Chapter 324 (324) It’s useless to call me mother

Back on the mountain, the lights of the old house were still on. Shen Yun didn't go home and stopped directly at the door of the old house.

The people waiting at the door noticed Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqi at a glance, "You kid, where are you running at night? The whole family is worried. Your eldest brother and third brother went out to look for you. You met No?" The uncle and his wife were standing at the door, and they said yes when they saw Shen Yun.

"I just had to go out temporarily for something. Didn't I send a message to my eldest brother? Why did you go out to look for me? I won't lose you." Shen Yun said, moving his hands non-stop, he sent another message, Tell your eldest brother and the others that you are back.

"Okay, your uncle and I have both lived at such an old age, how can we still be ignorant? If there is something temporary, it's not just seeing the troubled person. Don't worry, we are all on your side. No matter how powerful her family is, It's not uncommon for us to have a rich family." The eldest aunt held Shen Yun's hand and comforted her, and looked at Shen Yun with a worried look, fearing that Shen Yun would be unhappy.

“I will be happy knowing that uncle you are all looking towards me.” Shen Yun said jokingly.

"If we don't turn to you, who else can we turn to? Don't think that your family is stupid. You should also understand your parents. After all, they have been raised as biological daughters for so many years. They have always loved and doted on them. Sometimes they have to do things. If it makes you uncomfortable, then we can pretend we can't see it. Anyway, this old house is also your home.

My eldest aunt told you that we didn’t really like Momo’s child in the past. We told your parents once or twice, but it wasn’t always easy to say whether it was true or not. Later, she also looked down on us incompetent relatives. We are not surprised at all, but we didn't know that this girl was not from our family. To be honest, I was very happy at the time. Later I found out that you are a considerate person, but I have been thinking about my daughter for so many years. "Wang Aifen took Shen Yun's hand and said carefully.

“I really didn’t think you were stupid. I was afraid that everyone would be embarrassed when I was there, so I went out for a walk and came back now. I know you love me.” Shen Yun explained.

“Okay, it’s good to be back anyway. I’ve left food for you at home, and your grandma specially made something you like. Eat some later and rest down there at night.

Auntie, let me tell you the truth, Momo is still staying at your house up there. She is afraid of going down the mountain alone at this late night. There is no other way but to keep her for one night. Your parents have said so. , I will send him down tomorrow morning.

The child has been having trouble for so many years, and there has been little contact in the past few years. She didn't like this family to begin with, so there was no need to pretend to like it now. It would be better to have less contact with each other in the future to reduce the harm to each other. "Wang Aifen didn't hide anything from Shen Yun, and told Shen Yun everything about the situation before entering.

Shen Yun knew about the situation at home when she arrived at the mountain. Now that Wang Aifen told her the truth, she felt even more relieved.

"Auntie, you and uncle should stop worrying. I know everything about the situation and won't say anything." With Ji Momo's character, she has had enough of this kind of life, and she won't come back even if she kills herself. , a plan like this to come to her door to play the family card was definitely not her own idea. If she had been used to a good life in the past few years, she would probably not be here even for a minute if the Shen family let her go. Wait, it's probably because the Ji family saw their value that they came back this time, so they took the initiative to join in. They just don't know what the Ji family plans to do this time.

 I have made so many attempts in the past and all failed, so why don’t I give up?

"Okay, it's good to know. Your parents don't trust you. They wanted to go out to find you, but your brother and the others stopped them. Now they are in the house. If you want to lose your temper, just get angry at them. The child is angry with his father. It's normal to have a temper." Shen Libo said in a deep voice from the side, obviously unhappy that this incident made Shen Yun feel wronged.

"Why are you so angry? I'm so old." Shen Yun said and turned around and walked towards the courtyard. Before he entered the door, he saw a person smearing himself in the dark in the courtyard. If Shen Yun hadn't had good eyesight, he wouldn't have been able to see him.

“Dad, why didn’t you say anything when we were talking outside? What are you doing sitting here in silence?” Shen Yun came over and asked proactively.

"It's nothing. It's just that your mother is coaxing the child to sleep in the house. She thinks I'm wandering around in the house. Why don't I come out now? You're back, are you okay?" Shen Limin heard Shen Yun's words and quickly wiped his face. , raised his head and looked at Shen Yun carefully. "I'm fine. Your daughter is so strong, what could happen?" Shen Yun pretended not to notice Shen Limin's condition and sat on the chair next to him. The little Bouncing in his arms was taken away by his aunt.

“Your mother and I feel we owe you a little, knowing that the Ji family is not good to you, yet we let Momo stay.” Shen Limin said guiltily.

“Oh, one code is the same, I have grown up healthily, and I have found you when I grow up, isn’t that great?

 Besides, even if the Ji family treats me badly, it won't delay Ji Momo's return to see you. After all, you have raised her for so many years. Maybe she misses you. Your daughter is not so narrow-minded. "Chen Yun said with relief.

"You are so sensible, so your mother and I always feel that we owe you a lot." Shen Limin took Shen Yun's hand and said what he had been thinking for a long time.

"It's fate that people can become relatives in this life. Don't feel that you owe anything. You are good to me and I don't feel uncomfortable. That's fine. We are all cultivating immortals now. There will be a long time to come." After the research institute on the island was completely eradicated by Shen Yun himself, she became more enlightened. If she kept this little thing in mind every day, her future path to immortality would probably be like this.

"You are right, I will treat you well for the rest of my life." Shen Limin said, holding Shen Yun's hand tightly.

"Okay, it's late at night and there are a lot of mosquitoes outside. Let my granddaughter come in quickly." Yang Xiaocao heard her third son chirping about this matter in the house. She couldn't help but talk in the house.


"The child is so old that there is no point in calling her mother. I don't care about you anymore, I care about my granddaughter." Yang Xiaocao came over directly and pulled Shen Yun inside. Shen Guoliang was also standing at the door waiting.

“Dad, go in, the mosquitoes outside are full.” After Shen Yun finished speaking, several people present laughed.

The whole family has entered the house. Shen Yun had set up an array before, but there were no mosquitoes in the room.

“Grandma, I heard from my eldest aunt that you made delicious food for me. Let’s not say anything and let’s eat first.” Shen Yun said on his own initiative.

"It's ready for you." The eldest aunt will pull the little one over.

 (End of this chapter)

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