Chapter 313 (313) Evacuation

 “Boss, don’t quarrel.”

“There was no quarrel, we were discussing things.

  I will listen to you this time and be sure to finish the things that need to be destroyed. Please. Yan Han explained, and finally decided to listen to Shen Yun.

 People’s hearts are unpredictable. Who knows whether there will be such people in the future, so it’s better to deal with these things in advance.

“Okay, give me ten minutes, please put all the information on this table.” After Shen Yun said that, he sat down on the chair and started to look through the information.

Now Shen Yun's spiritual consciousness is very powerful, so it is not difficult to read these things at all. The things in this are all shown to him by Jia Wei and Ji Ji. They are concise and easy to understand, so Shen Yun can easily distinguish what is dangerous information. .

The people next to him were dumbfounded as they looked at Shen Yun's book, with afterimages appearing as he flipped through the book. Is this reading?

“What are you doing standing there, get moving quickly, take care of things so we can go out.” When Shen Yun was changing books, he saw three people looking at him and immediately reminded him.

"Oh, right away." The three people hurriedly took action. After a while, there were two piles of information piled up in front of Shen Yun. There was the sound of flipping through books, and they didn't dare to breathe in the severe cold next to them~ www.readwn. com~Looking so fast, who dares to interrupt.

 In less than ten minutes, there was a small pile of information around him, all of which recorded Jia Weihe's puppetry, soul refining and soul-stirring skills.

“These are what we need to deal with.” Shen Yun pointed at the pile of things and showed them to several people.

"Just make sure." Having said that, Yan Han still picked up the documents and looked at them a few times. As expected, the records were all things that could not be seen.

"Okay, I've taken care of it." Shen Yun said, directly controlling a ball of fire and burning the pile of information until not even a scrap was left.

“I’d like you to put away the remaining things. You can still fit them in there.”

"Okay." Shen Yun waved his hand, and all the information on the table disappeared. The three people took away all the information in the room. This time, there was not a single piece of paper in the room.

"Take another look to see if there is anything else in the room. If not, we will retreat. The formation that controls the sea fog should not be here. Let's go outside to check the situation." Shen Yun said and began to rummage inside the room. stand up.

The room was turned upside down by a few of them. There was really nothing, not even a formation, let alone a secret room or something.

“Let’s go, it looks like there’s nothing left. There’s a palace outside here. Let’s go over and have a look.” Shen Yun said first.

The three people nodded, left the room, and took the puppet tied there from outside.

When Xu Ling and the others saw Shen Yun and the others, they saw a group of people following behind them, and everyone couldn't help but become nervous again. Only Xiao Bengtao sat there calmly and motionless.

"Don't be nervous, low-level puppet. No one can control it now, and it has no attack power." Shen Yun said quickly.

"The people here have been counted. There are 357 people in total, 187 are domestic, and the rest are foreign." Xu Lei and Yan Han reported the situation, "203 people are disabled and injured, and 38 people are in poor mental condition."

 There were not many people, but the situation was tragic.

 Shen Yun and the others paused after hearing this number.

“Pack it up, let’s take the people out of this place first.” Yanhan gave the order directly.

 Everyone else started to move. After such a long rest, the people squatting on the ground had all come to their senses. When Shen Yun and the others said they could go out, they all stood up tremblingly. A group of people walked forward one after another.

“Boss, there’s water outside, and it’s going very fast.” The guard outside saw that the people inside had not returned, so he hurried in and said. When he came in, he saw a large number of people walking outside.

Suddenly my head felt heavy. Thinking about the small gap when I first came in, so many people evacuated outside. It would take years and months, and the water would probably flood the place by then.

He just squeezed people and walked inside to send the news inside. Let's see how the minister and others make a decision.

“Boss, it’s not good, there’s water outside,” Lai Jin quickly came to Yan Han’s side and said.

This sound was not suppressed, and the few people who stayed here to deal with the aftermath heard it.

"Chen Yun, have you brought the spirit stone?" Yan Han immediately looked at Shen Yun.

  “Bring it.

. "Shen Yun immediately understood what he was going to do.

I don’t know how long it will take for the teleportation array they came from to teleport these people out. There must be other teleportation arrays here, but it’s not easy to find them. It’s better to set up your own array to get there faster.

"Okay, let's do it." Yan Han said and asked someone to clear a place. The one-way teleportation array is much easier to draw than the two-way one. Shen Yun still has the base of the array in his hand, so it really doesn't take much to set up the array. long time.

"The positioning point of the formation is on the beach outside. This distance is short, it does not require many spiritual stones, and it is very accurate. If it is to be teleported over a long distance, I am afraid that the spiritual stones will not be enough." Shen Yun and Yan Han explained.

"Okay, I'll take a few people over there first, and take these puppets with me." Yan Han made a decision immediately.

"Okay, be careful when you go out. We will deal with the people and puppets inside. There are still many outside. If they see any movement, they will definitely cause trouble for you. Pay attention to protect yourself." Shen Yun explained without hesitation, looking at Yan Han He took a few people to stand and placed the spirit stones directly towards the formation eye.

As soon as the light of the formation flashed, the people inside the formation disappeared.

The spirit stone that Shen Yun placed on the formation's eye also dimmed. This method was fast, but it consumed too much spiritual energy.

"Others, hurry up and get on as many as you can. No need for ink marks." Shen Yun saw some people hesitating and shouted quickly. "You're just waiting for the water to come over before you leave, right? I told you that if you don't come, I will. Then no one will provide you with spiritual stones. If you can't leave, then it's none of my business. "

 Shen Yun shouted, and the survivors who were still a little stunned immediately reacted and ran directly into the formation. In the face of life and death, everyone used their full strength.

"Don't be anxious, we can all leave." Now more people were entering, and Shen Yun and the others could only pull them out, which wasted time even more.

 After struggling for several minutes, this time the person really left this place.

The next time was the third and fourth time. Anyway, the speed was very fast. When the water surface reached the calf, the only people here were Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqi.

"How about we two take care of all the things here so that we don't see the light of day again and harm others someday?" Shen Yun asked the little Bengqi on the side.

"Okay." Xiao Bengqiao sat in Shen Yun's arms and agreed without thinking. Anyway, it didn't belong to him, so he didn't feel bad.

 (End of this chapter)

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