Chapter 314 (314) We will be reborn in Nirvana

The water did not delay their movements. The two were moving very fast, and the place they passed could no longer be seen as it was before.

 “Okay, let’s go.” Shen Yun threw two explosive charms in the research room and called out to the little Bouncer who was having fun.

"Let's go." Xiao Bengqiao jumped directly into Shen Yun's arms. The two of them wielded their swords directly on the water, walked through the narrow gap, and directly reached the teleportation array that came in.

The moment the formation was activated, Shen Yun activated the two explosive symbols. Shen Yun and the others disappeared into the formation. With a bang, the entire space began to collapse and a large amount of sea water poured in.

“Operation error, it was a little too fast.” Shen Yun wiped the water on the little bouncing head and said apologetically.

"It's okay, sister, I can just dry it myself. Don't wipe it, your hair will be wiped off." Xiao Bengqi said resentfully.

"Okay, then you can dry it yourself." Shen Yun put down his hand sarcastically.

 “Let’s go out.” The study room outside is a camouflage. They have seen it before and there is nothing in it.

 “Let’s go.” Little Bengqi took the lead and walked outside.

The two people walked all the way through the room and arrived at the palace outside. The formation inside had not disappeared, and the puppets continued to patrol dutifully.

The two of them were not in a hurry to go out. They first sent a message to Yan Han, and then wandered around inside with Xiao Bengqiao. They just saw Jia Weihe's formation record chart inside, so Shen Yun knew the formation in this palace. Where is the key point, Shen Yun plans to break it from the inside first, and then deal with these puppets.

As for the heavy fog on the sea outside, that needs to be looked at carefully. There is no such thing in Jia Weihe's records. Shen Yun can only check what is going on in the palace here. If he can't find it on the shore, he will probably I went into the sea to look for it.

The two people were very fast and went straight to the formation's eye position. When they got there, they jumped into flames and the entire formation disappeared. From a distance, the palace that looked majestic and complex shrank directly after the formation disappeared. More than half, even if there are a few simple small alleys left, as for the rooms, they are even more simple, adding up to about 10 houses in total.

  Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqie were stunned when they saw such a scene.

"I really thought the people here were very rich, but I didn't know it turned out to be an illusion. This person is really awesome. How many spiritual stones does it cost to spend such a huge amount of money to create such a illusion?" Xiao Bengqiao murmured. said.

"He didn't use the spirit stones. Come and see where the spirit stones are placed in the formation eye?" Shen Yun was stunned for a moment before he realized what he was doing. He looked directly at the position of the formation eye. He originally thought that the stone placed in the formation eye was After taking a closer look at the consumed spirit stones, I saw that these stones still have inconspicuous lines carved on them.

These lines have not been seen in Jia Weihe’s records.

Shen Yun picked it up and looked at it carefully, "This is somewhat similar to the teleportation array, but it also looks a bit like the spirit gathering array."

"Let me take a look." Xiao Beng Tie was very curious. He took a few small stones and looked at them. "Isn't it like a thread has been tangled? I can see something." Xiao Beng Tie looked at it for a while. I do not understand.

Shen Yun's head was full of dark thoughts when he heard this, "You should learn about formations from now on, otherwise you will be laughed at to death if you say this in front of other experts."

"Whoever laughs at me, I will send him a ball of fire." Xiao Bengqi said arrogantly.

"That person is probably going to cause trouble for me." Shen Yun said as if he, as a parent of a naughty child, had been trained so hard that he couldn't hold his head up and didn't dare to think about it.

"It's okay, I told him not to come." Xiao Bengqi said a little domineeringly.

"It can't be like this. It's a domineering behavior of yours. It's been a long time, but this is what happened to Jia Wei today." Shen Yun looked at the little Bengqiao and said seriously. He had thought that the child was still young, and he As a person with inheritance, he basically doesn't care about anything.

Now I realize that this is not the case. Phoenix can be said to be at the top of society in their place, so no one dares to provoke the Phoenix clan. Even the cubs, no one dares to provoke them. They beat the little ones. No one can say that the old man can bear the wrath of the Phoenix clan. But the times are different now. He is the only phoenix here. If his identity is revealed, even if the country has special feelings for the phoenix, there is no guarantee that people from other countries will covet the little phoenix.

So, if Xiao Bengqi lives in this world, he should not live in a low profile. At least he should not be too high-profile. Otherwise, such a big person with such great strength will definitely attract people's investigation.

Ants can kill elephants. As her contracted beast, and having received the inheritance from her father, she has taken over the responsibility of taking care of her. She doesn’t dare to joke about this matter.

"Do you mean I will die?" Xiao Bengqi asked in disbelief.

 “Of course.” Shen Yun said affirmatively.

“Impossible, our Phoenix family cannot die, we will be reborn in Nirvana.” Xiao Bengqi said proudly.

"Phoenix nirvana has a number of times. I hope you didn't waste your life because of this kind of thing. It's not worth it. Your father may come to find you one day in the future. We don't know what their world is like yet. , so you should make more plans for the future, every life is precious," Shen Yun said solemnly.

"Okay, then I will listen to you, keep a low profile, and work hard to improve my strength. When the time comes, people will be scared when they see me, so don't be afraid that they will laugh at me." Xiao Bengqi said in compromise.

Although the child is very arrogant, he still listens to others' advice.

 Shen Yun patted Xiao Bengqiao's head with satisfaction, "Let's put these things back and study what formations these are." As Shen Yun said that, he collected all the small stones in the formation holes.

“Let’s go, there are still a lot of puppets to deal with outside.” After finishing the matters here, Shen Yun greeted Xiao Bengtuo and walked outside.

The formation disappeared, but the puppets in the formation did not disappear, so this small place was simply filled with puppets.

 A puppet takes three steps and a small team takes five steps. This is definitely not an exaggeration.

As Shen Yun and the others were fighting, reinforcements came over.

Yan Han called a few people over to help, which speeded up Shen Yun and the others.

It didn’t take long for them to rush to the beach to meet up.

The opening on the sea through which they came in is slowly closing, and only the boat that Shen Yun and the others took when they came over is left on the entire pier.

“We have everyone at the dock under control. Have you found a way out inside?” Yan Han came over and asked.

"Not yet, it's empty inside. The room we came out of had a bed and a study room, but nothing else was found." Shen Yun said directly.

“Can we use the wind to blow away the heavy fog on the sea?” Xu Ling next to her thought of a way.

 (End of this chapter)

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