Chapter 34: The stones are warm

Out of the door, except for the eldest uncle and the second uncle and Shen Limin, everyone else was waiting here.

"How's it going? Did we just touch the stone and get any results?" Cousin Shen Yue was a lively age. When he saw Shen Yun coming out, he ran over with Shen Xing. He didn't know how significant this matter was. I just think it’s very ritualistic for the family to do something together, and it’s fun to see the elders in the family being very serious.

"Of course it works, so many of you are heating up the rocks." Shen Yun said with a smile.

 Suddenly everyone burst into laughter.

"Okay, don't laugh. It's okay if you know the result. It doesn't mean anything if you know it. Anyway, you remember, our old Shen family doesn't have bad children. Get up early tomorrow morning. Let's gather here. Then teach Yunyun You should practice some of your skills and you will become heroes in the future." Shen Guoliang was very pleased to see the family enjoying themselves.

 After a while, everyone was laughing, and then they came over to inform them about the incident.

Suddenly, everyone no longer cared about looking at the test results, and began to be curious about what Shen Yun would teach tomorrow.

  One by one, they all came over and started asking questions.

 Shen Yun instantly seemed to be surrounded by hundreds of ducks.

"Stop, don't be anxious. Everyone will know it tomorrow. Let's make a deal first. If anyone doesn't practice well then, don't blame me for being rude." Shen Yun was so noisy that he couldn't bear it anymore and screamed.

"Don't worry about this. Although we are not good at studying, our athletic ability is really good. I will definitely satisfy you when the time comes." The first cousin Shen Chen affirmed by patting his chest, and several others nodded.

Seeing everyone like this, Shen Yun was satisfied. He put away the small notes he had recorded and prepared to go back and prepare lessons. This was his first time teaching people.

 Shen Yun not only prepared the lessons that day, but also found exercises in the space that were suitable for everyone to practice.

Although you can’t practice yet, you should prepare it first. When the spiritual energy is revived, you can just give it to everyone.

By the way, the most important thing is to let everyone memorize the acupuncture point map, so that you can enter the cultivation state faster in the future. This is Shen Yun's experience summed up in his previous life.

 Early in the morning, before the sun had risen, the Shen family gathered in the open space at the entrance of the warehouse.

The eldest uncle and the second uncle, along with their two cousins-in-law and children, were watching the fun.

At first, they were a little bit doubtful about not taking them with them as they were not regarded as the Shen family, and felt a little uncomfortable. But later, they looked at what Shen Yun taught them to practice, and they had to read and recognize acupuncture points. The Shen family members screamed in pain from being tortured. They were happy just watching the excitement, but their discomfort was gone.

If you ask them to go now, they may not go. You will be blind for the rest of your life. You don’t want to be able to read and memorize things. The most terrifying thing is that your parents are watching. If you don’t study hard, your own mother will whip you personally. kind of.

 Shen Yun and the others are practicing vigorously here, and the people next to them are watching them as if they are watching monkeys playing tricks.

"Yunyun, I don't think this will work. It will easily lead to family conflicts. Look, we are tired, but they are having fun over there. I think we should bring them over to practice. Your aunt is in good health and has free time. It's also idle." Uncle Shen wiped his sweat and looked at Wang Aifen, who was swaying and laughing over there.

“Let’s practice first, and then you can ask auntie about their intentions later, and we will make a decision then.” Shen Yun said with a smile.

The grandparents of the Shen family can make the decision. Although the eldest aunt and others have married into the Shen family, whether they practice or not depends on their own wishes.

"Okay, I'll make sure they agree when the time comes." Uncle Shen said harshly. Shen Yun didn't let them practice for long. When the sun rose, Shen Yun stopped teaching today. They couldn't remember too many lessons in one day. It was better to do it step by step. This way, practicing in the morning would not delay everyone's work during the day. .

There are a total of 45 conjoined movements before practicing Qi. As long as Shen Yun hands these to everyone before going to school, and then they continue to practice at home, their physical fitness will slowly improve.

I have to say that the Shen family is really good in this aspect. After only three days of practice, they learned most of the moves. Even if the two old people learn slowly, if others have learned it, they can teach each other.

"Okay, that's it for today. Don't just focus on practicing the movements when you go back. Remember the acupuncture points clearly." The day was over, Shen Yun emphasized again.

 There is no way, no one is interested in the acupuncture point map, so Shen Yun doesn't have to nag anymore.

 “I know.” He agreed simply.

"Yun Yun, I'm going to your aunt's house today. You can go with me." After finishing, Shen Guoliang gave Shen Yun a look.

"Okay grandpa." Shen Yun nodded. A week has passed, and it's time to check if the marrow cleaning fluid pipe is working. This week, Shen Yun has been practicing the Hui Dan every night, and now he has successfully refined the marrow cleaning solution. The pill was taken, but for the convenience of taking it, Shen Yun planned to give Huang Song the marrow cleansing liquid.

 After the two of them had dinner, Shen Yun followed Shen Guoliang down the mountain.

"I don't know how your uncle is doing?" Although the old man didn't show much on his face these days, he was still worried about him in his heart. Not only did he just go down the mountain, there was no one else around, so he couldn't help but talk to Shen Yun.

“Grandpa, don’t worry, it won’t be too bad. You have to trust my medicine.” Shen Yun said comfortingly.

Shen Guoliang thought about Shen Yun's methods and the physical training he had practiced at home in the past few days. None of them were simple things, and he felt relieved a lot.

 The two of them went directly to Huang's house when they arrived in town.

"Dad, Yunyun, why are you here?" The person who opened the door was Shen Huaan. It seemed that her uncle's illness had a great impact on her. She hadn't seen her for a few days, and her aunt, who used to have a rosy face and a good complexion, had lost a layer of weight on her cheeks. , the whole person seemed listless.

"Come and take a look. I don't feel at ease staying at home. By the way, you can let Huang Song take the medicine I gave you last time." Shen Guoliang said standing at the door.

"Eat, eat, dad, where did you get this medicine? Huang Song really doesn't cough much after taking it. It's just too little. I think I only have two days' worth left." Shen Hua'an said this. Very happy.

"Hi, you..." Shen Guoliang then realized that they didn't eat that day, and they would eat it two days later.

"Grandpa, it's okay. You understand, auntie." Shen Yun pulled Shen Guoliang. This is human nature. After all, they were not sure whether this medicine could be used, and they always wanted to see if there were other methods.

"Yes, Dad, we don't dare to take medicine randomly if the results are not out in those two days. Don't be angry. Come in and sit down. See if Huang Song's face looks better these days than before." Shen Huaan also said Said on the side.

The two people then walked into the house.

 (End of this chapter)

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