“Grandpa, I plan to raise some spirit beasts in the future, but the space is not big enough. Besides, in order to prevent the spirit beasts from hurting people, they must be locked up. Only by renting the place back can I isolate my own place.

And I plan to plant some spiritual plants. You may not know it because you haven’t been out much. The spiritual energy in the mountain forest is denser than outside, so I chose to plant it in the mountain forest.

And our mountain is not small. When the time comes, I will set up formations on our own territory. Many places in the mountains and forests are very hidden. Our safety will not be a problem in the future, so we don’t have to worry. "Shen Yun explained his intention to Shen Guoliang carefully. Besides, in the future, there will be more practitioners in his family. Refining alchemy, practicing Qi, practicing swordsmanship, etc. all require territory. It does not mean that this can be done in his own courtyard. Yes, this all needs to be thought of in advance.

Two million is not a problem for me now. It will take seventy years. As for what it will be like after seventy years, I don’t know what it will be like.

"You are right to think so. It is more convenient and more confident to do whatever you want at home. If you raise some more poultry in the mountains in the future, we will be self-sufficient. Your grandma and I are both old, and we don't want to think about it in the future. I'm running around, and we help you raise all the poultry at home. Anyway, I'm in good health now." Mr. Shen thought very openly. He didn't care what Shen Yun wanted to do, as long as he didn't commit any crime. No matter what, he was an adult. Whatever Shen Yun said he believed in, he immediately planned his future.

"Okay, I'll find you a good place then and let you and grandma raise a few chickens. You don't have to do anything else." Shen Yun happily agreed. The old man and the others don't need to do the work, as long as If they are well in that place, then the core of the family is still there.

 “Okay, we will enjoy the happiness with you.” Shen Guoliang said with a smile.

The two of them continued to walk forward. In a newly opened restaurant on the roadside, several brothers of the Shen family were waiting for their meals.

“We are going to my aunt’s house first, we won’t wait for you.” Shen Yun shouted towards the inside.

 Several people inside waved their hands to signal Shen Yun and the others to go first.

"How are my aunt and uncle's health this year?" Shen Yun asked Shen Guoliang on the side.

"Everything is fine. Your cousin also practiced with us before. This year he went out to look for you. I asked your eldest and second uncle to make more trips. Everything at home is fine. Now that Huang Bin is back, your aunt "My mind is better," Shen Guoliang said slowly.

"That's good. Auntie and the others also know about cultivators now. We need to help auntie and the others test whether they have spiritual roots and see if they can practice?" Shen Yun asked Shen Guoliang for his opinion, although there are many talents now. Those who automatically introduce the spiritual energy into the body and start practicing not long after the emergence of spiritual energy, but there is still a lot of practice and concentration to introduce the energy into the body. If these people do not discover it the day after tomorrow, and add the blessing of the practice method, If you want to enter the path of cultivation on your own, unless you have some special adventure.

"Wait until I go over and talk to your aunt and the others about this. Let's ask them what they think." Shen Guoliang can't make the decision on this matter. Of the three sons in the family, only the younger son and his wife practice together. The other two are not practiced by their wives. If he didn't have any talent, he didn't have it, so he chose not to practice. Without knowing his daughter's current situation, he couldn't guarantee it.

"Okay, I brought the spirit-testing stone. I'll give it to them to test it when the time comes, and then we'll see what they decide." Shen Yun nodded. At such an old age, if both of them can practice, it would be a good choice. , if there is only one person, it is indeed a bit difficult. The two of them strolled to the family courtyard where the Huang family lived. From a distance, they saw the door of the Huang family open, and Huang Bin was sitting in a shady place peeling garlic while looking outside.

I guess I heard from the neighbors that they were coming over and were waiting. When I saw this, I immediately called out to the house and walked over.

"My mother also said where have you been and why haven't you come out yet? She asked me to go out and look for you. I didn't expect you to come back now. Grandpa, how are you all these days? I just came back to take over a new job and there are a lot of things going on. I haven't come to see you these past few days. How are you at home?" Huang Bin came over and consciously held Shen Guoliang's arm, winked at Shen Yun, and began to ask Shen Guoliang.

"Everything is fine at home. How are you handling your work matters? Last time I heard you said that there is a new person in your position and it will be difficult for you to come back. How are you handling this matter now?" Shen Guo Liang was still more concerned. After all, if his grandson lost his job because of his granddaughter, he would still feel bad even if his son-in-law didn't say anything.

"Don't worry, Grandpa, this matter has been taken care of. A new construction site has been opened in the south of our town. I heard that a school will be built in the future. The superiors knew that I was a cultivator and immediately entrusted me with important tasks. I've been transferred. I've been busy with work over there these days, and I haven't had time to visit you at home.

Today is also the first time I have come back this week. Look at what an unfortunate coincidence, I happened to meet you here. Isn’t this called telepathy? Huang Bin said with a smile, and told the matter lightly, without any intention of worrying the old man.

"That's good. No matter where you are transferred, you have to work hard and practice well. When the school is built, there will be more people, all students, and your work will be important. "Shen Guoliang said with a smile. He knew a lot about the transfer, but he felt that as long as Huang Bin worked hard, he could achieve results anywhere.

"I will definitely do it well. I can't lose your face, right?" Huang Bin responded simply.

The three people walked slowly inside. Shen Anhua, who had been waiting for a long time, walked out directly with an apron.

"Dad, Yunyun, you are here, come in and sit down quickly." Shen Huaan said with a smile, then turned and looked directly at Huang Bin next to him, "Huang Bin, you silly boy, the sun is so bright outside, you Why don't you take your grandpa and cousin to sunbathe outside? Why don't you help your grandpa in quickly?"

"Okay, okay, I'll help grandpa in right now." Huang Bin responded, but his movements didn't change. How old is the old man? How fast can he go? His mother is really busy and confused.

But Shen Guoliang heard his daughter's voice, "Then let's walk faster, there are no outsiders here anyway." After saying this, he looked like an old man, and he arrived at the door of Huang's house in a few steps.

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