Chapter 35 Breath Change

“Huang Song just took the medicine and fell asleep. He hasn’t woken up yet. You guys sit down for a while.” Shen Huaan poured water for the two of them directly.

“How has Huang Song been doing these past few days, and what will be the outcome?” Shen Guoliang asked with concern.

 Shen Yun listened carefully on the side.

 “Dad, the situation is not good.” Shen Huaan burst into tears as he spoke. "The doctor said that Huang Song had developed lung cancer and had to come back and wait for the time, so he gave him some painkillers. The doctor said that there is no good treatment for this now. If you want, you can go for chemotherapy, but this is only It’s just a little delay.”

 Shen Huaan's eyes were red and swollen, and it looked like he had cried a lot in the past few days.

 Shen Guoliang's eyes turned red when he heard Shen Huaan say this. "There is nothing we can do, Huang Song is only in his 40s.

By the way, what is the effect of Huang Song after taking the medicine I brought you? "

"Speaking of this, I don't know which doctor you got this medicine from. Huang Song feels a lot better after taking it. It's just that he has never taken it before, and there will be a lot of smelly things on his body. But this doesn't affect it. Huang Song has been eating for a few days, and his face is not so ugly." Shen Huaan wiped his tears and cheered up.

"It'll be good if you feel comfortable, but this doctor only buys medicine. If you want medicine, I will find a way for you, but if you want to see someone, you have to go to the hospital." Shen Guoliang calmed down and said.

 After all, Shen Yun never said anything about her medical skills. This medicine refining may be a method of the immortal family, and he did not say it on his own initiative.

"There's no need to look, Dad, I'm fine. This is your life. You can live as long as you want, but don't worry about it anymore." While several people were talking, Huang Song came out of the bedroom.

Although his face looks better, he is much thinner than last time I saw him.

If Shen Guoliang hadn't come here last time and forced them to see a doctor, he wouldn't have been willing to go. He still knew his own health.

"Uncle, what are you talking about? What does it mean to be dead? My aunt is still so young. If you think about leaving her behind, what will happen to her future life? How painful it will be for a mandarin duck to lose his companion." Shen Yun She couldn't bear to hear people giving up their lives. It was so difficult to survive in her previous life, but she wanted to survive. As long as people still have hope, they shouldn't give up.

“Who wouldn’t want to live?” Huang Song sighed and sat next to him.

 Suddenly there was no words in the living room.

Shen Yun had nothing to say. According to the current medical conditions, Huang Song had already been sentenced to death. He could only see if the medicine he gave him had any effect.

Chen Yun took a closer look at the aura on Huang Song's body, and found that the dark aura had dispersed a little. This was a good sign, and Shen Yun felt happy.

It's a pity that she doesn't have medical skills, so she can only see how the Qi has improved and the specific condition of the other person's body. She thinks she is at a low level now, so she can't tell.

"Didn't my aunt say that it is effective for you to take the medicine that grandpa brought? When you came here, grandpa went to get some for you. This time there is a little different medicine. Maybe you will be fine after taking these. Let's not give up yet. "A lot of people are getting better after taking this medicine." In order to improve Huang Song's confidence, no one else was mentioned by Shen Yun.

Although Shen Guoliang didn't know that Shen Yun also brought medicine this time, he cooperated after Shen Yun said so.

Shen Yun brought a bottle of marrow cleansing liquid this time, as well as a Peiyuan Pill.

"Uncle, the doctor said, you should finish this medicine, then this, and then go to the hospital for a check-up." Shen Yun handed the medicine to Shen Hua'an who was aside. "Okay, okay, I'll watch your uncle take it." Shen Hua'an responded hurriedly. Regardless of whether the medicine works or not, Huang Song at least stopped coughing after taking it and his face improved a lot. She believed that the medicine must work. Just order what you need. If you can't eat one box, just eat a few more boxes. God won't let such a good person like Huang Song leave like this.

“Dad, how much does this medicine cost? Let Hua An give it to you.” Huang Song said on the side.

 “These medicines are not expensive.” Shen Yun said quickly.

"Yes, the medicine is not expensive. You still have important things to do with your money. You will have to go to the hospital for a check-up later, so don't rush to give it to me. I don't have much money to spend now." Shen Guoliang quickly waved his hand. Since his granddaughter said it was not expensive, he should treat it as not expensive. With this method of the Immortal Family, he, an old man, could not afford to pay, so he could only ask his family to treat the child better.

"Thank you, dad. I won't be polite to you anymore." Shen Huaan didn't insist on giving it. There will be more opportunities to repay the family in the future, so it's better to get over this difficulty now.

 The two of them didn’t stay too long and left directly after lunch.

"Have you noticed how your uncle is doing?" Shen Guoliang asked Shen Yun in a low voice after he was far away.

"Although I have lost weight, I look and feel much better than last time. After taking the medicine I gave you today, I guess you will be fine. I will leave a bottle for you, grandpa, and wait to see the results of uncle's examination. If Okay, there is no need to give this bottle of medicine." Shen Yun said to Shen Guoliang carefully.

If it were a marrow-cleansing pill left by our ancestors, one drop would probably be enough. I don’t have enough time to practice medicine, and the medicinal materials are relatively young, so it will take a little longer, but it’s okay. If one pill is taken, all diseases will be cured. That’s too high-profile, although in this era The information is not developed, but she believes it will be spread everywhere in a few days. It is better for everyone to go slower.

“Good girl, I will definitely talk to your uncle and the others later, and I will treat you well.” Shen Guoliang said happily.

“Then I would like to thank Grandpa for saying good things to me.” Shen Yun was in a good mood.

 “You deserve this.”


"You old man, what's going on these days? You keep walking down the mountain, and you even take your granddaughter with you. Isn't this beautiful? Have you had lunch?" As soon as the two of them walked to the door, they met someone who was about to go out. Yang Xiaocao.

When I saw my grandfather and grandson, I immediately lost my temper.

“Grandma, we have eaten. Grandpa took me to my aunt’s house in town to eat.” Shen Yun directly stopped Yang Xiaocao’s arm.

"Okay, I don't need to bother after eating. That's it. Your grandpa is used to running around every day. We don't want to run around with him to avoid getting calluses on our feet." Yang Xiaocao took Shen Yun and explained. .

“Well, I listen to grandma.” Shen Yun nodded.

Hearing what Shen Yun said, the old lady nodded with satisfaction, glanced at Shen Guoliang proudly, and then led Shen Yun towards the room.

"Good boy, you will go to school in two days. These are the clothes your aunt and I made for you in the past few days. You can try them first to see if they fit. Although they are not as good-looking as those sold by others, they are comfortable to wear." Yang Xiaocao pulled Shen Yun into the room, took out a new piece of clothing from the box and handed it to Shen Yun.

 (End of this chapter)

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