a little strange that he didn't get much attention. .

"There may be other things that have attracted their attention. This thing is probably more gossipy than the fact that you woke up. Okay, let's stop guessing here. We'll be home in a few steps. Everything will be known by then." Shen Chen said on the side.

"Okay, big brother, you go slowly, I'll take the first step." Although Shen Jian has been at home for more than a year, he is not awake. He has only been awake for a few days, but no one at home has been awake for more than a year. Seeing you, I was thinking a lot, and I took a few steps towards the front.

There was no one to stop him. The young man walked quickly up the mountain path in three or two steps.

“Let’s walk slower, otherwise he will be embarrassed when we see his crying expression.” Shen Yun said with a smile.

She also intended to let the three apprentices and two technicians take a good look at the environment of Baiyun Village. If they live here in the future, it will not be a matter of a day or two.

Several people slowed down and slowly felt the rhythm of life that was completely different from that in Beijing. They watched the smoke from the kitchen smoke rising slowly in the distance, as if it was connecting with the white clouds in the sky. Then they looked at the well-planned plan below. The land and the houses built on the mountains are all different from those in Beijing.

 The few people who have just come here are still very fresh.

 Walking slowly and not in a hurry.

 On the other hand, the family members saw that the person was still not coming up, so they thought something had happened, so they came down directly.

"All the guests have arrived, why don't you take them back home to rest? There's nothing interesting to see on the way. Anyway, the days are long." Shen Limin came to pick up the people and said hello to several new guests first. , and then pulled Shen Chen to talk.

“It’s okay, let’s take a walk and take a look. Anyway, there’s no rush to do anything today.” Shen Chen explained.

"Why aren't you in a hurry? It will get dark soon. Let's go up first and see if the place we live in is suitable. While it's still daylight, let's see if there are any inappropriate places and then we can change it. "Although Shen Chen said this, Shen Limin still said hello.

A few people didn't waste any more time and followed Shen Limin up directly.

 Everyone in the family is at home. Everyone's eyes are red, they must have cried just now.

But there will be guests here, so everyone calmed down a little.

"We built two new houses at home. They were built when we had children. Now that there are two more people, we can only squeeze them together. We will find a place to build them when the time comes. Now that your brother and the others are older, the house is indeed It's time to build a house. Can you bring someone over to see if it's okay?" Shen Guoliang was chatting with a few people over there, and Yang Xiaocao took Shen Yun aside to talk about the matter.

"Okay, let's keep it together. By the way, grandma, what's going on with the mountain rental? Is there any news?" Shen Yun asked casually.

"Okay, your grandpa went there himself. There are a lot of bamboos in this barren mountain, and it's not easy for tea to grow. When your grandpa went over and told your dad that he wanted to rent, those people were very polite." Yang Xiaocao said softly, today The children were back and fine, and she couldn't be happier.

"Okay, I'll ask Grandpa about this later. Now I'll take someone over to check out the room." Shen Yun was in a good mood. He was still a little worried when he came back. Unexpectedly, the matter had been settled and he would pay the rent later. Just make an estimate and that's it. I took five people to look at the room. Although the place was not big, it was very clean.

There is a canopy bed in the room, so there is no problem for 5 people.

"The conditions are quite difficult now. How are you doing? Can you still adapt?" Shen Yun asked several people.

“Okay, this is much better than a university dormitory.” The two researchers didn’t have any problems.

"We have no problem." The three young apprentices quickly followed. Although the living conditions at home are good, they come here to learn things, not to enjoy life. Since Shen Yun can bear such a life, then They can definitely do it as apprentices.

Shen Yun watched as several people began to pack their luggage hurriedly, "You guys pack slowly, I'll go out and take a look first."

He said hello and left directly, "Grandpa, I heard from grandma that the matter of renting the mountain has been settled." Shen Yun saw Shen Guoliang when he went out.

"It's done, but you still need to go over and confirm how much the rental is and for how long. No one is really trying to rob us of this barren mountain." Shen Guoliang said with a smile. Shen Jian is fine, and Shen Yun is also When he came back, he had completely let go of the things that were worrying about him, and he became a happy little old man again.

“Okay, let’s do it when we find time.” Shen Yun nodded.

 “You really plan to develop at home in the future.” Shen Guoliang asked confirmingly.

“Yeah, it’s life there anyway, can’t I come back to stay with you?” Shen Yun asked with a smile.

"Of course, everything is good outside, not as good as at home. You are all at home. Your grandma and I don't expect you to be very capable. As long as everything is safe, we will rest assured." Of course Shen Guoliang was happy, The children are all watching in front of him. The children at home are now cultivating and will not worry about future life problems in the future. He does not have the previous idea of ​​letting his children go to big cities to develop.

"Well, I will be in front of you from now on. You will definitely be safe and sound. However, you and grandma's cultivation matters must also be put on the agenda. Otherwise, why would you look at us for a long time." Shen Yun looked at the old man The couple's cultivation level has not changed much. They probably haven't practiced well during this period of time, so they directly reminded them.

“Okay, practice, practice, I will definitely remind your grandma, the two of us will live for a few more years, and I will see that you are both well.” Shen Guoliang said with a smile.

I used to think that as I get older, I should cut off the vines less, die when the time comes, and put less burden on my children. Now I think about there are so many things that I can't help with, my grandsons haven't found anyone yet, and my little grandson hasn't grown up yet. , the flower-like granddaughter has just recognized her back a few years ago, and she is really reluctant to die. She should practice more, and then she will earn one more day of living.

"That's good. Shen Jian is fine now anyway, and you have nothing to worry about. When the mountain is rented, I will build a big house for you in the mountain, build a road, and bring you directly You go live and let's enjoy life," Shen Yun said beside Shen Guoliang.

  When the old man heard what Shen Yun said, he couldn't help but fall into wonderful imagination.

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