Chapter 33 I’m not the worst

 The first uncle to be called in.

"Dad, I'm so old, it's inappropriate to play with children like this." Uncle Shen entered the warehouse and looked at his father sitting aside, and then at Shen Yun, who was sitting behind the baffle and couldn't see anyone. , isn’t this playing house with a child? Although we were not at home when she was young, we missed her growth, but we can’t make up for it like this.

Looking at the situation in this warehouse, his parents said it was good. This was all for the future of the Shen family. In his opinion, it was just playing house with the children. This was a torment for his own family. He didn't see that he was afraid that his wife would not cooperate. Didn't you send your wife away?

"I'll cooperate as long as I ask you to do so. Why are you talking so much nonsense? Hurry up." Before Shen Guoliang could speak, Yang Xiaocao, who came in at the same time, saw the eldest son grinding away and couldn't help but said.

 Shen Yun covered his mouth and laughed while listening.

Then I saw Uncle Shen reaching in cooperatively.

 Shen Yun instructed him to put his hand on the spiritual stone in front of him.

There was no response from the spiritual stone test. It seemed that although the ancestor of the Shen family was a cultivator, not all of her descendants might have spiritual roots after so many years.

After the uncle went out, it was the second uncle. He didn't say anything. When he came in, he reached out his hand to do the test cooperatively. There was still no movement in the spirit stone.

"Dad, you and your mother are playing here with the children. My eldest brother and I will go down to the field to take a look." The second uncle finished looking at it, and there was a group of younger ones behind him. He didn't want to wait here for the results, so he said hello directly, I went out and took my eldest brother with me and went down the mountain.

The adults are not interested, but the remaining people are still interested. The old man told them at that time that if they cooperate well, our Shen family may become different in the future, and everyone can become powerful people in the future. There is no need to stare at this three-acre land anymore.

At first, everyone felt that the old man was a liar, but later he made fun of Yunyun, and then Captain Yan. Yunyun was a college student, and Captain Yan was even more powerful. He dealt with more than a dozen bad guys by himself. They all heard this news from the teachers. .

Even though some of them are in their twenties and fathers of several children, if they think about themselves, if they can become so powerful, then it is acceptable to have to deal with them for a while.

 Everyone who came in was very cooperative. Shen Yun took down everyone's situation one by one. Not to mention, even though so many years have passed, there are still a few descendants of the Shen family who have spiritual roots.

No nephews are here today. Except for the third cousin, fourth cousin and eldest cousin who went to work, the rest plus my brother Shen Xing, there are four people of my generation.

 They are all pretty good, no one is disappointed, there are two 4 spiritual roots, one has double spiritual roots, and one has single spiritual roots.

Even my own father was found to have four spiritual roots, which is considered to be of high quality.

 The two brothers who left at the beginning had no spiritual roots.

Chen Yun held the test record paper and marveled. If calculated based on the quality of the spiritual energy recovery spirit roots later, he is the worst spiritual root in the family. After all, the five spiritual roots are very slow to cultivate, and the talent is The best thing is Shen Xing, the single spirit root, which can be cultivated very fast.

Fortunately, I now have the space of my ancestors. In the era of my ancestors, five spiritual roots like mine were the best. The five spiritual roots complement each other. In addition, I seem to have special five spiritual roots, and my cultivation speed is no faster than that of a single person. The spiritual roots are poor.

Shen Yun felt a little relieved that he was not the worst.

"Yunyun, how's it going?" After the test, Yang Xiaocao ran over first and asked, looking at the paper in Shen Yun's hand with bright eyes. Although there were a bunch of words on it that she didn't recognize, her burning eyes were fast. Burn the paper.

 “Not bad.” Shen Yun was in a good mood. "Old man, did you hear that? The result is not bad." Yang Xiaocao was even happier than she had gotten good results from her own test, so she almost pulled Shen Guoliang up and shook her.

"I heard you, don't get excited. This is just the first step. We have a long way to go in the future. Why are you so excited?" Shen Guoliang was very calm. He had already seen his granddaughter's magical skills. This time It was just a test result. He had been mentally preparing for it for several days. How could he be more excited?

“Grandpa and grandma, why don’t you two come over for a test?” Shen Yun looked at the actions of the old couple and was suddenly a little curious. The family members are so good, so he didn’t know what the two old people were like.

"We are so old, why are we testing it?" Although Yang Xiaocao said this, his eyes looked directly towards Shen Yun.

 “Come on, it doesn’t take much trouble.” Shen Yun directly took the old lady’s hand and placed it on the spiritual stone.

 The spirit-detecting stone suddenly started to glow with colorful lights after a while.

 “Grandma, you are amazing.” Shen Yun looked at the old lady looking at him with excitement and said quickly.

Now there is no need to sink Guoliang by herself, the old lady pulled the people over herself.

After a test, the old man's three spiritual roots and Shen Yun were both speechless. What kind of family is this? If conditions permit, when the spiritual energy is revived, my family will be a master of cultivation. In other people's homes, a person with five spiritual roots will It's so rare, why does it seem like my family doesn't need any money?

Shen Yun admitted that his knowledge in his previous life was too shallow. The Shen family was indeed a family with immortals in their ancestors.

But think about how the Shen family was defeated when I came to the Shen family in my previous life. Judging from the situation, the Shen family did not discover the cultivation talent of their own family at that time.

In this life, I discovered early that the Shen family’s cultivation talent would no longer be buried.

"Grandpa and grandma, our family is really amazing. When I teach my family about physical training, you two should also follow suit. In the future, our Shen family, adults and children, will be very powerful, and we will no longer be afraid of being bullied. ." Shen Yun said happily.

"Learn, all learn. If anyone doesn't study hard, I will punish them." Yang Xiaocao said happily, "Yun, there is no one here, can you get me some water? I heard what your grandfather said, Lao Xuanhu, He always shows off in front of me, and grandma also wants to see it."

Shen Yun looked at Yang Xiaocao, who was coming closer, and then at the serious Shen Guoliang, who couldn't help but feel happy. He could imagine how the old couple showed off to each other in private.

There was no ink stain either, so each person got a glass of water.

Seeing with his own eyes that Shen Yun could really make water, Yang Xiaocao was also satisfied, holding his own water cup and drinking it sweetly.

 After the two of them had finished drinking, Shen Yuncai told them in detail about the physical constitution of everyone in the family. Hearing that the eldest uncle and the second uncle had no qualifications, the old couple couldn't help but remain silent for a while.

“Hey, everyone has his own life, and the children will be able to protect the two of them in the future.” Shen Guoliang sighed, comforting himself and the two people next to him.

Shen Yun was used to this kind of thing, so he accepted it quickly, but it took Yang Xiaocao a long time to recover.

 (End of this chapter)

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