“Oh, you look pretty good too. Who gave it to you?” Yang Xiaocao also cheered.

 “My son and others gave it to me as a gift.” Wang Aifen said proudly.

"Hey, what a coincidence. Look, this is a gift from my sons." The second aunt also came over. Although none of the children she has raised for so many years has found a wife, this one is also a gift. It was something she wanted back. When she got this thing, her mood was really complicated.

The two women present looked over. What Liu Xiaofeng hung around her neck was in the shape of a small peanut. These were popular shapes seen in shopping malls in Beijing. Shen Yun directly copied them.

"You are all given by your sons, and I am given by my grandchildren." Yang Xiaocao said with a smile. Although his son did not give him anything, his grandchildren are also worthy of their achievements.

 The three women stopped working for a while and began to discuss among themselves, saying that the things on their bodies were more beautiful than those of others they had seen there before.

After a while, Yang Cancan also came over. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law had something to talk about. After all, Yang Cancan had been in Beijing for a year, and he was also a person who had seen the world. The few people he talked about were even more happy.

As for the younger daughters-in-law, they put on their rings and smiled quietly, but did not go near the elders who were showing off.

Shen Yun and the others were packing up the things they brought back yesterday. Everyone in the family had to give out a set of clothes.

With everything packed, Shen Yun and the others were ready to set off with the things they wanted to take to the Huang family.

“Wait, we will go there with you and just finish the land rental matter.” Shen Guoliang also said.

"Okay." Shen Yun originally planned to come back and run again, but this is also okay.

After waiting for a while, Shen Guoliang packed up, and Shen Yun and the others set off. As for Qu Jing and the others, they will take a rest today. Tomorrow they will officially practice morning exercises with the Shen family. Now this person is a member of the family. It's a must-have item. Even a few people in the family who have no talent for practicing practice follow it. Anyway, their health is very good now.

The group of people were all cultivators, and their speed was not slow. It didn't take long to reach Shen Hua'an's house.

Unsurprisingly, General Tie is the gatekeeper at home. My aunt and the others are not old enough yet, and they are not currently working. Besides, Shen Yun and the others arrived suddenly, so it is understandable even if they have not seen anyone.

"Okay, don't be in a hurry to see your aunt. Let's go and settle the land rental matter first, and then go to your aunt's house later." The old man made a decision directly.

Shen Yun was right when he heard it. He didn't care about this little time.

 Several people changed directions and walked towards the town office.

Shen Guoliang had been here before and knew the place well, so he took Shen Yun and the others there directly.

“Director Huang, the person I told you about renting land is here. Please see if it’s inconvenient to handle it today.” Shen Guoliang knew the people inside and greeted him with a smile as soon as he entered the door.

“Village Chief Shen, are you kidding? These are the young people you are talking about.” The person opposite looked at what Shen Guoliang said and asked seriously. "These are the ones, specifically my granddaughter wants to rent. Look, the children have chosen the place. If the procedures can be completed today, I will ask the children to get the money." Shen Guoliang didn't care that the other party was a little bit With a disbelieving attitude, as long as he can come up with money and get things done, he will naturally believe it later.

"You can't just take this place wherever you want. Many of our places have to be rented consecutively. Otherwise, if you rent all the good places, it will be difficult for us to deal with other places." Director Huang glanced at Shen Yun. , suddenly started to believe it. This girl didn't look like a simple person. I didn't expect that Shen Guoliang, an old farmer, had such an outstanding granddaughter in his family. She was really well hidden.

Although he thought so, he didn't plan to do anything. Now that this girl has come out, she must have some skills. These times are different from before. Some inconspicuous people have turned over. He doesn't dare to look down on anyone. People.

“I know, I’ve told the child that I’ll show you the promising places later. If you think it’s not suitable, give us some pointers.” Shen Guoliang said politely.

"Okay, come on." Director Huang didn't intend to embarrass anyone. There are a lot of barren mountains in their place, and there are really not many people renting mountain land. If the country doesn't develop it, there will be no income. It's not easy to meet this one. They had discussed before that if the rented place was larger, the chosen place could be more relaxed.

The regional map was spread directly on the table. The place was very large, and each hill was marked with its name and number. Shen Yun directly found the place he was interested in.

“This is the place, do you think it’s suitable?” Shen Yun reached out and circled the map. One-third of the mountains on the map were missing.

"Are you sure you want to rent so much?" Director Huang was sitting peacefully, but when he saw Shen Yun's actions, he couldn't help but stand up.

“I’m sure, I’ve seen the place. Do you think anything is inappropriate?” Shen Yun asked.

Director Huang did not rush to answer Shen Yun's question. Instead, he carefully looked at the place Shen Yun scratched. "Wait a minute. I'll ask a few colleagues to come over and take a look."

"Please." Shen Yun didn't stop him. Not long after Director Huang left the house, he called a few people over, and several people gathered around the place where Shen Yun had painted to look at it.

The place Shen Yun decided to rent was very different from what they had thought before. They had expected to be able to rent out a mountain and then take it with them, which would be good. Who would have thought that today they would directly rent out a third of the mountain.

 A few people discussed in a low voice, and Shen Yun and the others stepped aside with a look.

"If you decide to rent these mountains, the rent over several decades will reach millions. We can rent them for 70 years, but the minimum one-time rent is 30 years. That adds up to millions. If you decide to rent, , we will discuss the price in detail." Director Huang confirmed with Shen Yun again.

"Don't worry, the money has been prepared. You can handle it directly at the bank." Shen Yun took out the deposit from his pocket. The flashing numbers also allowed several people to determine Shen Yun's financial resources and rent these mountains. It's definitely enough.

"Okay, I'll notify my colleagues right away to come over and handle it for you." Director Huang directly called people over. This project was a big one in their small town and they couldn't handle it carelessly.

“You guys go outside and wait, it may take us a while.” Director Huang said politely.

"Okay, don't worry." Although Shen Yun was quite anxious, he couldn't rush him at this time and followed the people out. However, he was treated well this time and was taken directly to a conference room and given water.

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