“This place is well chosen.” Shen Yun looked around and praised.

"There are two spare places in the specially selected place. If this one is not suitable, I will take you to other places to see." The other party said politely.

“It’s appropriate, it’s appropriate, thank you.” Yan Han said quickly.

"Okay, you guys are busy, I'll go over and check on the training situation first." The other party saw that Shen Yun and the others had determined the location, and immediately left in a sensible manner.

As soon as the people left, Shen Yun and the others checked the place and began to work. Although there was no help from others, the two of them were not slow, so the formation was completed quickly.

 “Would you like to experiment first?” Yan Han suggested.

"Okay, how about I do it." Shen Yun agreed with this decision.

 “No, I can’t let you do the experiment, just wait.” After saying that, Yan Han walked directly towards the person standing guard not far away.

Shen Yun heard Yan Han asking the other party to find a pig. He saw the people over there looking at him in confusion, and finally agreed to help.

 After a while, the pig that was going to the canteen was carried over by several people.

 Yanhan directed several people to put the pigs in the designated location.

“Brother, what are you going to do? You’re not going to kill our pigs, they’re a big treasure in logistics.” The boy carrying the pigs asked with a smile.

“Don’t worry, we’ll give you a pig if you lose it.” Yan Han promised.

"Okay, then you are busy." Several people took a few steps back and stood together with the people standing guard.

Shen Yun and the others don't care. Anyway, these people won't talk nonsense when they go out. Moreover, teleportation arrays will be more widely used in the future, so they will know about it sooner or later.

Shen Yun directly took out the spirit stone and placed it at the eye of the formation. After a while, the formation lit up.

The big fat pig that was grunting on the ground just now disappeared in a flash. Shen Yun didn't know the wide-eyed reaction of the people over there. Anyway, they breathed a sigh of relief. No matter what, just send it out. OK

"Just wait. If they receive it, they will definitely send it back." The two of them were no longer in a hurry.

 Shen Yun directly held Xiao Bengqi and sat aside, while Yan Han began to deal with the weeds next to the teleportation array.

The people over there hesitated for a while and then came over.

“Brother, where is our pig? Were we dazzled just now?” The same person asked carefully.

"No dazzling, don't worry, your pig will be back soon. If it doesn't come back, I will give you one." Yan Han thought they were worried about the pig.

“No, that’s not what we meant. I just want to ask, is it possible for people to just swipe away when they stand there?”

“If you want to give it a try, you can apply when the pig comes back and see if the boss agrees to give it a try.” Yan Han was in a good mood at the moment and suggested to them kindly.

"I don't want to try it. This seems to be very life-consuming. Just go ahead and get busy. I won't disturb you anymore." A few people retreated again.

 Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqie couldn't help but laugh when they looked at these people. These people were a bit cute. Shen Yun and the others didn't have to wait long. The big fat pig that grunted just now appeared in the same place again, but in a different direction. There was an extra piece of paper on it. Shen Yun picked it up and took a look. Sure enough, It was a note left by those people on the island.

 “It’s done.” Shen Yun handed the paper to Yan Han.

"I'm relieved now." Yan Han sighed and took a look at the position of the formation. It was very convenient, but it cost more spiritual stones. One pig directly cost them five spiritual stones. If they transport people or goods in the future, It would probably cost more. Thinking of this, Yan Han glanced at Shen Yun and thought about what she said about the Sky Spider Silk being able to be exchanged for a storage bag. He would ask later if he could exchange it now.

“Excuse me, we’ve put this pig to good use.” Yan Han greeted the people over there, “Please help me carry it back, thank you.”

"You're welcome, we have learned a lot today." Several people happily came over and carried the pig away.

 Those who have just left will come here again as if they know that Shen Yun and the others have taken care of things.

"Excuse me, we have already done it. Please ask someone to guard this place. Someone should be using this place in the next few days." Yanhan went over and said to the person.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely keep an eye on this place for you.” The visitor nodded and didn’t ask Yan Han what he had done in this place. He just sent someone over to guard it.

Shen Yun felt relieved seeing the other party being so solemn.

 The two of them settled their matters and were taken out of here again.

“The teleportation array consumes too much spiritual stone. The sky spider silk you mentioned before can be exchanged for the storage bag. Can it still be exchanged now?” Yan Han asked directly after getting in the car.

"Yes, but you have to wait for a while. After all, it takes time to refine this thing." Shen Yun nodded.

“Okay, don’t worry about this. I’ll have someone send you the Sky Spider Silk to your home when you get back.”

 “Okay.” Shen Yun agreed.

The two of them did not look back and walked directly towards the city. Yan Han wanted to deal with the puppets and that group of people, while Shen Yun wanted to go home.

Her current focus has shifted to teaching, and she is basically not asked to do any tasks that are not particularly difficult.

Shen Yun thought about how he had to prepare a lot of content to be taught in school when he went back. He felt overwhelmed. Even if there was information in the space, he still had to get it out. He was not willing to take out those ancient books for others to see.

As soon as he and Yan Han parted ways in the city, Shen Yun took Xiao Bengqi directly to his home.

 When I got home, it was just noon.

No one asked what Shen Yun was doing. Seeing that Shen Yun came back safely, he greeted Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqi for dinner, and no one asked about anything else.

“We have already settled the matter of renting the land. We went over to pay the money yesterday.” During the meal, Shen Chen told the story again.

"It's so fast, how many days will it take to get back?" Shen Yun was a little surprised. Of course, she also thought about how many days it would take to get back from her mission, but she didn't know it would only take a day or two.

"It's a coincidence. That day when we went to transfer money, we happened to meet someone who came to the house to inform us. The two of us went directly to settle the matter. We brought back the contract and everything. We will show it to you later." Shen Chen explained.

After dinner, Shen Yun read the contract. The right to use the nearby mountains for the next 75 years belongs to her. As for the above restrictions, they have no impact on Shen Yun. After all, she is not trying to develop the mountains to plant anything. , she just wants to have a large territory, so that many things she wants to do will be easier to do, and in her own territory, there is no need to talk about privacy.

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