Chapter 325 (325) Do you mind using a special tool?

"The child is back. He didn't say anything. It's okay. We are not such stingy people. Don't keep mentioning this matter." Seeing Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqiao sitting at the table eating, Wang Aifen directly pulled a few other people and whispered explained.

Shen Yun listened quite happily, but she didn't say anything.

My own departure has really affected the whole family's hearts, so I'd better not say anything more, as I'm trying to compete for favor.

 After dinner, I chatted with my grandparents and parents. When my eldest brother and the others came back, Shen Yun fell asleep directly down there.

"Sister, didn't you say you have a way to deal with her? Why do you still let her live here?" Xiao Bengqie asked in confusion before going to bed.

"Why are you in a hurry? Let's take a rest first. She is more anxious than us now. Who knows what she is going to do here. Go to sleep. Children, don't worry so much. Be careful not to grow taller." Shen Yun said with a smile.

"Humph, I'm not worried about you. They actually said that I'm not tall. I'll show you when I grow taller in the future." Xiao Bengqi lay on the bed angrily and turned his back to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun looked very funny and handed a lotus pod over. There was still no response. After waiting for a while, Shen Yun found that the lotus pod in his hand was quietly pulled out.

 Smiling secretly, Shen Yun closed his eyes.

 Early the next morning, Shen Yun got up and practiced the body refining technique with the Shen family. After that, he spent some time teaching the body refining technique in the foundation building stage to a few more skilled people.

Ji Momo was never seen at the door of the Shen family's old house.

  I can keep my composure quite well. I got up early but didn't come to the old house. Could it be that I have really misled others.

The morning teaching activities were completed very quickly. With the previous foundation, Shen Yun did not need to come here a few times. Basically, most people have memorized it. If they don’t know it, they can just learn from each other.

"Yunyun, you and your brother are at grandma's house. Your father and I will go up and take the person out." After the practice, Yang Xiaocao and the others didn't even bother to eat. They said to Shen Yun and walked directly upstairs.

 Others have no intention of going up to take a look.

 “Yunyun, it’s time to eat.” Others greeted Shen Yun.

 “Okay.” Shen Yun responded, no longer paying attention to the above matters.

After dinner, I told others about the fact that I had found a designer and an architectural team. I wanted to go there to meet them today, and then I went out alone. Xiao Bengqie was determined not to go out, saying that she would keep an eye on her at home. Ji Momo, Shen Yun could only keep him according to his ideas.

 When Shen Yun arrived, Wang Jiaming was already waiting at the place where they left yesterday.

"Hello, I'm sorry, I'm late." Although there was no specific time agreed upon yesterday, Shen Yun still said politely.

"No, no, I just came out. By the way, I already discussed it with the team last night. If it's suitable, we will take over this job. It happens to be fine today, why don't we go to the site to have a look." Wang Jiaming said quickly.

"Okay, let's go." Of course Shen Yun had no objection.

"How are we going? Do we need to bring something? I heard it's in the mountains?" Wang Jiaming heard Shen Yun agree and immediately raised his own question.

Shen Yun thought about it. It took his family a whole day to climb to the place. If an untrained designer climbed it, it would probably take two days.

"You don't need to bring anything. You can just bring your commonly used tools. By the way, the place is a bit far away. Do you mind using special tools to get there?" Shen Yun asked.

Wang Jiaming thought about it, could the special tool be an ox cart or something like that? Is this acceptable? "Okay, wait for me for a while, I'll go back and get something, and we'll leave right away." Looking at Wang Jiaming going in, Shen Shen Yun directly took out a flying carpet from his own space. Shen Yun really didn't know how to use this before, so he kept it there. Recently, isn't there an extra door in the space that he brought back from the island? Inside it is Deep Sea Black Iron, I have been studying weapon refining recently, and now I have a high understanding of many tools in the space. There are not only flying carpets, but also flying boats, and many various magic weapons with strange shapes. I have never seen them before. I just thought about the use, but looking at the complete collection of weapon refining is like opening the door to a new world, and I know a lot more.

"Yun Yun, you came here so early." At this time, Huang Bin also came over and saw Shen Yun standing there holding a blanket, "Are you waiting for Wang Jiaming? Let me go in and call you."

“Brother, there’s no need to call. Designer Wang and I have agreed to go and have a look at the place where my house is built.” Shen Yun quickly stopped him.

"Okay, it just so happens that I haven't gone to the mountains to see my grandma for a long time, so let's go with you." Huang Bin said naturally.

Shen Yun looked at the flying carpet in his hand. Fortunately, it was not a flying sword, and it would not be considered overloaded if it accommodated three people. "Okay, let's go together later." Shen Yun responded directly.

After a while, Wang Jiaming came out with his bag, "I'm ready, let's go. Officer Huang, are you going too?"

 “Yes, let’s go over there with you and have a look.” Huang Bin nodded.

The three of them followed Shen Yun forward without much exchange of greetings.

"Yunyun, isn't it this way?" Huang Bin looked at something wrong with the path he was taking. He had been to Baiyun Village countless times and still didn't know the road.

 “The place to build the house is not in the village, so it’s just right to go this way.”

 “You don’t want to build a house in the mountains, it’s not allowed.” Huang Bin reminded.

"I know, I just rented a mountain and planned to build a house. This is the right place. You will know after a while." Shen Yun led the two people directly into the hidden forest. Although he was a flying carpet, I'm not afraid of people seeing me, but I'm really afraid of scaring people if I fly directly, so I'd better keep it in a more hidden place.

 When he arrived at the place, Shen Yun directly unfolded the blanket and placed it on the ground.

"Yunyun, are you tired from walking?" Huang Bin didn't know why.

Wang Jiaming is also a little confused. Is this where he is?

"Come up and sit down. You will know in a moment." Shen Yun sat on it himself first. I have to say that although this blanket is a magic weapon, the quality is really good. It is soft and comfortable to sit on.

The two of them were hesitant, but they listened to Shen Yun's words and sat down directly.

 Looking at the two people sitting down, Shen Yun directly used his spiritual energy to control the flying carpet to rise slowly.

“Do you feel that we are getting closer to the top of the tree?” As a designer, although Wang Jiaming cannot say that his eyes are rulers, some changes in distance and space can still be easily felt.

 And as he spoke, he had already reached the top of the tree. Who wouldn't panic?

"Don't be nervous. This is a flying carpet. It is safe and fast. It is definitely safer than any means of transportation." Shen Yun saw the two people panicking and quickly reassured them.

"How can I not be nervous about this? I was thinking about a bullock cart, but now it has turned into this. Who can bear it!" Wang Jiaming couldn't help but screamed.

 (End of this chapter)

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