Chapter 335 (335) Rapid progress

A meal of chicken stewed with mushrooms made everyone mouth-watering after not having a good meal for a long time. Last time they ate flying fish, but now there are some flying fish in the valley, and they don't want to fly all the time. , even if you have to fly up and slide along the mountain spring water every morning and then come down, it has become a scene in the mountains. Some of the gentlemen in the family are not allowed to catch and eat them. They go fishing with the entire hook every day. What can I say? Catch it when the time comes and eat it again.

Anyway, Shen Yun saw that there were more and more flying fish, and the fishing activities of several people every afternoon became more and more vigorous. They ate a lot of other fish, but not a single flying fish was caught.

"Eat fish, I will catch fish tomorrow, no more fishing." Shen Guoliang, who is the most insistent on fishing, has spoken. Now except for practicing and taking care of poultry, he basically has nothing to do, so fishing is a way to kill time. I enjoyed the activity very much, and now I suddenly feel that there is no conflict between eating fish and fishing.

I glanced at the two eldest sons and daughter-in-law who were eating happily, as well as a few family members who could not practice cultivation. They themselves had a longer life span, but the others only had a lifetime. They would not eat, and they would not let others Follow along and don’t eat.

 “Okay, there are fish to eat again.” Several children who didn’t know how to feel sad jumped up and down happily.

“Sister, I have reached the perfection of the golden elixir. How are you?” After dinner, Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqie were basking in the sun together in the valley while talking about the gains from the retreat.

"In the middle stage of the golden elixir, the cultivation level has stabilized." He sighed at the unique talent of the divine beast and was very satisfied with the results of his cultivation. Originally, he thought that it would be good to advance to the middle stage of the golden elixir. Who knew that in such a short time, he would He has stabilized his cultivation in the middle stage of Jindan. It seems that his cultivation ability has also increased since the last time his blood was purified.

“That’s great. Let’s continue to practice hard in the future, and the world will let us go sideways.” Xiao Bengqi’s ideals are very high.

“You are a phoenix, not a crab, why are you walking sideways?” Shen Yun said with a smile.

“That’s true, no need to walk sideways, I’m also the most powerful cub.” Xiao Bengqiao said proudly.

Shen Yun listened and smiled. The lethality of the two of them together was indeed immeasurable. The little one who jumped out was indeed the most powerful one.

 Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqie are enjoying a rare leisure time.

“Master, look at the elixir we refined.” The three apprentices came over directly and showed the elixir to Shen Yun.

It looked like a pill. Shen Yun went over to smell it, took one and ate it in his mouth, feeling the power of the medicine slowly dissipate in his mouth, "This spirit-boosting pill is well made. "

 “Master, I refined it.” Qu Jing said happily.

"Yes, it's a great improvement to be able to make it from a ball of paste to something like this. It seems that you have worked hard during this period." Shen Yun was not stingy with his praise at all.

“Master, please try ours quickly. This one was refined by me, and this one was refined by my brother.” Jiang Zhi next to her urged anxiously.

"Okay." Chen Yun looked directly at the other two elixirs. The two of them were refining solid elixirs. Looking at the texture of the low-level elixirs above, although they were not as powerful as Qujing's refining, compared with the previous paste, This is already a big improvement.    He went up and took a whiff, and a medicinal fragrance hit his nostrils directly. Shen Yun knew it was a success without even trying.

"You have also succeeded. I gave your grandfather this elixir. When the time comes, you can send the solid elixir to your grandfather to try." Shen Yun suggested.

Mr. Jiang and the others have already written recommendations for the solid elixir given by Shen Yun, and even written feedback on the effects after taking it. For elixirs like this, you don’t need to evaluate them yourself, as the other party may know the effects better than you do.

"Okay, Master, let's pay for the spiritual planting of the herbal medicine ourselves." Both of them were very surprised. The family members are getting older, and their health must not be as good as before. If there is any illness, this kind of pill The medicine is the best, suitable for ordinary people, and the medicine is mild. Of course they want to give some to their families, but they have participated in the planting of every spiritual plant in the mountain. They know that the number of spiritual plants is still very small. They are precious. Many spiritual plants that are not available outside are available here, which shows how rare they are. Therefore, even though it is their master, they still offered to pay.

“Since you want to pay, let’s also pay for the spiritual plants used to refine the elixir during this period.” Shen Yun looked at the three people with a smile.

The three people looked at each other, "Master, did we say something wrong?" Qu Jing was like a small animal, the most sensitive to people's emotional changes. Hearing what Shen Yun said and looking at Shen Yun's smiling face, he intuitively felt that Shen Yun The mood is not very beautiful.

"You didn't say anything wrong. Don't you have money? Don't you want to divide it more clearly? Then give all the money. It just so happens that your master and I are quite short of money." Shen Yun stopped smiling.

"No, master, don't get me wrong. I didn't mean it, and I didn't make it clear. We are just embarrassed. Since you don't use it, we won't be polite. We will refine it and send it to my grandfather later." Jiang Zhi He reacted immediately and said shamelessly.

"Okay, that's it, let's go and make alchemy quickly." Shen Yun stopped being funny. After solving the new learning questions for the three of them, he let them continue to make alchemy.

 “It’s really troublesome to accept a disciple.” Xiao Bengqie sighed from the side after watching the whole process.

"The three of them are quite smart. They don't know what's going on at the school yet. Let's go over and have a look later." These things still have to be worried about. Since I have taken this job, I must do it well, otherwise I will go back. They are all things.

The next morning, Shen Yun greeted his family and went to school. Many people were practicing in the alchemy room, and there were some young spiritual plants beside them. Shen Yun couldn't bear to look at it, but thinking about the country The newly established spiritual plant training base does not have any old spiritual plants.

"How are you doing? Have you had any effect from your recent practice?" Shen Yun looked at the people inside who were concentrating on refining elixirs without disturbing them. He waited until everyone had finished their work before asking.

"Teacher, look at the results of our refining." One by one, they raised the bottles they carried with them. The strange-shaped things inside slowly turned into elixirs, and elixir patterns gradually appeared on them.

“Not bad, not bad. It seems that everyone is making rapid progress. Sure enough, a lot of practice is effective.” Shen Yun praised.

After answering some questions here, Shen Yun flew towards the west of the country, where there was a spiritual energy eye in his previous life. If nothing unexpected happened, it would have started to explode in the past few days.

 (End of this chapter)

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