The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 297: (297) Fortunately, they have cultivated themselves now and don’t need to

Although a few people are sitting here, they all know exactly what is going on in the office next door. It is just a normal calculation of prices, nothing special.

 Just now, Shen Yun drew with his hand, and there were 6 or 7 relatively large hills, with some smaller hills in the middle. It is not easy to count these clearly.

It was probably the first time that I met someone who rented so much mountain land. After a while, even the mayor was alarmed. Although he did not come to see Shen Yun and the others, he went to the accounting office to inform the people below to be careful.

There are many people, so the work speed is not slow. The superiors have already measured the size of these mountains. The next step is to calculate how much rent is needed and prepare some documents.

Shen Yun and the others waited in the conference room for more than two hours and the matter was basically done. As expected, someone came over after a while.

"Because the mountainous land you want to rent is relatively large, it took us a while to calculate it, but now it's all done. According to the area you just plotted, there are a total of 6 big mountains and 5 small mountains. Some are good and some are bad. We will I won’t give you another one. In addition, because the place you rent is relatively large, we discussed it and gave you a preferential price. You see, this is an agreement. If there are any problems, we can discuss them. Director Huang said and handed the things to Shen Yun.

The price, rights and interests, including the size of the location, were clearly marked on it. It was a thick stack of documents with a lot of things on it. Shen Yun read it very quickly. After reading it, several Shen family members next to her also took it. When I looked at it, I couldn't help but be speechless when I saw the price. There were 70 years of use rights and a lot of requirements. The price was really not cheap. I looked at the several zeros after it, and I felt dizzy.

"Here, here, take a look." The piece of paper with the price was quickly passed to other people's hands.

 One cannot be scared alone, and one must not admit that people like them, who have never had more than 100 in their pockets, were scared when they saw this price.

Shen Yun only took half an hour to read a stack of paper. Considering the strength of her consciousness, this was still full.

"There's no problem with this. If you don't have any problem, then let's sign it." Although there are restrictions above, they are relatively loose. There is no tourism industry these days. In such mountains, unless you go to cut bamboo, otherwise Basically no one enters, especially those who sit one after another. Basically, people can be seen in the surrounding mountains. For example, in the mountains where Shen Yun and his Baiyun Village are located, basically no outsiders can enter. .

The mountains designated by Shen Yun are not peripheral. The nearest one is the mountain where Baiyun Village is located. The others are basically deep mountains. Except for some forests, they basically have no economic value now, so the price is still acceptable. of.

"We have no problem here. We have signed the agreement, and this has to be sent to the county and city for filing. So I give you two days to prepare the money. Do you plan to have **** for thirty years at once, or pay it all at once?" Huang The director reminded him responsibly.

"Let's pay it all at once." Shen Yun looked at the price and saw that it was more than 2 million. The money in his bankbook was enough. "It's not convenient for me to withdraw such a large amount. See if you can transfer it directly to the bank." one time?"

Shen Yun asked. This was her second time dealing with such a large amount of money. Jiang Han had handled everything before, so she didn't need to do anything. However, this time she had to handle it herself.

“Yes, everything is OK,” Director Huang said quickly. This small town does not have much fiscal revenue in a year, but it has brought in more than 2 million yuan. This year's fiscal requirements must have been exceeded.

"Okay, let's sign it first. Once it's signed, I'll hand it over for approval. When the results come out, you can pay the money." Both parties are cheerful people. Shen Guoliang came to mention it before, and they have everything ready. , so it will be done very quickly today. If the approval goes smoothly, this matter will be completed in about a week. Once the signature is done, Shen Yun and the others can go back and wait for news.

"Let's go, we said we were going to my aunt's house. It's almost noon. I'll buy some food outside later so that my aunt won't have to worry about it at noon." Before a few people could react, these few pages of paper had already been spent. It's more than 2 million, and Shen Yun has already naturally talked about lunch.

"Yun, was the Ji family you used to live in particularly rich?" Shen Heng couldn't help but ask the question in his heart.

"I don't have money, so it's just a little better than the average family. I really don't feel anything about being rich." Shen Yun thought about the situation of Ji's family. He said he was powerful, not too high, so he said he was rich. , and the life of most people in the hutong is similar.

“Then why do you spend money without blinking an eye?”

“If you had 1,000 yuan and were asked to spend 200 yuan on something particularly important, would you still spend the money?” Shen Yun directly gave an example.

"Of course." Shen Heng answered without thinking.

"That's it. Now, compared with my total assets, the two million yuan is equivalent to 200 yuan, so I still have it in my pocket after spending it, so don't be nervous." Shen Yun said with a smile.

 This statement seems to be easier for the Shen family to accept. Anyway, they still have so much money, so it doesn’t matter how much they spend.

"Okay, your sister's own money, she can spend it as she pleases. This is for business, not for fun, so don't ask so many questions. But with so many mountains in the future, if you want to plant something "Damn it, you brothers are not allowed to be lazy," Shen Guoliang said on the side.

The people next to her immediately responded seriously. After all, there is only one sister in the family. They, grown men, can’t be tired even if they work hard. Now that they have practiced cultivation, they are not tired.

"Now that you know it, why don't you hurry up and buy food? Are you still waiting for me to come over?" Shen Guoliang glanced at his grandchildren angrily. Really, all of them were quite young and didn't even wink. No wonder only two of them have found a partner now. Fortunately, they have cultivated themselves now and don't have to worry about finding a partner, otherwise they would be worried to death.

Several people immediately ran towards the restaurant in front. Boys were not uncommon in the Shen family anyway.

"Yunyun, what do you think about renting so many mountains?" Shen Guoliang saw that everyone was gone, so he asked Shen Yun in a low voice, asking him to tell him that no one goes to this mountain anyway, so he can occupy it for himself. You can do anything in the place, and no one will see it. There is no need to spend so much effort and money to rent a mountain.

After signing the agreement, this mountain will be their responsibility from now on, not only to maintain it, but also to protect it, which is really troublesome.

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