All the stones are piled together like a hill.

Not only Shen Yun and the others saw it, but a group of people over there who were rescued by Shen Yun and the others also saw it.

  Everyone could not help but shudder when they saw the stones.

"Do you know what these things are?" Shen Yun noticed their reaction and took two steps in that direction.

 “No, I don’t know.” Everyone lowered their heads, as if they were scared.

"If you hide this matter, you won't be able to get out. We can only hold on until three days later. I don't know if some of you can hold on until then. I don't know if you want to give it a try or not. Just give up." Shen Yun glanced around and said coldly.

Some of the people sitting there lowered their heads and said nothing, while others looked around, "I said." A clear voice sounded, and Shen Yun saw an inconspicuous girl in the crowd stand up, but the light in her eyes But it's frighteningly bright.

“Then tell me.” Shen Yun looked directly at her.

"Everyone has seen this stone when we came in, and the patterns on it will be stained with our blood after being carved." The girl's tone was calm, without any fluctuation. "Then the other party will draw a pattern on our bodies. From the moment the pattern is drawn, we can feel the spiritual energy cultivated in the body disappearing every moment. Gradually, the absorption cannot keep up with the disappearance, and people will It will gradually become weak, and without adequate nutritional supplements, it will die.”

The other party's tone was calm, but Shen Yun and the others' brows tightened. These people who were captured were watching themselves dying. How desperate they must be at that time.

 “Where are those people who died?” someone asked curiously.

 “Some were turned into puppets, and some were thrown into the sea.” The girl replied. "If anyone dares to resist, they will die faster, just like those who have less things on them."

“Can you show me the pattern on your body?” Shen Yun looked around and saw a lot of people with disabilities. It seemed that there were also people who resisted. But resistance was the result, so everyone was scared.

"Of course." The girl turned around and lifted up her clothes.

The man here was confused by her actions and immediately turned his head.

 Shen Yun and Xu Ling walked over and stood next to her.

 The wound on his back has not healed yet, the island is humid, and the condition of the wound looks very bad, but he can still clearly see what kind of pattern it is.

"How long have you been here?" Shen Yun asked, carefully examining the pattern and the condition of the wound.

"It's been more than a week, right? I don't know. You can't see the time changing even if you stay there." The girl said uncertainly.

“Have you never thought about running away?” Xu Ling asked.

"I've thought about it, but I don't dare. There are examples around me. I think it's more important to save my life for the time being. A few more days is just a matter of days. Isn't this opportunity coming?" the girl said easily.

 This optimistic attitude is incomparable to the people next to me.

"Okay, put down your clothes, I can see clearly." Seeing the patterns on the other person's body, and then thinking about the patterns on the stones, Shen Yun already had the answer in his heart. Now he had to confirm whether these people had the same patterns on them. Such a pattern.

“Who else can show me the pattern on the body?” Shen Yun turned around and asked.

With the first person standing up, the others did not hesitate much. More people lifted up the clothes on their backs to show Shen Yun the pattern on the back.

"Okay, please." Shen Yun said and walked towards the rocks over there.

"How is the situation? Have you confirmed what these are?" Yan Han and the others asked quickly when they saw Shen Yun coming.

"It's basically confirmed. You know the stone statues, right? Although these stones don't look like stone statues, the effect is almost the same. These formations absorb the spiritual energy from the human body and then circulate it to form the heavy fog on the seaside."

The secret that the formation can operate without the spirit stone formation at the eye has been solved this time.

Normal people really can't think of this method. Only smart and crazy people like Jia Wei can think of it.

 “Can it be solved?” Everyone asked with concern.

“Give me some time.” Shen Yun said, taking out the pen and paper from the space and starting to evolve.

  Everyone calmed down their voices when they saw Shen Yun's movements, and even his movements became much smaller.

By the time Shen Yun came up with a solution, night had fallen. Everyone had caught a lot of fish from the sea and was settling the matter for dinner.

“Sister, you’re okay.” Xiao Bengqi, who was eating, was the first to notice Shen Yun’s condition.

"Okay, after I finish processing this pile of rocks, we can go out." Shen Yun's words did not delay her actions. She directly took out the brush and cinnabar from the space and started to get busy.

Others couldn't sit still when they heard that Shen Yun had a solution. They all came over and asked, "Do you need help?"

"Of course, anyone who has learned the formation techniques from Mr. Zhang's book and can draw is here to help." Shen Yun was not polite and took out a few more brushes from the space and placed them next to him, "You guys look at me first How to draw."

Shen Yun started painting directly on the lines carved on the stone, one stroke at a time, forming a new pattern together with the formation on the stone, and then the stone turned into ashes.

When everyone saw the result, they immediately became excited. They memorized the drawings drawn by Shen Yun and did not rush to start. Instead, they practiced on the beach next to them for a while. After mastering it, they started to draw on the rocks. Several people Moving together is much faster than Shen Yun alone.

"My spiritual energy is no longer disappearing." I don't know which person the stone corresponds to. Anyway, Shen Yun and the others have been working for a while, and suddenly heard the people over there shouting, followed by the sound of feedback one after another. Everyone took advantage of the night, I vaguely felt that the fog outside had dissipated a lot, and I was suddenly full of motivation.

 “Look, you can see outside.” Half of the stone disappeared. The fog has become very light, and the shadows of several ships on the sea can be seen in the distance by the moonlight.

 Shen Yun and the others couldn't help but speed up when they saw such an effect.

By the time the moon reached its zenith, the hill-like rocks had turned into a pile of sand.

"It's done." Shen Yun put away his things and looked at the sea. The big ship above seemed to have noticed that the fog had dissipated, and it lit up with a faint light, flickering.

"It's our ship, that's a signal." Several people said happily.

"There are a lot of rocks on the bottom of the sea here. Big ships can't get through. Let's get on a small boat and transport them over there." The severe cold immediately made people start to take action.

 The wounded will go first, and Shen Yun and others will go behind.

These are professional ships, and they are fully staffed. I don’t worry about these people having other thoughts on board to cause trouble.

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