Chapter 334 (334) Business is business

We all know the town supervisor Shen Yun, and we were surprised to see Shen Yun bring an ordinary person over.

"What's wrong?" The person on duty saw Shen Yun entering and quickly got up to greet him.

"This is the daughter of the Ji family in Beijing. The Ji family is currently under investigation. The whole family must stay at home, but she ran directly to my house. Please bring her back to cooperate with the investigation." Shen Yun directly took Ji Mo. Mo pushed over.

"Okay, we will take care of this matter, and the person will be sent back directly." The supervisor immediately responded. Since it is sent to them, it must be related to the cultivator's affairs, so they must take care of it.

"Don't listen to her nonsense. I'm not from the Ji family. My surname is Shen. She took my position and harmed me. I didn't know that the Ji family was bad. I didn't do anything. You can't cover her up." Ji Momo howled along the way and Shen Yun ignored him. When he saw this place, he immediately started to scream again.

"It's like this. She and I hugged each other when we were young, but we went back to our respective homes a few years ago, and the relationship between the two families was not very good. It was she who took the initiative to go to Beijing at that time. Before that, I didn't I know they sent me back with the appraisal report. "Chen Yun didn't hide the past situation. When Ji Momo said this, she calmly told the story.

The person who was a little confused at first couldn't help but look at Shen Yun with a look of sympathy, but it was wrong to think about it. For a moment, he didn't know who to sympathize with. After all, both of them were quite unlucky.

But now I think about it, Shen Yun is lucky again. His cultivation is so good now and his social status is also very high. If he continues to stay in the Ji family, what will happen now is not certain.

"I don't want to be in Ji's house now. I regret it. I didn't do anything. Please let me come back. I will definitely not quarrel with you in the future. I really can't stay in Ji's house anymore." Ji Momo Seeing that Shen Yun didn't shy away from the past things and spoke directly, I realized that Shen Yun really didn't care about the previous things and didn't feel ashamed.

 Thinking about going back to Ji's house, I suddenly stopped going crazy and cried and begged Shen Yun.

"My parents have raised me all my life, and they definitely can't bear to see anything happen to me." Ji Momo looked at Shen Yun and looked at her, and immediately added.

"You also know that your parents raised you, so what did you do? You came to trample on their hearts, and you saw them in Beijing and laughed at them." Shen Yun asked coldly. The situation she encountered in the city is still vivid in her mind, but she didn't say a kind word to Shen Limin.

"I was young and vigorous at that time, so my parents wouldn't care, please. Please." Ji Momo opened her mouth to explain.

"That's not okay. I don't agree. Who knows if you have committed any crime in the Ji family? It's business." Shen Yun said to the person next to him. He looked a bit like a young girl when he said this.

"I, I didn't, it was all done by other people in the Ji family. What can I do as a girl?" Ji Momo's explanation was a bit pale. After all, after living so long, it is probably that the things in her life are relatively big. , so this will make it unnatural for a moment in the eyes of a few people.

"Take it back and investigate according to the rules. Whether something has been done depends on the results of the investigation." The person on the supervisor's side understood it clearly after just one look, and said proactively before Shen Yun could speak.

“Okay, I’ll trouble you,” Shen Yun said politely.

 “It’s your job, it’s what you should do.”

"Shen Yun, you have to die a good death. My whole life has been ruined by you. Just wait, I won't let you go." Ji Momo shouted sternly as he was taken away.

"I'm waiting for you to come find me." Shen Yun said lightly.

The people next to him looked at Shen Yun and found that Shen Yun, who was still smiling at first, now looked calm, and a powerful aura emanated from his body. Only then did everyone understand why this girl, who usually looked so harmless, was chosen as the first supervisor.

 After being surprised, they were more reassured. Now that they have such a powerful supervisor in their field of duty, they are not afraid of encountering any difficult problems.

 After settling Ji Momo's matter, Shen Yun went back to the mountain directly.

“Yunyun, where did you go just now?” Yang Cancan was the first to greet him. After the little jumping thing was over, they went up the mountain to have a look, but no one was there.

"Just now I felt that Ji Momo came to the mountain again. I sent someone directly to the supervisor's station in the town. The Ji family has committed a crime and is under investigation. Ji Momo should have run out privately, so I sent him Go back." Shen Yun said calmly.

Yang Cancan was stunned for a moment, "It's okay to send it back, that's what it should be."

 Then there was silence for a moment, "What happened to the Ji family?"

"It's not clear yet, but if she didn't participate, nothing would happen, but her life might not be so good in the future." Shen Yun told the truth.

 It was expected that Yang Cancan would ask this question.

 “Okay.” Yang Cancan nodded and didn’t ask any more questions.

"How is the result of your retreat? Are you hungry? We don't care about other people's affairs. Your family is waiting for you. Little Bengqiao has also come out. Let's go and have a look." Yang Cancan pulled Shen Yun and said.

“Okay, let’s go.” Shen Yun followed Yang Cancan and continued walking forward.

As expected, everyone in the family is busy, and the grandparents are sitting at home where the fortune cards are placed, staring inside.

Shen Yun was familiar with this move. The room where the life card was placed was built next to the house where the old couple lived. Every time someone at home went out, the old couple would sit at the door of this room and work. If nothing happened, they would look inside. Shen Yun Yun handed over the management of this place to them. In order to facilitate the production, the old couple specially learned how to refine life cards with Shen Yun. For the time being, their skill in refining weapons was slightly better than that of Shen Heng. Shen Heng was currently learning from Shen Yun. As for refining the storage bag, I already know the formation. The most difficult thing now is that the storage bag is relatively ugly.

"Grandpa and grandma, I'm back." Shen Yun greeted, and the old couple's eyes immediately moved from that room.

"You girl, you didn't even say hello when you went out. Your dad and the others went up to see that you were gone. They were shocked. If we hadn't seen everything in here, we would have gone up the mountain." Yang Xiaocao hurried over. Hold Shen Yun's hand.

"Suddenly something happened and I forgot." Shen Yun was also a little embarrassed.

"Okay, let's go eat first. We haven't eaten in seclusion for such a long time. Although we have become immortals, we still have to experience the fireworks of the world occasionally. Your aunt and the others went to the mountains to pick mushrooms today. I killed the chicken. Today Try your own chicken stewed with mushrooms." Yang Cancan didn't ask Shen Yun what he was doing. She just wanted her child to come back safely and her family to live well.

 (End of this chapter)

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