When the spiritual energy in Shen Yun's body was slightly overflowing, Shen Yun quickly left this place and walked farther away, while Xiao Bengqiao still sat there meditating.

Shen Yun was not worried about him and found a place to digest the spiritual energy just stored in his body.

After absorbing the spiritual energy, Shen Yun returned to the place where he just stood and continued to absorb the spiritual energy.

"Sister, this spiritual energy is not a problem for us in the Golden Core stage, and this much spiritual energy will not last long, so we have to take advantage of this time to absorb more spiritual energy. You can sit next to me and practice. I will protect you." Xiao Bengqi looked up at Shen Yun and said seriously.

"Okay." Shen Yun thought about his feelings just now. He was also cautiously testing, but now he agrees with what Xiao Bengqi said.

The two people were practicing on the mountain not far away. There were still animals coming and going in the valley. Occasionally, a loud banging sound could be heard, but the two people paid no attention to it.

After practicing for two days, Shen Yun felt someone's presence approaching, put away his technique, and stood up directly.

He said something to Xiao Bengqi and headed towards the direction where the person was coming from.

He was the local supervisor, and more than a dozen people came. Before they even got close to the valley, there were exclamations from the crowd.

“Why do I feel like spiritual energy is drilling into my body?” A word rang out from the crowd, and people around him echoed it.

"Hello, I am Shen Yun from Beijing City. I am the one who is delivering the news to you." Shen Yun appeared directly. The cultivation levels of several people were all in the Qi training period. They were walking forward, and the huge spiritual energy was pulling people towards them. If you get hurt, it's really your own fault.

 “Hello, hello.” The leader immediately greeted with a smile.

They have heard of Shen Yun's name. It was this girl who made the teleportation talisman. In addition, Shen Yun was the supervisor from the beginning, so there are quite a few people who know Shen Yun.

"Everyone, don't go any further for the time being. The spiritual energy in the front is more intense. I believe everyone can feel the spiritual energy pouring into their bodies. If you go further, there will be more spiritual energy. You can't digest such a large amount of spiritual energy, and your body will be damaged. It will be broken." Shen Yun warned directly.

 “Can spiritual energy still hurt people?” The person over there asked a question.

“Of course, there are many animals in the valley below. In the past two days, tens of thousands of animals of various sizes have been transformed into blood mist and become nutrients for plants. If you don’t believe it, feel free to do so.”

"Believe it, we definitely believe it, then we will camp here and wait for people from the headquarters to come over." The leader made a decision immediately.

Seeing them stop, Shen Yun returned to the position where he had just practiced, "Do you feel how many more days this situation can last?" Shen Yun asked Xiao Bengqi on the side.

"In a week at most, the spiritual energy here will not have such impact. Then it will be the same as ordinary spiritual energy, except that this place is a little richer than other places." Xiao Bengqi continued, this is what he just realized No matter how long you feel the power of rules, you won't be able to feel it for the time being.

"Okay, I understand." Shen Yun originally thought that in this situation, he could bring all his family members over to practice, and most importantly, to improve their strength. However, in just seven days, with their sword-wielding speed, it was estimated that they would not be able to reach this place. It takes four or five days, and it’s almost over now, so there’s no need to come here again.

Since he no longer had to worry about his family, Shen Yun continued to sit down and practice with peace of mind. "Boss, can't we go to the front?" The people behind asked the leader while setting up camp.

"If you are not afraid of death, then go and have a look." The boss looked at the young man in front of him and said with a smile.

"That's not what I meant. I just wondered why she could get through, but we couldn't. After all, the woman just now didn't look much better than us." Xiao Qian asked.

"Haha, you are still too young. You can't see through other people's cultivation. It doesn't mean that they are not powerful. It's just that they restrained their own cultivation for fear of hurting us. You must have never heard about what happened on Kunlun Mountain. This girl took down a bad guy in the Jindan stage by herself." The boss whispered what he had learned.

“Hiss, Jin Danqi, then we are not even as good as one of her fingers.” The young man took a breath of air.

"Don't be so arrogant. You haven't done anything bad, and people won't do anything to you. If they really want to do something to you, you really aren't worth a finger. After all, it's not her turn to take action on such a trivial matter." The boss Said with a smile.

The young man shrank his shoulders. He really didn't dare to do anything.

After waiting for another day, people from the capital city also came over. After all, the aura eye was not a trivial matter. There were quite a few people coming this time, and the leader was Xu Lei, who was already in the middle stage of foundation building.

Still letting the others stay where they were, Shen Yun took Xu Lei and looked forward. Although he couldn't see the situation in front of the aura eyes, the densely packed animals nearby that had become monsters and spirit beasts were still something he was used to seeing. Xu Lei took a breath of spiritual energy.

 “So many?” Xu Lei murmured.

"There are very few humans living in this place, but there are really a lot of animals, and the animals' sensitivity to spiritual energy is no worse than that of humans, so there were a lot of animals here on the first day, plus the non-stop... If not tens of thousands of them died, then there would be even more. "Chen Yun gave an explanation.

Xu Lei was about to ask why so many people died when he saw a bang below. Now he knew why they died without asking, and why Shen Yun asked people to stay in that place.

 The spiritual energy in this place was too strong. Within a short time, he felt that his body was almost full.

Looking at the situation in this place, Xu Lei did not stay long and retreated directly to the camp at the rear. While digesting the spiritual energy in his body, he sent messages to colleagues in the surrounding departments and local supervisors.

Xu Lei doesn't think that these animals will stay in the mountains honestly in the future if they have the strength. Even if there are such animals, it doesn't rule out that some want to go out and have a look. If this happens, their department will have to protect them in advance to prevent the tide of animals. happened.

Time passes very quickly. Once the week is up, the spiritual energy that was rushing towards the person's body suddenly seems to have pressed the pause button and slows down, no different from the spiritual energy outside.

Chen Yun and Xiao Bengqiao also stood up. Since it was the same as outside, there was no need to practice in such a hurry. Chen Yun felt the results of this week's practice. It was as good as the last year. He himself We have just reached the middle stage of Golden Elixir, and now we have reached the threshold of the late Golden Elixir stage.

Little Bengqi is even more exaggerated. He has reached the perfection of the Golden Elixir and is one step away from becoming the Nascent Soul.

“Roar.” Just as he was feeling his cultivation, he heard a roar coming from the valley.

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