Shen Yun had a conversation with the old man, and the rest of the family came over. Even the second uncle and second aunt, whose eyes were red, pulled Shen Jian out of the room.

 The children at home are also off school now, and with Shen Chen coming back a day early, everyone in the family is here.

Yang Xiaocao took his wife to cook in the kitchen, and the little one played in the yard. The men in the family made some furniture for the family. As the children grew up, what they lacked most was a bed. There were many trees and bamboos in the mountains. There was no need for it before, and no one had bothered to do it in the past year or so. But now they are more interested, and the speed of doing it is not slow.

 The three apprentices and the researcher packed up their things and walked out, joining in the work of making furniture.

Chen Yun took advantage of the opportunity and walked out directly with Xiao Bengqiao. This mountain was huge. Although he had some ideas in mind, he still wanted to see where a place was suitable for renting. After all, he not only had to plant spiritual plants, but also As for the group of spiders in my spirit beast bag, there is only one of them now, and there may be more in the future. These are all uncertain things, so you must look at the place in advance.

The two people flew up with their swords and looked everywhere on the mountain. The mountain was huge and there were many places to choose from. Shen Yun decided to choose the mountain behind the Shen family. At that time, they dug a tomb there. There are Some are steep, some are gentler, and the most important thing is that there is a small canyon. When the time comes, you can raise the sky spiders in this place and set up a formation. It will be safe and out of the way. It can be used in other unsuitable places. Change the spell.

  Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqiao walked around in a circle, selected a place, and came back directly.

Yang Xiaocao greeted him for dinner when he got home. After dinner, everyone didn't get together too much. They had been riding in the car for a day today. They felt pretty good as cultivators, but the two researchers were very tired and left early to arrange for people to go. rest.

Shen Yun returned home and said hello to his parents, then took Xiao Bengqiao into the room, and then into the space. He promised the elders at home that the jade was not finished yet, so he would just have to work one more night tonight. Tomorrow will be just right. Give your things to them, and take your aunt's stuff with you as well.

Chen Yun is busy, and Little Bengqi is not idle either. He is now in the growth period and needs a lot of spiritual energy to grow up, so in addition to the daytime, he basically works hard at night to practice. However, the mythical beast is still a bit special. Even if you don't practice during the day, spiritual energy will continue to enter your body. This is something you can't envy.

The two of them were busy doing their own thing without disturbing each other. Shen Yun finished practicing and meditated for a while. His cultivation level was steadily rising, but there was really no big breakthrough yet.

Shen Yun's cultivation speed was quite fast before. After being purified by blood, her ability to absorb spiritual energy is almost as fast as that of Xiao Bengpa. She can feel that her body strength is getting stronger and stronger, but her cultivation level is not at all. No rise.

At dawn, Shen Yun put away her exercises. She couldn't rush this matter. She was in a good mood now and was waiting for the day when the water channel would be completed.

 When I went out early in the morning, the house was bustling with activity. The little brother’s noise made the whole yard lively. When the little brother heard the noise, he ran out to find someone to play with.

Yang Cancan was packing yesterday's clothes outside, while Shen Limin was cooking in the kitchen. The couple worked very well together.

"Yunyun, please wait a moment. The cloth I brought back last time has been woven for you and will be brought to you later." Yang Cancan saw Shen Yun coming out and said quickly.

“Mom, you guys are pretty fast.” The spider silk was very thin and took a lot of effort. Shen Yun thought that it would take quite a while, so it would be nice to know that.

"What's so difficult about this? Let me show you." Yang Cancan went directly into the room and brought out a small package. "This material is really good. It's the first time I've encountered it in my life. But it's too little. If I'm making something, , we can only make two gloves, but we don’t dare to touch them. Take a look.” Yang Cancan opened the package and revealed the fabric inside. In the sun, it looked a bit colorful and felt silky to the touch. It seems like nothing. If this was made into clothes, it would definitely be extremely comfortable to wear.

"Thank you, Mom, the weaving is so beautiful." Shen Yun praised without hesitation. The warp and weft of the cloth were neat and dense. This was a sign of great effort. "Oh, we are a family, why are you so polite? I didn't do this alone, your aunt, sister-in-law and others helped me a lot." Yang Cancan also did not forget to mention the kindness of others.

"Well, this is a thank you gift. I made it myself." Shen Yun took out a drop-shaped pendant directly from his pocket. The purple pendant looked a bit dreamy.

Shen Yun carved a defensive formation on it, which can block two attacks against a cultivator at the golden elixir stage.

"Oh, my family, what are you doing with this? Your mother and I are old, you can wear it yourself." Yang Cancan quickly refused while looking at what Shen Yun took out.

“When you are older, there are women in the family. If you say this, I will be even more embarrassed to breastfeed them.

This is just the material for now. When I have more stuff in the future, I will make many more things for you. This jade was taken by my eldest brother. Everything they do is approved by them. If you don’t accept this, it will be hurt. It has won our hearts. "Chen Yun clung to Yang Cancan.

 “Oops…” Yang Cancan wanted to say something else.

Shen Yun turned around and hung the thing on Yang Cancan's neck. "Dad, little brother, let's see if mom looks good with this." Shen Yun greeted several other people at home.

  Everyone looked over after hearing this, and even praised it, "It's so beautiful."

"Look, everyone says it looks good. There is also a defensive formation carved on it. When I find something suitable, I will match it with others, so you don't have to worry about safety when you go out." Shen Yun continued.

“Okay, I’ll wear it then.” Yang Cancan touched the thing on his neck and smiled from ear to ear.

"Okay, I'll send the eldest brother and the others down, and let them go to the sister-in-law and the others." After taking care of Yang Cancan, Chen Yun walked directly towards the old house. As for the little one, he has found a new playmate now, so he can play with her. Just happy.

 The people in Laozhai are also having breakfast, and the young apprentice and technician who came yesterday also eat with Laozhai.

Shen Yun took a look and saw that there were quite a lot of cooking tasks. Now that he had money, he might consider hiring someone to cook.

With this thought in his mind, Shen Yun directly called Shen Chen and the others to come out and handed them all the things he had agreed to before.

"I still have it. I don't have a wife either." Shen Heng was a little at a loss holding the things.

"This piece of jade is for you to refine and nourish. As for these two, one is for the eldest aunt and the other is for your future wife. Everyone has it." Shen Yun explained the situation directly, even in the future Everything has been thought out.

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