Chapter 318 (318) Island closure

Several people then pulled the puppets and brought them onto the boat one by one.

Then another group of people got off the boat, led by Li Ming.

"I didn't expect you to come here. How have you been lately? Are you almost healed of your last injury?" Shen Yun asked with a smile.

 “Everything is fine, I am very healthy now.

Thanks to you, I've been doing well recently. The people at home who were bossing me around have finally stopped. Now I have hired professionals to take care of my family's property. Although my business is not as big as before, I still have fewer things to do than before. Yes, thank you. "Li Ming said with a smile.

Shen Yun was stunned by what he said. Although he was unhappy with his father, stepmother and stepsister, after the auction, he left the capital without doing anything. "Did something happen at home?"

Li Ming was also stunned for a moment and immediately responded, "Oh, it's okay. I'm just doing well recently. I also took over the family business. It's good. I'll take the initiative to ask Ying to pick you up. Why, there's no one on this trip. Something happened?"

"It's all good, except that I found another spirit stone mine when I was looking for the exit." Shen Yun didn't go into details and said with a smile. There must be something he didn't know about. After all, what the Li family did that day. It's not like he offended himself alone. Maybe someone did this quietly when he didn't know it. But since Li Ming doesn't care, he doesn't need to care about the feelings of those three people. After all, it's all their own. Looking for it.

"Lingshi mine?" Li Ming really didn't know. When they came here, they just said they were here to take care of them, but they really didn't say anything about the Lingshi mine.

"The Lingshi mine was discovered temporarily. I have arranged for a team of people to stay here. I will arrange for more people to come when I get back. But there is one thing. This place is close to the high seas. If we have any big movement here, it is estimated that It will attract prying eyes from outside forces." Yan Han came over after handling the matter and heard Shen Yun and the others talking about the Lingshi Mine.

"Then what you mean is that this matter can only be done quietly." Shen Yun felt very sad when he thought that external forces were staring at this place like hungry wolves, and then they wanted to carve up the spiritual stone mine he had discovered. accurate.

"Things have to be done quietly, and if the island can be completely hidden like before, it will be safer." Yan Han said.

"Well, it turns out that I can set up the fog formation. Don't you know how to set up a teleportation array in the cold weather? Let's just set up a two-way teleportation array. Anyway, there are spiritual stones here now, so it will be more hidden." Shen Yunhe Yan Han discussed.

"The two-way teleportation array is really problematic for me. Our team is still studying the two-way teleportation array, but so far it has only been tested on items and has not been tested on humans." Yan Han did not hide it, and there was indeed progress in this area. Slower than Javi and here.

"It's okay. I've memorized Jia Weihe's two-way transmission array. I'll draw it for you later and you can try it." In this regard, I have to admire Jia Weihe's genius.

The two of them discussed it and saw that most of the injured on the island had been evacuated. The two of them were not idle and immediately arranged for people to dig for spiritual stones. Shen Yun and the others also began to prepare for the formation.

Shen Yun carries a lot of things in his space, so he won’t have nothing when he needs to use them this time.

After deciding on the formation plan, Shen Yun took the spirit stones and ran all over the island. Yan Han didn't have to be so complicated. He only had to set up the formation at the chosen place.

 The two people divided the labor and cooperated, and with the help of several other people, the formation was quickly completed.

"Okay, if you have to leave, hurry up and get on the boat. I'm going to activate the formation." Shen Yun saw that the cold work had been completed and quickly called everyone to retreat.

Leaving the agreed people to station here, Shen Yun and the others boarded the boat directly. After the boat passed the formation area, Shen Yun completed the last step of the formation directly outside.

 A mist quickly rose from the sea and gradually enveloped the island.

A light flashed, and the stationary ships on the sea started to move. Two large ships and one small ship quickly sailed towards the other side on the water.

When he saw the lights on the shore, Shen Yun heard slightly excited cries from the boat next to him. "This mission can be considered a success, but those who died will never come back." Shen Yun sighed.

“These are not your fault, don’t take it to heart.” Xu Ling comforted her from the side.

"I'm just sighing. If I feel guilty, I probably won't be able to live anymore." Shen Yun smiled, "Let's go down first and see if there is any help over there." Shen Yun pointed to the big ship over there. said.

 The people on the boat got off one after another.

 Shen Yun and the others went down, but there was no movement on the big ship over there.

"Everyone, go over and help. These people need to be treated and observed. The people on the boat are a little excited yet, so please pay attention." Before Shen Yun and the others could go over there, Yan Han turned around. Greeting people.

Shen Yun and the others rushed over there without any delay.

The crowds of people above were walking downstairs, and Shen Yun and others hurried over to maintain order.

After a while of busy work, the person who responded also drove over, and everyone was put in the car and sent to a fixed place for arrangement. The only thing that was difficult to deal with was the group of puppets.

“You have arranged these puppets, and I will not participate.” Shen Yun went over to greet Yan Han.

"I have arranged for people to handle it. Let's set up the formation now. The place has been arranged." Yan Han took the initiative to say.

 “Okay.” If the things are done early, you can go home early.

  Shen Yun said goodbye to the others, and went directly to Yan Han in the car in his direction.

“The formation here is arranged in a special place and is very safe.” Yan Han told Shen Yun on the road.

"Okay, I have no objection." Shen Yun nodded.

When he arrived at the place, Shen Yun knew where this special place was. Looking at the soldiers walking upright inside, there should be no safer place than this place.

The car was parked outside, and the two people entered and registered, then contacted the people inside to pick them up, and then they got inside smoothly.

"Excuse me, this happened temporarily. I really can't think of the safest place around here." Yan Han introduced Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqi, but he had no intention of introducing each other, and Shen Yun didn't care.

  Follow them straight forward.

"We already understand the situation, and we're honored to be able to help." The other party didn't say anything. He nodded kindly to Shen Yun and led the people towards their destination.

The place is relatively remote, but it is definitely the safest location. If you want to get to this place, you must pass through the entire military camp.

 (End of this chapter)

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